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Everything posted by pdh1

  1. That would be great! Plus, isn't he one of the only Bengals who wasn't arrested this year? There is that character Marv always talks about.
  2. Wouldn't it be cool if he were knocked to the ground after a play, and raised the upper half of his body up, and turned his head, like he did after Jamie Lee stabbed him in the neck, and thought he was dead? Kinda of like the Undertaker used to do.
  3. The Sunday were there was the week after the famous "battery throwing" episode. So there were a lot more cops there than normal. And the Bills went ahead and won 43-0. All the Browns fans left at the 3rd quarter. Leaving 15,000 Bills fans. Good times
  4. I have been to the old Cleveland dog pound and got hit in the head with some doggie bones (that God for those big inflatable helmets that were in style then). I get all the trash talk and stuff, I just thought the Katrina sign, as well as the others ones about drowning were in bad taste.
  5. http://www.sunherald.com/mld/thesunherald/...ts/16531234.htm
  6. Wow, all Al Davis is looking just like Imhotep from "the Mummy": http://www.neu.edu.tr/tr/CinemaClub/mummy/frame3.jpg Well, the rotten flesh, bug infested version of him from that movie I mean
  7. My plan to fix the raiders: Send Al Davis to the Sunnyville Rest Home
  8. In case you missed it earlier, Charlie Rangle compare Saddam's hanging to a lynching. That is like.... never mind its a lost point on you I guess. How about this: " Michael Boldin wrote "Saddam Was Right and Bush Was Wrong." He began to scratch the surface of the myths and lies of U.S. administrations: Remember the lies about babies being thrown out of incubators? The propaganda started years ago. Even the claims of Saddam's brutality are suspect. Why? Because most of these claims come from the same people that have already discredited themselves." John Simpson of the Sunday Times relayed some re-writing of history in his piece "Tyrant Met His End with Fortitude: "Every important step he took was a disaster, from the attack on Iran in 1980 which started a hugely debilitating war that lasted for eight years, to the foolish invasion of Kuwait which brought him into open conflict with his former friends, the Americans. Yet he knew how to appeal to ordinary people across the world. He was hated by most of his own people, but loved by the poor and disinherited of the rest of the Arab world. Green Party Statement: "Greens categorically oppose the death penalty. The Trial and execution ignored complicity by U.S. officials (including Rumsfeld) and corporations in Saddam's atrocities Saddam was convicted, but Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld are still at large.
  9. Can you check and see if "count jihadula.com" is up for sale? DUBLIN, Ireland (CNN) -- At a recent debate over the battle for Islamic ideals in England, a British-born Muslim stood before the crowd and said Prophet Mohammed's message to nonbelievers is: "I come to slaughter all of you." "We are the Muslims," said Omar Brooks, an extremist also known as Abu Izzadeen. "We drink the blood of the enemy, and we can face them anywhere. That is Islam and that is jihad." houdary, whose group Al-Mahajiroun disbanded before the British government could outlaw it under its anti-terror laws, spoke to CNN and made clear he wants to see Islamic law for Britain. "All of the world belongs to Allah, and we will live according to the Sharia wherever we are," said Choudary, a lawyer. "This is a fundamental belief of the Muslims." (Watch a call for Islamic law ) Asked if he believes in democracy, he said, "No, I don't at all." "One day, the Sharia will be implemented in Britain. It's a matter of time." http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/europe/01/17...view/index.html
  10. sorry, but when you have the man who murdered your father and rape your mother, or gassed your village, tempers are gonna flair. I would think it would be a lot more troubling to people that an innocent person was murdered, and his beheading video used to help attract other like minded goons on the internet, than Saddam getting heckled before he was hung. how funny that sunni arabs were 'outraged' when Saddam's half-brother lost his head. after all, they have been doing that on camera for years.
  11. Well, Charlie Wrangle calling it a "lynching" would be one example. Let's see, someone who attack all of the countries in the area, and who personally ordered the death of hundrends of thousands of people, in addition to torture and rape.. is compared to some one who gets hung because he has a different skin color. Good job Charlie!
  12. No, the point was how ironic it was that liberals got up in arms about the death of Saddam and his half-wit brothers, because "oh joy" it helps to make Bush look bad some how. But when some much less deserving gets murdered in cold blood, they don't care to make fuss about itm because, "gasp", it might help make the point that people we are fighting are really bad and dangerous guys, and not some just neocon plotted scheme to take over the world.
  13. Totally different. Pearl was targeted via e-mails by the Jihadist before he even went over seas. It was total set-up. They pretend to be interested in talking with him about conditions in their country, and at one point even talked about "their sick child". That was done to play with his emotions since he too was a parent. When Pearl arrived, he went to meet them for an interview, and was kidnapped. It was a hate crime. He wasn't killed running around with a camera into fire fight. And it still doesn't change the fact that no liberals took up his cause as an injustice. The enemy of your enemy is your friend, I guess.
  14. Let me guess...something to do with the star of David?
  15. Sound good to me. Let them fight each other.
  16. wow, a couple of thugs who created mass graves and had "rape rooms" get what coming to them from their own people and you liberals get your panties in wad. I didn't hear so much concern over Daniel Pearl. Why was that?
  17. Is this you? http://www.zombietime.com/global_day_of_ac...06/IMG_5653.JPG
  18. They ruled a country with iron fist, and let a large terrorist camp that trained over 30,000 jihadists run operate within their borders. They didn't know about the camps? Yeah, right.
  19. "Israel is destined for destruction and will soon disappear" Israel is "a contradiction to nature, we foresee its rapid disappearance and destruction." "To hell with the West. You can do as much as you like." "I believe the German people are prisoners of the Holocaust. More than 60 million were killed in World War II . . . The question is: Why is it that only the Jews are at the center of attention?"
  20. It is good thing we have those soothing comments from the President of Iran to help ease the tensions......
  21. I am for drafting any guy with the nickname "P-Willie" We need more knickname guys on the Bills, like the old days of Spider-Man, Dr. Sac, The Biscuit , etc...
  22. so when they impeach both Bush and Cheney there will peace in the middle east i guess, huh?
  23. Yep, if there is WWIII, it will all be Bush's fault. Muslim terrorists and thugs won't be a part of it at all. Nope, they love peace and every one who is different from them
  24. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml...14/ixworld.html In November, the country was startled by a video showing Mr Ahmadinejad telling a cleric that he had felt the hand of God entrancing world leaders as he delivered a speech to the UN General Assembly last September. When an aircraft crashed in Teheran last month, killing 108 people, Mr Ahmadinejad promised an investigation. But he also thanked the dead, saying: "What is important is that they have shown the way to martyrdom which we must follow." The most remarkable aspect of Mr Ahmadinejad's piety is his devotion to the Hidden Imam, the Messiah-like figure of Shia Islam, and the president's belief that his government must prepare the country for his return. All streams of Islam believe in a divine saviour, known as the Mahdi, who will appear at the End of Days. A common rumour - denied by the government but widely believed - is that Mr Ahmadinejad and his cabinet have signed a "contract" pledging themselves to work for the return of the Mahdi and sent it to Jamkaran. Iran's dominant "Twelver" sect believes this will be Mohammed ibn Hasan, regarded as the 12th Imam, or righteous descendant of the Prophet Mohammad. He is said to have gone into "occlusion" in the ninth century, at the age of five. His return will be preceded by cosmic chaos, war and bloodshed. After a cataclysmic confrontation with evil and darkness, the Mahdi will lead the world to an era of universal peace. Mr Ahmadinejad appears to believe that these events are close at hand and that ordinary mortals can influence the divine timetable.
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