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Everything posted by pdh1

  1. That's right! Why mess with licensed professionals with silly little things like your home's electrical wiring? I also heard you can save a boatload on plastic surgery on your face if you travel to Latin America! Must be because of Mexico's outstanding public education system! Absent Proof of Birth, Children Stay Home GUADALAJARA, Mexico -- Isabel Lopez Torres, a shy-eyed 11-year-old, can't write her own name because she's never been to school. Like thousands of other children in Mexico, she's been barred from public schools because of a bureaucratic barrier: She has no birth certificate. "I wish she had one," said Isabel's mother, Bertha Torres Castillo, who, like many poor people in Mexico, has never registered the births of her children. Standing in the doorway of her crumbling home in a shantytown next to the railroad tracks here, Torres held an infant in her arms as Isabel smiled from behind her skirt and her five other young children played nearby. "I want them to study, otherwise they'll all just be here taking care of babies," she said. Mexico's constitution guarantees every child the right to public education. But principals and teachers routinely deny enrollment to students who cannot produce a birth certificate, education specialists here said, even though for many poor people that simple form can be as difficult to obtain as a college diploma.
  2. So a government is fascist for wanting immigrants to go thru in an orderly process, so you know, we can find little things, like if they have a criminal past? Or so they can pay taxes on their income like everyone else. Yes, when one thinks of fascist governments, those are the type of terrors the mind pictures. Open borders for all! Uh, except the fact Mexico has the military on their southern border, and they don't allow non-citizens to organize protests, etc.. etc....friggin etc..
  3. Sure, without taxes that is really like $60 an hour. And that much, you could afford to pay for Blue Cross yourself. When I got out of high school in Amherst in 1986, I recall kids that didn't go to college could still make a decent living by doing roof work and building houses. Is that still true now? I have bought and sold about 4 homes here in NC, each time moving to a bigger one. Most of the people working on the houses didn't speak english, and you can bet most of them weren't legal. Not that I like it much, but the builders to give you any other options. It is one thing to get them to do stuff like painting, but more and more I see them doing the higher wage work like electric wiring and plumbing. I can't believe this doesn't hurt the wages of the legal folds. Plus, I don't like cutting corners when it comes to stuff that could burn down your house. And its not like the builders pass on the savings, it goes in their pockets. You need crack down on them like a hammer, and you will see the number of people coming here illegally drop big time.
  4. According to John McCains' famouse lettuce example, it is $40.00 an hour. Under the table, not taxed of course.
  5. A lot were to stake the stake the claim that is it THEIR land, not ours. View your viewing pleasure: http://www.bobgriggs.com/wp-content/060417_not_continent.jpg http://ginacobb.typepad.com/gina_cobb/imag...nkimillegal.jpg
  6. And if white redneck ran over a mexican or black race would be THE FIRST issue made by "Civil Rights" groups. Hell, the case doesn't have to be real. Duke Rape Case anyone?
  7. Well, to get back to oh so fun driving theme. Less than a week, same town: Raleigh — A Raleigh man is facing multiple charges, including attempted murder, after a pedestrian told police he was purposely hit by a vehicle over the weekend. Doroteo Calles Hernandez, 23, of 605-A Charleston Road, is also charged with driving while intoxicated and driving without a license. He is being held in the Wake County Jail on a $1 million secured bond. David Barber, 51, told police he and his girlfriend were walking their dog in the area of Jeffries Street and Dana Drive in southwest Raleigh at about 5 p.m. Saturday when a vehicle sped past and he yelled at the driver to slow down. The driver circled the block and returned to run him over, Barber said. "We heard his car before we actually saw it," he said. The driver left the scene, but not before losing control and hitting a tree. The car was leaking some sort of fluid that left a trail to the suspect's apartment less than a mile from the scene of the crime. The maroon Ford Contour now sits outside of the apartment with a smashed windshield, crushed hood and deployed airbags. Barber was taken to WakeMed with two bones broken in his leg. http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/12406...d_last_seen_id=
  8. WTF does this have to do with Iraq? Because Saddam as was jerk-off, there can't be any others in that region?
  9. After he serves his six months I bet someone from the Dolphins will be there to pick him up outside the jail.
  10. Hey that is were I am (Raleigh). Our concerts here suck. Walnut Creek used to have good line-ups in the 90s, but my god lately. Everything laterly is country or hip-hop. Tool doesn't even come here any more. Porcupine Tree's web site did say those were dates were just the first leg of their US tour. They are going to come back to more dates later in the year.
  11. My Bad, the last CD was "Deadwing" which liked even more than "In Absentia" . It is a bit heavier overall.
  12. I liked "Marbles" a lot. The best stuff they did since "Brave"
  13. They have new CD coming out in April and US tour starting then as well. They are starting to play bigger places (like up to 1200+ seats) here in the US and Canada. Overseas in Europe they play to much larger crowds. But it is still cool to see them catching on here. When their last CD "In Absentia" came out, is was actually number 1 on Amazon's sales charts for a few days.
  14. You know, if you like the old genesis/pinl floyd school of music, you should check out some of the new bands out there. spocks beard: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendid=11574099 porcupine tree: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendid=61819211 Frost: http://www.progarchives.com/album.asp?id=12279#mp3 http://www.frost-music.com/FUTURE%20TOYS/O...AKES/FINALE.mp3
  15. I think is is "It's hard out there for a pimp"
  16. Gilmour is a waaaay better singer. Even now, he sounds great on his "on an island" cd/ And Gilmour is much better musician. The frettless bass solo in "hey you" is actually Glimour playing it, not Roger. He couldn't do it. Not only does Gilmour rock on guitar (one of the best) but he can play keyboards, sing, and even play some saxaphone. Waters gifts has always been with the lyrics.
  17. Just make yourself cry, go to Charlotte NC in the spring downtown and see all the hottness walking around. And friendlly too!
  18. Buffalo had bad luck with Led Zep shows. I think they were supposed to play there in 1976, and just before the show, Rober Plant's child died. Show cancelled. Then in 1979, they were going to play in Rich Stadium. But Bonzo died. Show cancelled. Best we could do was Robert Plant's solo tour with Phil Collins on the drums.
  19. 1979? I think the number one selling record that year was Led Zepplin's "in thru the outdoor"
  20. I'd sleep with her if I had too....
  21. Hey now, early Styx is pretty good, "Mr.Roboto", not so much. But come, "snow blind", "blue collar man". "crystal ball"...good stuff Its like Genesis. "insivible touch" is terrible. But earlier stuff the same is terrific, like "The Musical Box" or "Dance on a Volcano". You hear that and can't believe its the same band.
  22. Dude, I am a big fan an own every cd but their first one, till Roger Hodgson left. If you like their music you should check out his first solo album, "eye of the storm" Sound just like a Supertramp record, but with some longer songs. http://www.amazon.com/Eye-Storm-Roger-Hodg...2183&sr=1-2
  23. A lot of younger guys I work with only think of Supertramp in terms of the song "it's raining again" which is total pop crap. That's like judging Valen Halen by "How do you if its love?" or Peter Gabriel by "Sledgehammer". Supertramp has a bunch of great stuff that borders on progressive rock. Songs like "School", "Fool Overture", "Rudy", "A Soap Box Opera"...all great stuff. Even some on the more commercial stuff on "Breakfast in America" is quality.... "Gone Hollywood"... that's a great song. Oh, and "Paris" is one of the best live records ever, up there with "Seconds Out"
  24. The one with the glasses? Not bad. Was he on when Jill Hennessy was part of the show? I liked her better... http://nomayo.mu.nu/images/main1.jpg
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