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Everything posted by dpbillsfan

  1. Is anyone else a "Whopper Virgin"? What a dumb commercial.
  2. Got all of the above. The only jersey I will wear now is my Kelly one. I thought maybe I was jinxing the team every time I bought a jersey the QB would start to suck. But I don't have an Edwards one so maybe it wasn't me after all...
  3. 2. Dr. Vicki Kaspi, a Professor of Physics at McGill University, explores the irradiating effects of a giant gamma ray burst. Oh great. We're all going to be turned into The Hulk.
  4. "Worlds are gonna collide" "If relationship George walked thru this door right now he would destroy independent George"
  5. Do most announcers have to be idiots????
  6. Pretty cool.
  7. A few breaks the other way and The Bills are 4-8.
  8. "6:30 time for your sponge bath" What episode is that line from?
  9. Just going by gasbuddy.com. Didn't actually see it for myself. Today is showing $1.43. Missouri used to have lower taxes on gas than just about any state. Don't know if thats true or not anymore.
  10. No Sunday Ticket. Watching the game on Stooge TV. Just flipping back and forth between websites.
  11. FYI Eagles benched McNabb.
  12. That last penalty hurts now, because the Chefs fumbled on the kickoff and we recovered. That ten seconds would have been nice.
  13. That last penalty hurts now, because the Chefs fumbled on the kickoff and we recovered. That ten seconds would have been nice.
  14. My god...He threw it deep!!!!!!!!
  15. Clarify the post. Can someone make the intial hit?
  16. Can someone on this team get a sack???????
  17. $1.39 in Sherwood, AR
  18. Edwards played good against SD, but I still think he hasn't been the same since the hit in the AZ game. Don't know who will take the fall this year, but the last three running play's on Monday night were gawd awful play calling. Where is the no huddle offense? Lee Evans? Roscoe?
  19. My wife was driving down the Interstate today when someone from a group of motorcycle riders in front of her decided to try and pop a wheelie going about 60 mph. Of course he failed at the attempt and was lucky she didn't run over him or her get rear ended and get run over. She called 911 and his buddies came back and dragged him off to the shoulder. She said he was wearing a helmet, but was in alot of pain.
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