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Everything posted by pdh1

  1. mmmmmmmm. okay "guest"
  2. I have seen her stumble over her words as much as Eric Dickerson did. If they want to add real insight into the game, get a former player or coach. Now go wash your panties.....
  3. Monday Night Football's new female sideline reporter is a beast. A two bagger for sure. Who would you like to see replace her next year? I vote for Thea Andrews for ESPN's Cold Pizza morning talk show. She seems to know alot about sports. And she is a babe (Hubba Hubba). See for yourself: http://www.coldpizza.tv/images/thea.jpg
  4. "Gayest post ever" is just an expression. I wasn't insulting your post's sexual orientation. Get over yourself, jerky. Let me summerize this way. When terrorists stormed a housing complex in Saudi Arabia this past summer, what question did they ask their victims before they were killed? "are you an american?" nope "did you vote for Bush" nope "are you a muslim" bingo. I mean bang.
  5. Gayest Post ever? The big difference is that America's own soliders reported the actions at Abu Ghraib prison. And there were trials, investigations, and punishment for those who acted out of line. Meanwhile, the rabid Muslim monkeys probably passed out candy and laughed like they did on 9/11 after they cut-off the heads of those evil contractors who are trying to rebuild their infastructure. Oh yes, and they killed 12 foriegns, and one of the main reason that was given was that they worshipped Buhda. And America is racist and bigoted? yeah, ok :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  6. Genocide? Please give it a break. If the U.S. wanted too, the whole friggin Middle would be smoldering parking lot. What I minute, that wouldn't be such a bad idea. At least we wouldn't have people getting trained to shoot children in the back, blow up churches, and all the other things that the 'religion' of peace teacheds over there. And by the way, their fellow muslims that are setting off car bombs in market square are killing more Iraq people than the U.S. army is now a day. That will free the peopleof Iraq from "genocide". We will just blow them up with our own car bombs. Le le le le le. Jerk :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  7. CLOAKING THE CHECHEN WAR AS JIHAD: THE RISK OF MILITANT CONTAGION Dr. Svante E. Cornell The current war in Chechnya, only the most recent stage in a decade-long conflict over Chechnya’s status, displays notable differences in comparison with the other 1994-96 armed stage of the conflict. The first war was primarily ethnic and national in character whereas the current war has a substantially more pronounced religious character. As the Chechens legitimize their war effort in increasingly Islamic terms, they find it easier to earn foreign financial support. More importantly, increasing numbers of Muslims are finding their way to Chechnya with the goal of fighting the jihad against Russia. Besides denying the Russians a decisive victory in the war, these outside Muslim fighters have substantially increased the risk for a contagion and diffusion of the conflict.
  8. Osama Bin Laden has close ties with Chechen terrorists and exerts influence within this territory. The BBC Money programme, which will be broadcast on November 21st, tells the story of four telecommunications engineers who were decapitated by Chechen terrorists on the orders of Osama Bin Laden. The four engineers, three Britons and a New Zealander, were murdered in December, 1998 after having been kidnapped by Chechen terrorists, who had agreed a ransom with the company they were working for, British-based Granger Telecom. However, Osama Bin Laden informed the leader of the Chechens, Arbi Baraev, that he would pay more than the ransom if the engineers were murdered. Baraev accepted and the engineers heads were cut off and left at the roadside. Baraev was killed in a skirmish with Russian troops in June. The one responsible for the murders is named as Khamzat, who remains at large, according to the programme. Timothy BANCROFT-HINCHEY PRAVDA.Ru
  9. WRONG! They want to seperate to create a Muslim state, like the lovely Taliaban. Nice try though.
  10. BESLAN. Sept 3 (Interfax) - Ten of the 20 hostage-takers who set off a major crisis in North Ossetia on Wednesday and were killed by Russian troops on Friday came from Arab countries, a Federal Security Service (FSB) official said.
  11. hmm... not once in this story due they mention he "separatists" were Muslim. That is whole reason they want to separate form Russia in the first place. I wonder why the write left out such an important item. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?
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