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Everything posted by pdh1
Islam is such a peaceful religion:
pdh1 replied to billsfanone's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
So true. So tell me how come Muslims claim to have rights to all the holy cities and sites in the Middle East, when they were important to Jews and Christians long before anyone heard of Islam? And how did those areas that were almost all jewish and christian become muslim? So do you think an couple of teenages in short sleeve dress shirts and ties went door to door with the Koran, to get people to convert? Any ideas? -
ne-cons, the buzz word of the liberal loonies. Can we can you neo-commies?
Thanks, and complements to you to! You are pretty good typist for only using one hand. But does the K-Y jelly ever ooze of your load sock and get on your keyboard? Do tell...
Just because you're ugly and never got a date in high shool or community college, doesn't mean every one is. Back to your Game Cube, Mario is waiting for you!
You need to have a sense of humor of when you look like the kid from Deliverance, playing the banjo.
Also for you viewing pleasure: http://www.ogrish.com/index.php?class=subm...n=view&id=16997 Brought to you Islam, the religion of peace. "no war crimes here, only Jihad"
I am just worried this story will make arab muslims become violent. Right now they just love peace.
To those on this board, who brought up the marine shooting the 'Unarmed' Iraq terrorist, as some type of proof America is evil, here is another nice little story for you to read: "FALLUJAH, Iraq - U.S. Marines on Sunday found the mutilated body of what they believe was a Western woman during a sweep of a street in central Fallujah. The body was lying in the street covered with a blood-soaked cloth. Marines fear the body may have been boobytrapped and called in dogs to sniff for explosives. Although the body has not been carefully examined, a Marine officer who spoke on condition of anonymity said he was "80 percent sure" it was a Western woman. Two Western women are known to have been kidnapped in Iraq (news - web sites). Margaret Hassan, 59, director of CARE international in Iraq, was abducted Oct. 19. Teresa Borcz Khalifa, 54, a Polish-born longtime resident of Iraq, was seized last month. They cut off her arms and legs and disfigured her face" Let's show our outrage for the poor Iraq terrorist! Any you know something, when of our soliders does something wrong, at least we try to investigate and punish the guilty. Meanwhile in the land Islamo-terrorisville, if you kill a female aid worker you are a hero. Pass around the candy, Mohammand-Akbar!
2nd view on SF State U "attack" on republicans
pdh1 replied to SJ Bills backer's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Hmm, when I read it, it still said the PLO types started the whole thing. And of course the campus president isn't going to say anithing negative about the group, or he would be branded a bigot and fired.... sorry! -
Well, American was founded by people trying to escape religious persecution. The Islamic terrorists mainly kill because they hate others who do not follow their religion. Before you start talking about Iraq and Israel, please do some Google searches, and read about Churches are blown up in the Philippines, Catholic Schools are bombed in Sudan, ancient Buddhist statues are torn down, etc...
While, my dad used to wanna buy some stuff that would come on Info-mercials on Sunday morning T.V., that doesn't mean they were good products. Face it, Fatty Moore hurt the Dems more that he helped, as did the Hollywood Limo riding liberals. Do we really care what George Clooney or "International Weapons Expert" Sean Penn think? Nope. Polls show it was a turn off for most voters. And most people see thru Moore garbage as well. Nobody's thought proccess was changed by his "Mocumentary" or what ever you call it.
I am just so tired of hearing "michael moore gets under you skin, so he most be winning" or similar arguments. He obviously is not winning, just look at the past election for proof. What Michael Moore has found is a niche market for his pseudo documentaries, which makes him a lot of money. There is small, but dedicate crowd of Bush haters who will lap up anything he sells. But the real sad part is, most of these folks who support his movies and pay $50 to hear him speak really don't know all of his views, partly because he only states them while he is out of the country. Here is partial list of his quotes: "The passengers on the hijacked planes were cowards and did not fight back, because the were mostly white" (Wonder what Mrs, Todd Beamer would think if she heard that) "F**k small business. They are the rednecks that keep the nooses around small towns" "Let all the mexicans who want to move here come on over. There is plenty of room in Kansas" (Uh, don't you think you would want to check with the farmers in that state before you bring them all over) "The dumbest Canadian is smarter than the smartest America" ( I don't know were to start with that one). So just keep in mind, when people get pissed of at Moore for getting $30,000 a night and a private jet ride to speak at a college (and giving no money to charity), or when he makes money off selling a CD called "Music from and inspired by Fahrenheit 9/11", there is more to the anger than just his dislike of Bush. PS. Since Osma came out and admitted to doing the terrorist acts of 9/11, doesn't that shoot down his theory that is was planned by Bush?
Pudding Head was one the names Mo used to like to call Curly in the Three Stooges, if you were wondering were it comes from.
So it that true about the name "Bush" when it comes to you lefties? Weak arguement pudding head.
What I really want to know, does any one know where I could see some good photos of Evangeline Lilly? She is smoking hot. What a body.
Yeah, he is really keep you from speaking your mind. You forgot: "Necon, flight suite, no blood for oil, patriot act..."
Yeah right, they would be lynched live on network tv, and would deserve it. Why not the other way around?
Food for thought.... Image a table of Muslim students sitting at table on campus, handing out reading materials about Islam. Then a larger group of mostly white students (maybe some who had family killed in Spain or Bahli by suicide bombs) yells at the Muslim students. "Get off campus!", and "I would rather be dead than be a dirty muslim!" And the groups get more and more violent, and threatens not to stop till the Islamic group is kicked off campus.... Still freedom of speech then?
Over 300 Arab student protesters surrounded the table of the local College Republican Club at San Francisco State University, prompting 13 campus police officers to protect the political organization's property and volunteers. According to columnist Lee Kaplan writing in FrontPage Magazine, the protesters – "Palestinian, Arab, Muslim and radical leftist students" – surrounded the outdoor table the morning after President Bush's re-election victory, when the Republican activists had hoped to recruit more members. "The police officers were forced to surround the CR's table both in front and in back in order to protect the conservative students' safety," Kaplan wrote. The protesters were members of the General Union of Palestinian Students. Two days earlier, Arab students confronted members of the Republican club who were distributing Bush-Cheney flyers on campus, with one woman reportedly slapping one of the conservative students. The columnist says the Republicans were accused of the "murder of Palestinian babies" due to their support for Bush. Wrote Kaplan: "Lee Wolf, another College Republicans member, described one of the women on Monday as shouting, 'The only way we can defeat you is to kill as many as possible! I'd rather die a suicide bomber's death than to call myself an American!' He continued, 'In my opinion, these were terrorist threats.'" According to the report, the Arab protesters have called for the Republican club to be banned from campus. Flyers were even distributed at the university that said: "Don't Let the College Republicans Commit Racism and Bigotry Against Arab Women." Chris Finarelli, vice president of the club described the protesters at Wednesday's disturbance. "They were all around us wearing black and white kafiyahs like Arafat wears," he said. "We don't even deal with the Israel/Palestinian dispute that much in our discussions and materials," CR member Derek Wray told Kaplan. "We don't even have any Jewish members as far as I know, although we do promote a conservative political agenda. "We're going to the police again to ask for protection. They say they're going to have another demonstration and drive us off campus."
not the point of the posts, but thanks for the info.
You consider this message board the same as appearing in hollywood movies, network and cable shows, CNN, MSNBC, Fox news, the Grammies, etc....? So posting on here qualifies you into the world of show business? Yeah..............ok.
Better looking than Babs....check. Not a liberal hypocrite like Babs...check. Plus, I didn't choose to put myself in the public eye and then invite criticism by opening my big fat mouth to the press and television networks. Now go blow up your date.
That's brilliant? Really? I hope your boyfriend is that easily impressed.
Nope. Because it would still have that banana nosed hypocrite’s face on it. ```
James Brolin? Yikes, I didn't need that mental image