My days of watching ESPN every day are long gone, and I'm not all that crazy about the alternatives.
ESPN is still the best when it comes to college sports. Especially football & basketball.
I love College Gameday, but it does not need to be 3 hours long.
I miss what NFL Countdown used to be, and if NFL Primetime were still on, I would watch that too.
I agree with whomever mentioned that ESPN would be wise to add more history of sports. Remember when they would air all of those great NFL Films Specials? More stuff like that would be a lot of fun.
Please get rid of the political blowhards who do nothing but yell all of the time, and cut back on the redundant talk shows.
Have shorter pregame shows, but longer post game shows. On Sportscenter, cover more sporting events of the day, and have more post game coverage.