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Everything posted by pdh1

  1. Why do they always make women, who aren't even Iranian or Muslim, wear that head scarf? I saw an interview with Diane Sawyer and she was made to wear it. Image making a muslim reporter in the US wear jewish or christian symbols? Disgusting that it is not noticed by so called "rights groups"
  2. Brick Bar comes to mind. Where else could you order a case of beer on ice, at the bar!
  3. How about Curtis Enis?
  4. Blair Thomas and Heath Shuler
  5. How about for a swap of our 1st round picks? That would allow the Chargers to move up and get someone they have targeted
  6. Basically the whole incident was faked to make up a cause to go to war. Interesting that the Iranians would have to be in on it, because they claim to have the Brits. Guess her fat head can think that much...
  7. Good, he can do the "new mexico state vs. temple" game. Football Gulag
  8. Your right, all those things are way worse than blowing up children, cutting of heads off of aid workers, bombing red cross base camps, killing people riding trains and buses, or forcing children to be slaves, because they are infidels.... yep, way worse. FROM THE BBC: Akech Arol Deng has not seen his wife and son since they were seized by Arab militias from their home in south Sudan 19 years ago. His son, Deng, was just three years old at the time but Mr Arol is sure they are still alive, being used as slaves in the north. "I miss them so much. I really hope that one day they come back," Mr Arol told the BBC News website mournfully in his home of Malualbai, just a few hours' on horseback from the Bahr el-Arab river which divides Muslim northern Sudan from the Christian and Animist south. Some 8,000 people are believed to be living in slavery in Sudan, 200 years after Britain banned the Atlantic slave trade and 153 years after it also tried to abolish slavery in Sudan. Arab militias rode in to her village on horseback, firing their guns. When the adults fled, the children and cattle were rounded up and made to walk north for five days before they were divided between members of the raiding party. The northern government is widely believed to have armed the Arab militias in order to terrorise the southern population and distract rebel forces from attacking government targets. According to a study by the Kenya-based Rift Valley Institute, some 11,000 young boys and girls were seized and taken across the internal border - many to the states of South Darfur and West Kordofan. The boys generally looked after cattle, while the girls mostly did domestic chores before being "married", often as young as 12. Most were forcibly converted to Islam, given Muslim names and told not to speak their mother tongue.
  9. Draft Troy Smith in the 5th
  10. Rosie and her fat mouth, I mean fat ass, I mean fat head... eh, pick your body part
  11. Any idea on who the Bills #3 QB will be? Do they have someone on the pratice squad they like?
  12. For you viewing pleasure: http://www.tanyamemme.com/photo.php?gallery=gallery1
  13. Hey, I'd sleep with her if I had too. Maybe this one would meet your approval: http://www.nycdiet.com/nycdiet/images/rosie.jpg
  14. How about the Babes of Home Improvement shows? I will start with my fav, from "Sell This House" Niagara Falls' own Tanya Memme; http://www.tanyamemme.com/blog/blog.html
  15. Setting up something like an X-prize in cancer/aid research could be good thing to jump start some younger, smaller drug companies. The other side of this not mentioned as much is all the legal costs the drug companies face, and the constant threat of lawsuits. Even if a person doesn't use the drug as it is prescribed, and they get sick or die, the drug companies can still end up being sued for big time cash. Now if the company screw up, and push something to market they know is flawed, ok, they deserve it. But the large amount of even relatively small lawsuits takes its financial toll. Much like in other areas of health care, the sue happy nature of society ends up costing us all in the long run.
  16. Yep, financial rewards for creating new and important drugs after you spend millions in R& D is a crazy idea, I know. Let's just cap all profit margins in all industries, that will make people work hard. Viva La Chavez!
  17. 1) uh how many drug break-throughs come from France or Canada lately? 2) My wife was worked at GlaxoSmithKline for over 10 years. She worked in reasearch and now in sales forecasting. Consider it insider information. They treat their scientists like rock starts. And they should. Maybe it would help get more kids interested in science again. if you take away the financial incentives to the research, it would end. You might be able to cap it some. but total government involvement is a bad idea. Another tidbit for you fans of generic drugs. Did you generic drugs are only required to have 75% of the ingredients and effectiveness of the brand name drugs they aim to replace? So you might not want them if your battling bone cancer and such...
  18. If liberals get their way and put a cap on drug prices and create a national health plan, watch drug research slow to a crawl. There used to over twenty drug companies working on vaccines, then the government got in the way. Now there is two.
  19. If the cop was the woman wouldn't be alive to talk about it the next the day. Her head would be cut off.
  20. Maybe its foreplay for Skull F*$king
  21. What is really funny is the title of the photo gallery...PEACE RALLY. Nothing more peaceful than burning effigies of people and their flags. Works much better than hand holding and sing alongs
  22. The President of Mexico just told Bush we should do more to help their economy. That will keep more people in Mexico. Far enough, but why isn't their nationalized industry and corrupt government looked at as part of the problem? They have a ton of oil there but since they discourage foreign investment, not as much comes out. Our family was forced down on the ground (including an 8 year old) by the local police while on vacation. They searched our car. Asked how much cash we had. They took it and left. So I don't that type of action is going to help with the tourist industry. That and those pesky human heads washing up on the beach. They have the prime location in the world, right next to the world's largest economy. A ton of natural resources, great weather and scenery, and large population that wants to work. Don't you think somebody might start looking at THEIR government to get the economy growing? And I am sure companies in the US would rather work with their people than China. But they make it so damn hard to do business. That is why Volkswagon left...
  23. http://www.hotenough.org/ I am not looking, but it sure nice to window shop!
  24. Favorite Post Ever. I take back my Ram-Anus comment.
  25. Free markets, yes. Open borders=choas
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