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Everything posted by pdh1

  1. I think this the first time in about 55,000 posts you have made sense
  2. "the pampered Ann Coulter are doing what?" You mean like hollywood millionares who preach to us how we should cut down on energy use while they take private jets, limos, and live in 20,000 square foot homes? Or Greek billionaires or ultra-rich senators who say people should be taxed more while they put all of their money in offshore accounts so it isn't taxed? yeah i get it
  3. According to liberal pansies who claim islamic terrorism is just bi-product of our evil country's lust for oil (or at least the liberal pansies who admit islamic terrorism is real, not those who think it is make up by the CIA). So why is Spain ( with other war mongers like Canada and Demark) be targeted? They folded like a tent of the Madrid train bombing years ago and left Iraq: MADRID, Spain (CNN) -- The trial of 11 Pakistani men accused of terrorist activities and conspiracy to carry out attacks in Barcelona was delayed for 24 hours Monday after two defense lawyers said they had not had proper access to their clients. The court had been in session only 15 minutes when Judge Manuela Fernandez ordered the postponement. The trial is being held in a secure basement courtroom at the National Court in central Madrid, with one layer of bulletproof glass separating the public from the court, and the defendants sitting in a bulletproof glass enclosure, except when testifying. The men were arrested in Barcelona in 2004, accused of having links to al Qaeda and plans to attack twin skyscrapers on Barcelona's Mediterranean coast and a shopping center in the city's old port area, according to a copy of the prosecutor's charges, viewed by CNN. Three of the defendants -- Mohammad Afzaal, 42, and Shazad Ali Gutjar, 36, and Aslam Choudry Mohammad, 47 -- are considered prime suspects in the case. Prosecutors want each of the three sentenced to 32 years in prison for their alleged leadership roles in a terrorist group, conspiracy to carry out attacks, drug trafficking and money laundering. The other eight are facing lesser charges and sentences. The trial of all 11 defendants could last about three weeks and a verdict could come later this spring, a court source told CNN. The prosecution alleges that two of the prime suspects transferred thousands of dollars to al Qaeda operatives involved in other attacks. According to the prosecution, Gutjar wired nearly $5,000 in separate transactions in 2004 to Amjad Farooqi and Mohammad Naeem Noor Khan, two men alleged to have ties to the 2002 kidnapping and killing of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Pakistan. A source told CNN that Farooqi is believed to have been involved in the kidnapping that led to the killing of Pearl. Separately, a court source told CNN that Farooqi was killed in a police shootout in Nawasbsha, Pakistan, in September 2004, a month after Gutjar allegedly wired him about $1,200. Khan was arrested by Pakistani police in July 2004, two months after Gutjar allegedly wired him about $3,600, the court source said. The prosecution also said Gutjar transferred more than $13,200 in May 2004 to Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, who has been linked the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. Ghailani was arrested two months after the wire transfer in Gujrat, Pakistan, the court source said.
  4. A 2nd round for Willis? I'd take that. Make Bush a Bill!
  5. molsen golden = Jimmy "Mouth of the South" Hart
  6. Iran = Kevin Nash Syria = Scott Hall Yemen= X-pac Russia= Dennis Rodman NWO for life!
  7. Yep, Iran could talk the Saudis into pulling a "NWO" style attack while our guard is down. While fight each other when they are plenty of Jews and other infidels to kill?
  8. How is this for a pairing? Achmeninutjob and the president of Sudan join together to fight "Western Pressure" You know, pressure like "stop killing and raping people who because they are black or not muslims" kind of thing. But the WEST is the villian. http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/africa/03/01...r.ap/index.html
  9. His tour is sponsored by the Red Army of China
  10. The Russians didn't believe if they died killing us they would go to heaven and get 72 rushkie virgins.
  11. About as much as in North Korea I guess
  12. Gosh. lets stop all the new treatments then!
  13. DOOMED! Damn drug companies and their evil life saving drugs!
  14. Hey, how much oil are we getting from Thailand ? At least 28 bombs exploded Sunday in apparently coordinated attacks in parts of southern Thailand plagued by a Muslim insurgency, killing three people and wounding more than 50, the military said. The bombings targeted hotels, karaoke bars, power grids and commercial sites in the country's southernmost provinces, the only parts of predominantly Buddhist Thailand with Muslim majorities. Two public schools were torched. Police said three Thais of Chinese descent were also gunned down in Pattani province in what was believed to be the act of insurgents. The killings occurred as the country's Chinese community was celebrating the Lunar New Year Sunday. Violence in the south has been escalating in recent months despite a major policy shift by the military-imposed government, which is trying to replace an earlier, iron-fisted approach in dealing with the rebels with a "hearts and minds" campaign. In Sunday's attacks, two people were killed and 33 injured in Yala province, while one person died and 20 were wounded in a tourist town in Narathiwat province, said Col. Wichai Thongdaeng, a military spokesman. "We believe that the attacks were planned to cause division, create fear among the people. They want to show that they are still capable (of carrying out attacks)," he said, adding the military has sent additional troops to the region. Two explosions tore through electricity transmitters in Pattani province, causing blackouts in several areas, said Pattani police Maj. Gen. Kokiat Wongworachart. Five bombs exploded in the border town of Sungai Kolok, a popular destination for Malaysian and Singaporean tourists, said Maj. Gen. Yongyut Chareonwanit, the Narathiwat police chief. At least two schools in the province had been torched, he said. Wichai said nine bombs went off in the Yala provincial capital and another seven in the border town of Betong, which also attracts tourists to its entertainment venues. A sizable number of Sunday's bombings were against karaoke parlors, which are regarded as decadent by the Islamic rebels. Two bombings were also reported in neighboring Songkhla province.
  15. Why limit such tatics to politics? NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- A local cab driver allegedly tried to run over two customers after a fight over religion became heated. The incident happened early Sunday morning on the Vanderbilt campus and left one man hospitalized and a cab driver arrested, said police Two students visiting from Ohio were coming from a bar downtown when they got into an argument with their driver over religion, said police. After they paid the driver he allegedly ran them down in a parking lot. Ibrihim Ahmed, of United Cab, was arrested and charged with assault, attempted homicide and theft. One of the passengers, Andrew Nelson, managed to outrun the cab but Jeremy Invus was taken to the Vanderbilt University Medical Center with serious injuries, said police....
  16. Terrorism is now a tool used by nations such as Iran and Syria to give them plausible deniability. WE didn't launches rockets in to Israel!! Nope Not Us! You can't hit us back! NOPE, we didn't blow up that airliner in Scottland. Not Us!
  17. They come from the people themselves, so I guess we shouldn't believe they mean what they say? TIMES ONLINE: IRAN’S ultra-conservative President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, threw down a challenge to the West yesterday by declaring that his election victory marked the dawn of a new Islamic revolution that would spread around the world. “Thanks to the blood of the martyrs, a new Islamic revolution has arisen and the Islamic revolution of 1384 [the current Iranian year] will, if God wills, cut off the roots of injustice in the world,” he said. “The wave of the Islamic revolution will soon reach the entire world.”...
  18. Based on your response, you may have a point about intelligent discussion being dead. Thanks for supplying the example. There is a big difference between terrorist acts that local events and not spread to the world in general, and global network determined to impose its will on the rest of the globe. Take for example the IRA in Ireland or the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka. Both have done some awful things, but aren't much of threat to the rest of the world. Their goals and ambitions are localized. Not so with Al Qaeda . Their second in command often talks about Democracy itself as the enemy of Islam, not just the United States government. The president of Iran said his goal was spread Islam. The radical cleric in London have stated their goal is to rule by Islamic Law over England. etc, etc, etc.... So am afraid when you say "At the end of the day, US foriegn policy over the last 40 years has led to increased terrorism against us and our interests, not less of it. Continuing those same policies will not likely lead to a different conclusion" you are either blind or ignorant. These yahoos will find any reason to kill and terrorize, be it a law against wearing a head scarf, a cartoon, or quote from the 14 century taken out of context.
  19. Again I ask, it the terrorist are only committing these acts as result of US foreign policy, why are there similar attacks and plots in areas were the US has little or no presence? Please explain France: Twenty five people were convicted by a French court yesterday of plotting Islamist terrorist attacks in France in 2001-02, including possibly a gas attack on the Eiffel Tower. The leaders of a so-called "Chechen" network among Algerian radicals were given jail sentences of nine and ten years. Others were given much lighter sentences than the prosecution had requested. Two people were acquitted. A seven-week trial which ended on 12 May uncovered many holes in the prosecution case and failed to establish exactly what kind of terrorist attack was planned. There were accusations that some form of gas attack, possibly using ricin, was contemplated and that targets included the Eiffel Tower, the commercial centre at Les Halles in central Paris and the Russian embassy in Paris. Again I ask, it the terrorist are only committing these acts as result of US foreign policy, why are there similar attacks and plots in areas were the US has little or no presence? Please explain: Indonesia JAKARTA (Reuters) - An Indonesian Muslim man was accused in court on Wednesday of being the mastermind behind the beheading of three Christian girls last year in Central Sulawesi, a charge that could lead to death by firing squad if proven. The attack took place in the Poso region of Central Sulawesi province, an area where deadly Muslim-Christian clashes broke out from 1998 to 2001, and where simmering violence continues. The trial was moved to Jakarta on security fears. Eygpt DAHAB, Egypt, April 25 -- On Tuesday, professional divers pulled a pair of indistinct human limbs and a severed head from the offshore rainbow-colored reefs where tourists customarily linger to gaze down at shimmering fish in the Red Sea. The divers' discovery was part of the sad cleanup here a day after three bombs killed at least 18 people, 12 of them Egyptian. The blasts wounded 85 people on a busy holiday that is traditionally marked in Egypt by picnics and strolls outside. In a place where tourism is a major source of livelihood, police were quick to announce they had arrested at least 10 suspects and detained 70 other people for questioning. Three of the suspects were Egyptians apprehended while leaving town shortly after the blasts, police said
  20. More like bigotry and hatred, I'd say. Do you think Islamic terrorist types might try some other form of political action other than blowing people up? Blowing up a train full of people that is meant to improve relationship between to countries? How sweet!! If all the volience is the result of US and British foreigh policy, how do you explain the volience in Darfur, Somalia, Indonesia, the Philippines and on going threats against Spain? If don't see a common thread to all this, just listen to their own speeches and printed propaganda. The main part that oil plays with all this is that it gives thugs in the regions a means to raise money and fund their little bombing mission and train and support their terrorists around the globe. Without oil money, what would places like Iran and Libya do to support their economies? Not like much innovation in bio-tech or computing has come out the region recently.
  21. That's what makes them bomb us, right? Then what say about stories like this? Friendship Express Bombed The pair of explosions happened in two passenger coaches as the Samjhauta Express passed through Panipat, about 80 kilometers (50 miles) north of New Delhi, said Northern Rail spokesman Rakesh Saxena. The Samjhauta Express -- which translates as "Friendship Express" -- runs between India and Pakistan and was established several years ago as officials from the two countries worked to improve relations. Dugal blamed the high death toll on the early hour of the blasts, saying many people were asleep on the train. Most of the people who died were burnt to death. http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiapcf/02/1...rain/index.html
  22. Since your such a big fan of cut and paste, why don't you ever use stories like this? Rice in Jerusalem to press for peace http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/02/17/...east/index.html JERUSALEM (CNN) -- U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived in Jerusalem on Saturday for a series of meetings with Middle Eastern leaders. Before having dinner with Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, Rice said the proper foundation for a two-state solution in the Middle East depends upon creation of a Palestinian government that recognizes Israel and renounces terror. Livni seconded Rice's prescription, saying that "the path toward a Palestinian state goes through renunciation of terrorism and violence." Rice came to Jerusalem from Baghdad, Iraq, where she had made an unannounced stop to check on the security situation. (Full story) She is to meet Sunday with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert before a three-way summit Monday with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Rice will then go to Amman, Jordan, to meet with King Abdullah II before heading to Germany for more discussions on the Middle East peace process. The Palestinian government's acceptance of Israel and interim peace agreements has been a major sticking point for the ruling Palestinian party Hamas. "It makes sense that you have to renounce violence. It only makes sense that you have to recognize the right of your partner to exist and to respect international agreements," Rice said. "And those principles remain the foundational principles for the foundation of two states and for the formation of leadership that can lead in that two-state solution," she said. Hamas and Fatah leaders met last week in the Saudi Arabian city of Mecca to negotiate the terms of a power-sharing government, which will represent both Palestinian factions. Abbas is a member of Fatah, which formerly led the Palestinian government. Hamas now controls the Palestinian parliament. The leaders hope a unity government will halt weeks of street clashes in Gaza and open the door to renewed international aid. But while both factions agreed on a variety of terms, the reluctance of Hamas to explicitly endorse Israel's right to exist may leave Western countries unwilling to embrace the new government.
  23. As Aretha Franklin would sing "Who's bombing who?" TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) -- A car bomb ripped through an Iranian military bus in the southeastern Iranian border town of Zahedan Wednesday morning, leaving at least 11 dead and 31 wounded, state-run Iranian news agency IRNA reported. A witness told IRNA the car blew up as soon as the bus, which belonged to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, arrived to pick up military personnel at a barracks. Two motorcycle riders reportedly fired shots at the bus, forcing it to stop near the car bomb when it was then detonated by remote control, a witness said. Iran's semi-official FARS news agency reported four people in a car cut off the bus around 6:30 am (10 p.m. ET), then sped away on two motorcycles -- later detonating the explosives by remote control. A small terrorist group, Jondollah, claimed responsibility for the attack, FARS reported. The group has a history of launching attacks at Iranian border posts. In addition to the claim of responsibility, government spokesman Sultan Ali told IRNA five people have been arrested. It was not immediately know if they were members of the Jondollah group. According to FARS, an Iranian security official identified one of the arrested men as a would-be suicide bomber who tried to detonate his explosives but failed, while another was carrying a camera to make a video of the attack.
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