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Everything posted by dpbillsfan

  1. There is so much wrong with this post that it's almost funny. If you think bands are just NOW putting out CD's with one or two good songs on them your nuts. They have been doing it forever. The first CD I bought back in 1988 cost me about $15 bucks. Guess what the price of a CD today is? Around $15 bucks, cheaper if you get it at Best Buy. So the aurgument about prices being higher is false. I'm sure if whoever is stealing music wouldn't mind if the products or services that thier jobs provide were suddenly available for free so people could steal them that they wouldn't mind.
  2. This guy lives about a half hour from my town. They had a nice article in Sunday's paper about him. He and some buddies decided at the last minute to drive to Memphis to audition.
  3. lol...good stuff. That last one where the chearleader is in front of the big banner and gets plowed over by the team had to hurt.
  4. That post almost made me spit out my beer...that was funny!
  5. I'm not going to go on a rant about downloading music for free, but it does effect the people that make the CD's. I lost my job of 15 years becuase the demand for CD's is going down. Now I don't blame anyone because its just as much fault of the music labels for signing crappy artist as anything I just think its wrong.
  6. 401K is a big deal to me. And when you get a 100% return on your money right off the bat you can't beat it. Now if I could find an employer that has a plan like VABills wife then I would be set. Company paid health care would be great to, but I've never had that option.
  7. Holy cow Vabills, where does your wife work if I may ask?
  8. Is that price for a year or lifetime?
  9. The past two companies I worked for both had great 401K's where they matched dollar for dollar up to 6%. They also both closed down. As I'm out looking for a new gig I'm finding the matches on 401K's aren't as good. Every company thinks their benefits are the best, but some really suck.
  10. Yep, that also makes me laugh. I'm from IL living in Little Rock and we got maybe a quarter inch of snow and they shut down all of the schools. But in their defense we were supposed to get up to an inch of sleet and ice. And with no snow removal equipment I guess that could be ugly.
  11. I don't see what the big deal is by showing it for free, but they shoudn't have been trying to make a buck off of it in the first place.
  12. I agree, but to charge the same ticket price for a front row seat and a seat up in the rafters is insane. I guess if people will pay it they will keep doing it.
  13. I was checking out tix to go see Bob Seger next weekend and couldn't believe the prices. $63.25 for a ticket no matter if it's the front row or the last row. I could maybe see paying that for a great seat on the floor, but to have one ticket price that covers every seat even the sh------- ones. I took my 8 year old daughter to see Tim McGraw and Faith Hill last year and they had the stage in the center of the arena, and prices were even worse. $80 bucks for a ticket if you were in front of the four ramps of the stage no matter if front row or last row at the top of the arena or $55 if you were off to any of the four sides. I've only been to that one concert in the last 8 years and I guess it will be my last one with these prices unless I'm only buying one ticket for myself.
  14. I was going to go with the Von Erich's also.
  15. I live just north of Little Rock, AR. Our house is appraised at $195,000 and our taxes are $1700 a year minus $300 for it being our primary residence so $1400 a year. We also have a personal property tax on vehicles (cars, trucks, motorcycles, rv's) which is determined by the year of your vehicle.
  16. Gino got my vote, but several of them were really good also. My idea would have been having NFL players holding a fantasy draft and drafting and arguing over everyday people...policeman, firemen, doctors, teachers...etc.
  17. I'd buy that for a dollar!!!!
  18. I crossed off one thing from list this year....went to Sammy Hagar's bar in Cabo San Lucas.
  19. I'm out. I can't believe I picked the Phins to beat us.
  20. Van Halen-"Live Without A Net" and a PPV special they did on the Balance tour with Sammy.
  21. Got a letter from Allstate a couple months ago that they were going to drop earthquake insurance from my policy. I live about 250 miles from the New Madrid fault in Southern Missouri so I figure ya know thats pretty close and I bought a $190,000 new all brick home 2 years ago and I might need it. Anyways my homeowners policy is $600 a year and a lady from Allstate called me this morning saying they would write me a seperate policy just for earthquake coverage for $480 a year. I just about fell out of my chair. I think its time to start shopping for new insurance. She was making comparisons to Katrina and how this was a wakeup call to insurance companies and bla bla bla.
  22. I just scrolled thru a week ahead on my program guide and couldn't find anything. There was one game that had TBD for the description and every other game had the two teams playing listed.
  23. I've been a Dish Network subscriber for 10 years and haven't had any complaints or problems with service or equipment. I guess that could change if I have a problem with a receiver and get crappy customer service like it sounds like your parents did.
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