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Everything posted by dpbillsfan

  1. The guys I play golf with would beg to differ.
  2. Sweet!!!
  3. 126 yards and a pitching wedge.
  4. Won a "Closest To The Pin" contest at a First Tee Masters party tonight. Hit the winning shot in a three person shootout to 4 feet. Pretty stoked!! Never won anything like that in my life. Ended up winning half the entry fees which turned out to be $70.
  5. Very cool. Ali would be in my top ten of people I would like to meet.
  6. Do kidnappers let you call home these days???
  7. Can I get an amen for the brother........
  8. I would love to go out to the range and pound golf balls all day, but the $$$$ is too much. Its cheaper to go out and play a round. I haven't got the cash to shell out $185 a month for a membership w/ unlimited range balls. I do go out to a local course and practice my putting and chipping although the puting practice didn't help yesterday.
  9. Sage, I'm with you. It's not the clubs, but after using mine for about 18 years I finally bought a Taylor Made driver and woods from Golfsmith last fall when they went on clearance. And for Christmas this year I treated myself to s new set of 06 Big Bertha irons that were on sale at Edwin Watts golf. I was using a set of knock off Ping's that I bought from a club maker. I do have alot more confidence off the tee box.
  10. I don't think it's an unfair advantage, but I want to know how I got caught hitting it fromthe ladies tee.
  11. The Golflogix has a $29 annual fee and you can load 20 courses on it. I already checked Ebay and will probably order one tonight. Now if someone developes the technology to actually track the ball itself then someone is going to be very rich.
  12. About $200 bucks. Golflogix has just about every course in the US and I want to say about 22,000 courses world wide.
  13. Anyone use one or played a round with someone that has one? I'm thinking of getting the GolfLogix hand held GPS by Garmin. By the way, played this afternoon and had a 75 ft putt for eagle on a par 5 and ended up 4 putting for a bogey........
  14. Alpine Valley is a great place to catch a show. I think I was there a couple months after SRV's accident. Such a tragic loss.
  15. Sometimes I just sit and watch in awe as Tiger plays. What was he 50 for 50 this week on putts 6 feet and in? Unreal.
  16. You could hear Satch play when I was at the studio and he was tearing it up. I got to see him in concert once at Alpine Valley in Wisconsin and he put on a great show. If Chickenfoot comes close to Little Rock I'm going to have to check them out.
  17. George had one of the best arms on a QB I've ever seen. His problem was he couldn't read a defense to save his life.
  18. Like I said I think the two songs they have up to sample are pretty damn good. You won't hear any new music like this. My brush with fame came in LA about 15 years ago when I held the door open for Satch as he was entering a rehearsel studio.
  19. Chad Smith is the drummer for Red Hot Chili Peppers. Mike and Sammy became really good buddies when Sammy was in VH. Plus Eddie fired him from VH and replaced him with his kid.
  20. Here's a link to two new songs by the band Chickenfoot featuring Sammy Hagar, Joe Satriani, Micheal Anthony, and Chad Smith. Pretty good IMO. www.chickenfoot.us Sorry, can't figure out how to post a link. Can't get it to work for some reason.
  21. Jauron The avatar is sweet.
  22. Cant argue with that. It's a long race indeed. I thought about going to cash in my IRA late last year but I've still got 25 + years and am not about to try and time the market. My 401K was in cash because I had just started it last year when alot this mess was getting started so I just put it into a nice money fund and when the DOW hit 6,400 I figured it was a good time to get back in. People seem to forget about dollar cost averaging when the market is down.
  23. I did move some cash back into stocks when the Dow was around 6,400 in my 401. I wish I'd moved into cash in my IRA, but another couple months of this and I'll be right back in the game.
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