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Everything posted by pdh1

  1. I was joking. They were not. Big Difference Jerky. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  2. And as I recall, Muslims groups also had "death warrant" issued at the guy who wrote the book "the Satanic Verses' . Did writing a letter to a newspaper ever occur as option to them? Nah, just kill 'em. AMSTERDAM, Netherlands -- A Dutch filmmaker who criticized Islamic culture has been murdered in Amsterdam. Theo Van Gogh was fatally shot outside a city government office today. The shooter was arrested after exchanging gunfire with police. Van Gogh's film "Submission" aired on Dutch television in August and enraged the Muslim community in the Netherlands. It told the fictional story of a Muslim woman forced into a violent marriage, raped by a relative and brutally punished for adultery. The filmmaker had reportedly received death threats. The place of Muslim immigrants in Dutch society has long been a source of tension in the Netherlands. Many right-wing politicians have pushed for tougher immigration laws and say Muslims already settled in the country must make a greater effort to adopt Dutch wa
  3. Don't think so Jerky. Here is a list of PRESENT day conflicts that involve the "religion of peace" Islam: Enjoy! AFGHANISTAN: The war in Afghanistan is ongoing. Since Soviet troops withdrew, various Afghan groups have tried to eliminate their rivals. Although the Taliban strengthened their position in 1998 they have not achieved their final objective. Afghanistan harbours Osama bin Ladin, a wealthy Saudi Arabia dissident responsible for terrorist acts around the world. On 11 September 2001 members from bin Ladin's el Qaeda group highjacked 4 passenger jets in the USA, crashing one into the Pentagon and 2 into the World Trade Center, killing more than 2,000 citizens. The USA and its allies declared war on terrorism and counter-attacked, removing the Taliban from power. The war on terrorism and the el Qaeda continues. ALGERIA: Armed Islamic groups formed and since 1992 have carried out attacks on key economic points, security forces, officials and foreigners. In 1995 Algeria's first multiparty presidential elections were held and the incumbent president Liamine Zeroual won 60% of the votes in a poll with a 75% turnout. The first multiparty legislative elections were held in June 1997 which were won by the National Democratic Rally, which holds the majority of seats along with the FLN. Although the armed wing of the FIS declared a ceasefire in October 1997, an extremist splinter group, the Islamic Armed Group (GIA), continued attacks. There is also evidence that many attacks are carried out by militias backed by the Algerian security forces. After years of civil strife, Amnesty International estimates that around 80,000 people have died The Caucasus and Russia: The Central Asian republics have a long history of conflicts. Fighting breaks out regularly between warlords and religious groups calling for the establishment of Islamic states outside the Russian Federation. Russia is trying to hold on to the federation because the Caucasus is a vital supply route for the oil riches of the Caspian and Black Sea. With the break-up of the Soviet Union various groups fought for control in the republics. Conflicts from one republic spills over to the other and they continually blame each other for attacks. Chechnya, still part of Russia, was flung in an almost full-scale war in 1994-96 and, after a disastrous campaign, Russia was forced to re-evaluate its involvement in the area. In August 1999 Russia stepped up security in the Caucasus region as rebels from within Dagestan - a small republic where more than 100 languages are spoken - went on the attack in support of Chechnyan Muslim groups who claim independence from Russia. In September 1999 Russia launched a ground invasion into the area to cut rebels off from Central Asian supply routes. By January 2000 Russia was once again involved in a full scale conflict in Chechnya. The Caucasus issue is complicated by the more than 50 different ethnic groups each insisting to proclaim their religious convictions on the area. The situation holds serious danger for neighbouring countries, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Russia itself. EYGPT: Fundamentalist Muslim rebels seek to topple the secular Egyptian government. At least 1,200 people have perished since the beginning of the rebellion. The conflict was primarily waged as an urban guerrilla/terrorist war. The opposition Muslim Brotherhood took part in elections in 2000, indicating that they felt armed force would not work. INDONESIA: The struggle on the Indonesia islands is complicated by leaders of pro- and anti-independence movements, and by religious conflicts. More than 500 churches have been burned down or damaged by Muslims over the past six years. Both the Christians and Muslims blame each other for the violence and attempts at reconciliation made little progress. After a bloody struggle East Timor gained independence in 1999. The hostilities on other islands continue to claim dozens of lives, to such an extent that the break-up of Indonesia seem imminent. INDIA/PAKISTAN: Muslim separatists in the Indian section declared a holy war against the mostly-Hindu India and started attacks in 1989, mainly from Pakistan-occupied section of Kashmir, and from Pakistan and Afghanistan. The conflict continues, with Pakistan also crushing rebellions with brute force in their section. IRAQ: Supports Islamic terrorist acts around the world. Differing culture and religious groups within Iraq continues to clash with Shiite Muslims. ISRAEL: Within its own borders, Israel continues to battle various Muslim organizations that seek independence for a Palestine state, areas made up of the Gaza strip, West.Bank, and part of Jerusalem. There is heavy international pressure on Israel to recognise a Palestinian state. The area of what today is Palestine was settled by Semitic tribes at a very early date. It was then called Canaan, and controlled by Canaanite tribes for more than 1,000 years. In about 1500 BC Hebrew, or Jewish, tribes began to enter the area. They later came into conflict with a people of Greek origin known as the Philistines. It is from them that the term Palestine is derived. IRAN: After the Iranian Revolution in 1979 toppled the government of the Shah, the Mujahadeen Khalq soon began a bloody guerrilla war against the new Islamic government. The Mujahadeen are currently based in Iraq and conduct cross-border raids into Iran, as well as conducting urban guerrilla operations in the cities and conducting political assassinations. Iran occasionally launches raids against Khalq bases in Iraq. KOSOVO: The ethnic Albanian KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) in this Serbian province fought a guerilla war against Serbia to claim the region. Beginning in February 1999, Albanians were forced out of the province, prompting NATO to attack Serbia. By July 1999 Serb troops were forced out of Kosovo, only to open an avenue for Albanian Kosovars to attack Serb Kosovars. The Albanian Muslims have since burned down dozens of centuries-old Christian churches. In an effort to establish a Greater Albania, Albanian Muslim rebels also launched attacks in Macedonia. NIGERIA: There are violent religious clashes in the city of Kaduna in northern Nigeria beginning February 21 2004 and have continued. Kaduna is the second largest city in the north. The clashes followed a march by tens of thousands of Christians to protest the proposal to introduce Muslim sharia law as the criminal code throughout Kaduna state. Reports speak of rival armed gangs of Christians and Muslims roving the streets. Churches and mosques have been put to the torch. Corpses were seen lying in the streets and people's bodies hanging out of cars and buses, apparently killed while attempting to flee the violence. Local human rights workers said that more than 400 had been killed as a result of the clashes. SUDAN: The largest country in Africa, has been plagued by a succession of unstable civilian and military governments since it gained independence in 1956 from an Anglo-Egyptian condominium. The long-running conflict continues between the Arab Muslim northerners of Sudan, (the base of the government), and the African Christians of the south. In the mid-90s Sudan was home to Osama bin Ladin, the international terrorist responsible for the World Trade Center attack. It is estimated that more than 1,2 million people have been killed in the Sudan war, brining devastation to the Sudanese economy. PHILIPPINES: The Phillipines armed forces, with assistance of US troops, are fighting Moslem rebels - they have been linked to Osama bin Laden's el Qaeda terrorist group - on the southern islands of the country. Muslim rebel groups seek autonomy/independence from the mostly Christian Philippines. One rebel group, the Abu Sayaf Group, is believed linked to Osama bin-Laden's Al-Qaida. This connection, plus their tactic of kidnapping and beheading Americans, led the United States to send Special Forces to aid the Philippine Army.
  4. Dark City ruled! Now I I know your tast in movies sucks. Worst Movies Ever (in no particular order) Glitter Battlefield Earth Godzilla (american version 1998) Mannequin Catwoman and anything directed by Michael Bay
  5. WWW.WESUCK.COM J.P. are you with me? J.P. , J.P. J.P. are you with me? J.P. , J.P. J.P. are you with me? J.P. , J.P.
  6. well, if you are in an audience full of baseball cap wearing, riddilin popping, baggy pants teenagers, who are to busy laughing and text paging each other about how great the new DMX cd is...... that can ruin the mood I am sure. There was group like that in Saving Private Ryan who were actually laughing at storming of Normandy scene in the first twenty minutes. Two other horror movies coming out that look good: Saw http://www.bloody-disgusting.com/reviews.php?id=375 High Tension (haute tension): http://www.bloody-disgusting.com/reviews.php?id=322
  7. Yes it is the done by the same director. Dawn of the Dead (20040 had the best opening 10 minutes of any horror movie, period. But in the Grudge, there is a great frigging scare right before the opening credits are done. I actually saw some one fall out of the seat it startled them so much.
  8. No, that would be "the Grudge F**k". Hopefully that one will star Jessica Beal.
  9. Any one see "the Grudge" this weekend? It was pretty damn scary! I have seen the original version from Japan (which this follows fairly closely) and it still freaked me out. I haven't heard an audience screanm that much in a theater since Jaws.
  10. I heard him tell a reporter from ESPN that he was real nervous about starting this Sunday. He said, " this is tearing the ass out of me!!"
  11. YAWN. It is only ok to be racist if you hate white heterosexual christian males. Yes the hate is only one sided. YAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWN
  12. I got your tennis racquet ...right here!
  13. "Speaking at a French cultural center in Hanoi ahead of Friday's opening of a summit of European and Asian leaders, Chirac said France was right to stand up for cultural and linguistic diversity." Last time I looked around, there were an awful lot of people here speaking Spanish as well. I guess Chirac hasn't been here in while.
  14. The ending of the original Japanese version of the Ring (Ringu). When the dead, wet girl crawls out of the tv. Much creepier than the American version, were the girl looked like she came out of a video game. Or the beginning of Candyman were the girl says his name five times in front of the mirror. Yikes!
  15. Raves defense vs. Bill offense Outcome: 8 sacks, three picks, 2 recovered fumbles. Our defense will play well, but get worn out by the 3rd quarter because thy will be on the field the whole game. Jamal Lewis starts to hammer them. Get his 100+ yards. Ravens 14 Bills 0 Sorry for the negativity, but it has been earned. I am going to go back and watch my 1990 seasons highlites so I can watch Jeff George get knocked out in slow motion again. Those were the days "sign"
  16. I am sick of... Seeing Tom Brady's pumpkin head on TV commercials. I friggin' hate that satellite radio commercial I am sick of the media fawning over the Eagles. I am sick of the ref throwing flags every two seconds. I am sick of the Patriots winning. I am sick of Bledsoe giving up the ball when the game still can be won. I am sick, sick sick sick sick sick of the Bills losing. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
  17. I can see that NFL ref from that beer commercial saying: "Chris Carter, we have a dating foul, you have an obvious "uni-brow"...still single. Drink Beer!" Bills 21 Pat 17 Brady: 3 picks
  18. After watch the debate last night, I came to one inescapable truth: Bush's twin girls are HOT!! GO BILLS!! Bills 21 Pats 17
  19. You have already seen this, but this cartoon tears "two cheesburgers" Moore a new A-hole: http://www.zipperfish.com/ztoons/ztoons.html
  20. Thanks for the info. I did a promitional video for them once for free (shooting and editing stuff). The house I was filming for them was brand new. When I drove down there to film, there were all these abandoned tobacco warehouses down the road that would seem like a good place to remodel. A couple years a construction bought them for pennies on the dollar, and now rent them out hip, expensive apartments for young professional types. I wasn't just think of the cost, but the space as well.
  21. Never said there was some sort of conspiracy. Just wondered were the marches and protest were. I hear crickets....
  22. And why the f**k does it have to be America that does something about? If the people of Europe were really so concerned about human rights, surely they could do something to help. After all, they are a lot closer, and didn't they use to colonize Africa? Then again if isn't the Jews doing something bad, Europe doesn't care. Maybe they will wait for the U.N. to pass another resolution. That will stop the violence. Now that's funny.
  23. OK, the muslims are also attacking other Muslims. Thanks for pointing that out. Now, what does that have to do with your sarcastic remark "christians peaceful'? Kinda of just proved my point some more. Prediction: The Crusades anglogy. Never mind that was 500 years ago. Prediction: The Crusades analogy will come next. Never mind that was 500+ years ago.
  24. Why doesn't Habitat for Humanity focus on renovating older houses? Seems to me it would save a lot more trees and land. Not really what you folks were talking about, but I just wanted to know if anyone had the answer.
  25. 29.11.2000)/HRWF International Secretariat (12.12.2000) Sudanese air force planes unleashed a deadly attack on a Catholic school in the village of Panlit in southern Sudan's Bahr al-Ghazal region last Friday, according to officials of the diocese of El Obeid, which sponsors and administers the school. Eyewitnesses report that the Nov. 24 bombing raids over Panlit village began at 11:00 AM, at a time when the maximum number of the Panlit Missionary School's 700 students would be attending classes. Bombers made three passes over the site, dropping a total of fourteen shrapnel, or "barrel" bombs on the area, one round of which hit and destroyed two school classrooms, and sent hundreds of students fleeing for safety into the bush. http://www.hrwf.net/html/sudan2000.html And this type of attack continues today. I wonder why people in the entrainment industry don't speak out against the type of thing. Especially African-Americans who are proud of their heritage. Instead we get Whoopeie Goldberg playing dirty word games with George Bush's last name. Wow, that really demonstrates you have your priorities straight.
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