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Mark Vader

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Everything posted by Mark Vader

  1. Yes, his impersonation of Macho Man Randy Savage on Christian Wilkens was the only thing I remember about Brown in that game. I was shocked that he didn't get flagged for that. Still loved seeing him stand up for Josh.
  2. Gee, had no idea we've faced the Jaguars 3 times in the playoffs.
  3. Any word on what uniforms the Bills are wearing for Sunday?
  4. Man, this was all for a Divisional playoff game too.
  5. What makes you think Beasley isn't going to start, or for that matter play?
  6. Tampa Bay played in Germany this season, does that prevent them from going overseas the following year?
  7. I couldn't really tell, but was Edmunds' brother who plays for the Steelers there too?
  8. Didn't see this posted. https://www.buffalobills.com/video/micd-up
  9. It was pointless. The whole thing with Luke showing up, and taking Grogu with him, which was Grogu's choice, and then the Mandalorian removes his mask for Grogu, was a big emotional send off. But, no big deal, they get reunited in a week! Cheap ploy by the writers. A season of The Mandalorian without Grogu, would've been interesting.
  10. I do like this show, but I'll admit that I am not as thrilled about its return as I should be. The way everything went down with "The Book of Boba Fett" was cheap. I was very interested in seeing how they would approach "The Mandalorian" without Grogu. Instead, they are re-united as if nothing ever happened. Which made the end of season 2 absolutely pointless. I'll still check it out, but my excitement has waned.
  11. Absolutely. That being said.....Git 'er dun Douglas!!!
  12. And no turnover Bills show up.
  13. The Chiefs & Eagles had bye weeks, so it's understandable that they would get the Saturday games, since they've had plenty of time off. 49'ers are on the west coast and there is no way they would play their game at Noon Pacific time.
  14. Maybe not as many considering how many people on this board continue to bemoan the fact that we could have drafted Mahomes. Those people still exist here.
  15. Respect for the biggest whiner in the history of the NFL? Don't make me laugh. Zero respect for this guy, and all the tainted championships he's won. Let's not forget how classless he is too. Doesn't have the decency to shake hands with the opposing quarterback after a loss. Give me a break! I'm a Michigan fan too. I knew all about this guy long before the bandwagoners came to the party. He can go screw himself. Although I do welcome the idea of the Dolphins trying to sign him.
  16. My God, the ESPN Halftime crew is so clueless. Crybaby came back and won his first playoff game. LOL Yeah, this is not the same situation. They refuse to acknowledge how bad of a team Tampa Bay is.
  17. Why did the officials blow the play dead while the play was still going on?
  18. The Buccaneers put a curse on the Kicker, but they forgot about the rest of the team.
  19. You think that play was similar?
  20. It was an extremely rare, once-in-a-lifetime, historic play in a playoff game. Do you really think the refs were going to call a penalty on that?
  21. A few were, although they may have all been Giants or New York City homers.
  22. Davis stepped up yesterday. It was great to see.
  23. @Airseven @jkirchofer Your responses to this allegation?
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