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Everything posted by dpbillsfan

  1. More Ovaltine please!!!!!!!!! lol
  2. One word: STAG!!!!!!!!! Just kidding will stick with Coors Light.
  3. You might try the sports bar in the casino in Peoria or the other one up north, can't think of the name of it right now. Yes it sucks being a Bills fan in IL and it sucks even more being one in AR. Nothing but Razorbacks 24/7. But they do have some big sports bars in Little Rock that show all the games, which is pretty cool.
  4. Boy aint that the truth. I learned very early on if flying Southwest get to the airport early.
  5. I thought Lindell was a good kicker in Seattle but he sure has sucked since we signed him. I say cut him. I don't think he's gonna get any better. RL=RJ
  6. Loren what part do you live in?? I grew up in Jacksonville just west of Springfield, but recently moved to Little Rock. Your best bet would be to find a good sports bar with alot of tv's for different game options. Becuase up there your going to get nothing but Bears and Rams games.
  7. 80's hair nation on sirius thru dishnetwork...man brings back alot of memories.
  8. I caught it last night for the first time also. I thought it was pretty funny. He really did have to work at the drumming part.
  9. I'm in under "Arkansas Bills Fan", but won't be able to draft live. Gotta work.
  10. My vote goes for Bo Jackson.
  11. Congragulations...Thanks for your service. They should have parades once a week honoring the sacrifice that our veterans have given.
  12. This isn't an insult, but the funniest one liner I think I've ever heard was from a co-worker who said "he was so poor he had to jerk off the dog to feed his cat".
  13. Thanks....That sound effect is a classic. Is it the same from the original movie?
  14. Went and saw it today...I thought it was "okay". Special effects were great, but they were supposed to be. I still think "Batman Begins" was more intense. I was more pissed that the theatre I saw it at didn't have the new "King Kong" trailer. They had the "Elizabethtown" trailer w/ Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst, geez nothing like a chic flick to get you pumped up for the big movie.
  15. http://www.travellady.com/Issues/Issue70/70U-lost.htm The store is in Alabama
  16. Back when I played slow pitched softball I decided to try my luck in a fast pitched league. My first at bat was against a guy in his late fifties, took the first pitch for a strike, fouled off the second, and as I was sitting on a fast ball he threw me a knuckleball that I probably could have swung at five times. Made me feel like an idiot. He just laughed at me.
  17. The quote where the guy says "you know what to do" and then shows a picture of OJ is a classic.
  18. When I lived in IL my wife and I used to drive to Indy every year to watch the Bills play the Colts. I also went and saw the Bills play the Rams the first year they were in St. Louis.
  19. Okay Okay...Since when did this turn into a slam the poor guy who moved to Arkansas for a new job?????? And yes we do actually have electricity and drumroll please...we have indoor plumbing.
  20. I just went to Walmart to pick up some Tylenol Sinus meds and they had it behind the counter. Had to show my drivers license so they could enter my info in the computer. Told me I could only get it 3 times a month. But down here in Arkansas Meth labs are really bad. Please no Redneck jokes...I just recently transfered down here.
  21. Man, I'm almost embarrased to say I drink Coors Light. I've never even heard of most of these beers. I guess I need to get out more often.
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