Bernard is not having the year he had last year, but that was an extraordinary year for a Linebacker. Being injured hasn't helped either.
A big problem has been our interior defensive line. Oliver & Jones have had very rough seasons which doesn't help our linebackers at all. While it's nice to have Milano back, he is still catching up to speed, which isn't surprising because he hasn't played ball in over a year. Did anyone think that Milano was going to instantly pick-up from where he left off?
I am surprised that they don't send Bernard on blitzes as much as they did last year, because he is very good at it. Overall, I am not concerned about Bernard's play, because I feel that he will continue to make key plays. Yes, he's an undersized MLB who fits a specific scheme, but he's a very good football player.
I also think that right now, Bernard & Williams are a better tandem than Bernard & Milano.