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Everything posted by jshockeyguy7

  1. its a nice change of pace.... resident evil 4 just came out and it rivals graphically both the xbox and ps2.... all the marios are fun..... mario kart double dash.... mario golf.... especially mario tennis..... Controls are ok, carries some sports games, wont find ESPN or Sega licensed sports on it though. Overall has the capability to be up there with xbox and ps2 but chooses not to as to keep its family orientated image. Buy it if you need your gaming fix and your short on cash... but i dont think it will replace a ps2 or xbox in the long run
  2. yes, i own a gamecube
  3. i play world of warcraft.... what of it?
  4. www.bearshare.com download the free software... ive had it for over a year now.... its not very widely known and it doesnt have the virus and trojan add ons like kazaa etc....
  5. why dont you go to gamestop... we are the #1 retailer of video games in the states for a reason ya know
  6. i just heard this song on the radio, and i think hes trying to sing "Rudy the Red-Beaked reindeer".... but yea it does sound like hes singing it the other way..... or maybe hes singing about Rudolph's encounter with a virgin? either way thats hilarious
  7. whoa, did anyone notice that thurman thomas's name is on the petition? what are the chances, or is it just someone using that alias
  8. i signed it. and ok guys, whose the funny guy and keeps signing it as "Name Supplied"
  9. i go to Niagara... had the pleasure of having him speak in one of my Business classes. Doesn't seem like a bad guy, and everyone at NU has him on a pedastal. But it did seem pretty obvious the guy was way in over his head and has some issues
  10. this is very unusual for titles of this magnitude... but at the gamestop i work at we already got over 300 copies of halo 2 in stock. Breaking the street date the way they did means Microsoft or Bungie will NEVER ship them or anyone else associated with their company. So that means Meijers or whoever wont get anymore copies or xboxes...including a xbox 2 if it comes out. Its very serious to do that and you can bet the cops will be involved and heavy fines. That being said it is hard to go into the back room and see over 300 halo 2's sitting there
  11. i work at gamestop.... and the people over at EB are right. If you dont have halo2 reserved or pre-ordered there is very slim chance you could get your hands on one for the first month or so its out.
  12. im not trying to rain on your parade or anything.... but why are you online and posting on a message board on what should be one of the happiest days of your life.....go get drunk and hang out with other bosox fans man
  13. even after all the rivalry stuff and whatnot... its nice to see someone who truly cares about their team and when winning a game like this means that much to you that you want to share it with someone special, it shows how important a sports team can be to a family or a region.
  14. play final fantasy 11.... or the new world of warcraft coming out....much better options than EQ in my opinion
  15. well... i work at gamestop on military in NF... and just like this board everyone seems to be torn on the xbox / ps2 differences. Heres my opinion and the general opinion of everyone at gamestop and my customers. Both systems have their strengths and weaknesses, obviously the HD and the better graphics and loading speeds on the xbox, but still lacks the massive title selection PS2 has to offer. As with games like GTA : SA for the xbox they take that much longer to be developed because the graphics are better, its a much more advanced processing system on the xbox, and microsoft always wants to put out a better product, no matter how long it takes. ( As a side note for GTA its actually 7 times as big as Vice City, it takes place in a whole state! And if you havent yet, if you really want this game when it comes out please go to your local gamestop, or come see me on military and reserve it, or else you wont get it. ) Now with PS2, you get a wider variety of games, and free online play which is nice. But it lacks the same graphics capalities the xbox has, and you need to buy memory cards which have limitied space, especially if you have a NHL or Madden franchise. As for the person who asked about ESPN Hockey, this game dominates NHL 05 in every aspect. I play my franchise mode on Hall of Famer with the goalies skill all the way up and the franchise difficulty all the way up, and i started the season 0-12 but im back up to 7-13 now. So to simplify my argument XBox = First person shooters / Sports games / Online if you can afford it PS2 = RPG's / Wider Variety / Free Online Capablitites It all just comes down to what you prefer. Sorry if this was too in-depth.... but it is my job after all.
  16. first of all.... i never asked my dad for help at all..... i rarely see my dad and frankly usually i dont even want to see him as a result of stuff thats happened in the past....I was expecting to do this alone as i thought i should... because it was my fault, and im now an "adult" so i should of had to face the music..... but at the same time a fine and points on my license would of killed me....i pay over $250 a month already for insurance / gas / books for college etc...not to mention if something goes wrong with my car or anything like that.... and the only job i have is $6 a hour at gamestop for like 10-12 hours a week cause thats all the time i have for, because im usually at work study trying to pay my tuiton here at NU, or studying and doing my homework....and as im on my parents insurance right now, if i had gotten points i would of been taken off it it quickly, leaving me with no insurance cause i wouldnt be able to afford it....so to say i havent learned my lesson is just plain naive....i was simply trying to thank the people who expressed their sympathy, and fulfilling my promise that i would tell everyone what happened..... so all you pompous old !@#$s who feel the need to flame a 18 year old kid trying to make ends meet just so he can stay in college :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: ....to everyone else... thanks for your continued support and understanding
  17. my real dad had to work....i live with my step dad and i probably appreciate the fact that he would come with me when i needed him more than i do my dad for helping me out
  18. ok so for everyone involved in my "i need help" thread dealing with my 84 in a 55 ticket on the la salle expressway...today was my court appearance at 8:30 AM in niagara falls. So i get there with my step dad and we stand around waiting for court to open....then get in line to talk with the prosecutor, out of nowhere a police officer calls out "is jshockeyguy here" and pulls me into the prosecutors room....and hes like....this is what were gonna do for you.... were gonna change your speed from 84 in a 55, to 70 in a 55..... as a request from the officer....then plea that down to a parking ticket....which means no school and no points...just a fine. So im sitting there in shock...and relief...until i get into the courtroom and seeing people walk away with $100's of dollars in fines...... And then i get even more worried because every single person there, gets called before i do..... but then i understand why. When the judge finally called me up he asked me if i plead guilty to the reduced charges, said guilty your honor. Then hes like...."how old are you son".... told him i was 18.... then he started on how it was important for me to know the severity of going 84 on the expressway....which i do and said that if i ever appeared in his court again he would personally make sure i didnt get a plea....then proceeded to give me a $25 fine.....so im sitting there thinking OK.....84 in a 55 = $25 fine? but it turned out my real dad (whose a cop for niagara county) had called the state trooper and the judge to smooth things over....which is why they waited until i was alone in the courtroom to rule on my case because it wouldnt look too good on the guy who had gone before me for going 80 in a 55 and got a $300 fine heh.....but anyways....as promised thats what happened....and i just wanted to thank everyone for their kind words in my previous thread....it meant a lot for when i didnt know where to go because i was so worried..... thanks!
  19. 1. Elisha Cuthbert i think shes all i would need check it out for yourself... www.elisha-cuthbert.com
  20. Ususally i agree with Gregg...hes a good columns writer...makes it interesting...and he knows his stuff....but when hes posting stuff like this.... Drew? Lamb to slaughter: league's most overpaid OL. The Buffalo Bills. Forecast finish: 5-11 check it out for yourself... http://www.nfl.com/nflnetwork/story/7653798
  21. i make 9 hockey fans....should we start a club? i think indyjay needs to start a new fan club now
  22. thanks so much everyone for your support and your suggestions....i talked to my dad again today....he actually knows the judge and he said he can probably help me out....i dont know what to think of this yet....i know its a great deal and all.....but i know i messed up and i think i should assume at least some of the responsibility for my actions...just that what i would of been facing could of literally ruined me and my college career by not having the ability to drive to school or the money to pay for a huge fine....i still have to go to court and i still havent told the other half of my parents (mom and step dad) but i have to own up to it sometime...its just frightening.....ill be sure to let everyone know what happens....and is anyone in this thread going to be at the opener? im going to be mostly with my family and my g/f.....but it would be nice to meet some fellow wallers....ive checked this site religiously for 2 years....even though it took me a while to get a user name...and i knew this would be just the place to go to for advice during my time of need and i thank everyone for it....for the 2 or 3 pessimists in this thread...it must of been nice growing up being perfect and not making any mistakes.....thanks again everyone!
  23. js-hockey-guy-7 (7 has been my number for all 12 years ive played) just for those who were wondering.... as for changing my court date...as luck has it i legitimately have an accounting class at the same time court was scheduled for me....so if i call and have proof, will they delay it for me? i am planning on going to court early and hopefully pleading my case to the prosecutor beforehand... im not a bad kid...just made one stupid, thoughtless mistake....schoolwork, my 2 jobs, div 1 hockey, and a g/f were all on my mind that day and i just lost track of my speed and train of thought....i talked to my dad who works at the niagara county jail...im supposed to give him a call today and see what he suggests.... i still havent told my mom and step dad about it yet....im hoping to talk to my dad and get a better picture of whats going on...which i already have thanks to this board and the buffalobills community....i just know once they find out ill be off their insurance...which i dont disagree with....but i cannot afford my own insurance along with all the other costs im paying....funny how one stupid mistake could impact more than you ever thought it could....the only thing that really scares me as of right now though....is that they might take my home opener ticket away from me! that would be the worst punishment of all ...anyways thanks to everyone for their continued input / advice / and words of comfort...i appreciate it
  24. thanks for your help everyone.... its on the ticket as 84 in the 55....but i swear i had no idea i was even close to that fast....but i wasnt paying close attention and i wasnt going that much faster in comparison to other cars....says on my ticket.... charge based on officers direct observation....and my speed is verified by radar....stalker dual model if that helps
  25. i have the option to go to court or to send my ticket with either a plea of guilty or non-guilty.... i was pulled over by a NYS police officer....and my dad works for the Niagara County Jail here... unfortunately the court is in Niagara Falls....has anyone ever been there? is the judge decent? im a college student....didnt realize i was even close to that speed...and have never done this before...i have no money due to high tuition and cost of books at NU... and i commute every day.... im just looking for some relief....but i guess i will have to wait until court.... i cannot afford a big fine and i def cannot afford a raise in my insurance costs as i am on my parents insurance...and im lead to believe it will affect their costs too...in which case i wont have a car on their insurance anymore to say the least..... this sucks
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