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Everything posted by pdh1

  1. HA! Yes, mainly by Christians, who, after all, are the target of many of the bombings in Lebanon. FROM WIKIPEDIA: "The 2005 Lebanon bombings were a series of bombings that occurred mainly in Beirut, Lebanon and its suburbs. While the current wave of bombings began in October 2004, the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri on February 14, 2005, touched off the Cedar revolution and the withdrawal of Syrian troops. After the massive protests following Hariri's killing, several more bombings hit Lebanon, following a similar pattern: most of them occurred at night, in Christian areas of the country, and often on Fridays. Though the perpetrators behind the bombings are unknown, suspicion by some within Lebanon and the international community has fallen on Syria or its supporters"
  2. Nope. They should. Good old selective outrage. Like a fellow Bills fan could screw you wife, and you don't get mad, because he likes the bills. A dolphins fan steals your sunday paper, and you go punch his lights, because he is dolphins fans and shouldn't do anything that might offend you. And the fellow Bills fan starts stealing your money and wrecking your property. But you are still more mad at the dolphins fan, because you hate the dolphins that much.
  3. Again, the analogy should be hatred of others different from you, not "the poverty of their countrymen around them, the refugees, the wasted lives" Why do they feel such anger at the actions of Israel and the US against their fellow Muslims, but don't give two farts about even worse acts committed against them by their fellow Muslims?Andy one recall Jordan killing over 20,000 Palestinians in the 70's? Saddam's mass graves? Case in Point: You saw large protests all over the Muslim world when reports came out the some american dropped a Koran, and that woman actually touched a copy. But in Iraq, Afghanistan, and even Turkey, you have Muslims walking in to Mosques full of people from a different sect, and blowing them all up. Seems to me that is a lot worse.... In on specific incident in Afghanistan, and Arab Sunni Muslim walked into a Shiite Mosque, and blew up over 30 people. After the explosion, and angry mob formed, and they proceeded to destroy a Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant while chanting "Death to America" Go figure.
  4. The endless poverty argument again? The "magnificent 19" (as they are know in the middle east) where all well-educated and came from an upper-middle class background. The London bombers were college educated, and one was even receiving government assistance on the back of the tax payers for some twenty odd years to help support him and his 4 kids. Osama and his right hand man are both rich. And a certain Jordanian causing lots of problems in Iraq and blowing up hotels in Jordan comes from a well to do family. The rioters in France complained about the lack of jobs, but I ask you: If you refused to work for a woman or some who is jewish, wouldn't that be narrowing you options a bit? I am waiting for the day someone rationalizes the mentality of the KKK on being poor and desperate.
  5. If she looks like that should could be a friggin Dolphins fan for all I care.....
  6. Forget her, now this is hot: http://www.celebrities.pl/vanessa_marcil/vanessa1.jpg
  7. He has a playoff win. That is more than any Bills coach in the past 10 years.
  8. Not according to the president of Iran. He says it never happened. He never lies.
  9. Wow , that is why you see cells of Lutherian terrorist blowing up people till this very day.
  10. Sounds like selective history to me. Before the era of global-colonalism, Islam was violently conquering the media-east and Persia. In fact, they still consider Spain "theirs". That is why the Spanish police a constantly breaking up cells who are plotting to blow -up courthouses and other public building. I guess pulling out of Iraq wasn't good enough. Duh! And please tell what holy sites that Christians have build over to build their own place of worship? That is common practice with Islam in the middle east.
  11. I think he would do fine with a real owner. Plus, the Bills is his dream job. He could bring Don Capers on as the Defense Coach.
  12. Comparing extremist Christian groups to Islamic ones and the havoc they create worldwide is the the equivalent of comparing some kid's lemonade stand to Coke-Cola inc. Flying planes into building may not be an everyday event, but Muslim terrorists wanting to carve out a pure Islamic state out any country were they have a sizable population is... For you reading enjoyment: Bangladesh suicide bombing kills 8 http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/asiapcf/12/0...last/index.html ".. authorities believe all the incidents, including Thursday's, are linked to the banned Islamic militant group Jamaatul Mujahedin Bangladesh (JMB) -- a group, police say, has a suicide squad of 2,000 members. JMB is dedicated to establishing Islamic rule in Bangladesh, promising to attack court officials and buildings, administrative targets, cultural organizations, non-governmental organizations and what it calls liberal democratic political organizations." You could replace Bangladesh with about 10 other country names and the story could be the same... When is the last item and armed Christian group used bombing of civilians to try and establish a pure Christian state? More than 60% of muslims world-wide think Osma Yourma is a hero. Poll Christians and see how high the fire bombers rank. Let's collect news stories for year and see who was more: The christian terrorist or the islamic terrorists...
  13. Good God, people who list the "DC SNIPERS" as their heroes should be neutiered so they don't have the chance to breed.
  14. Huh? Not my kids, nor any one I know. Man, I felt really bad for the family when i first posted this topic. It seemed revelant being that is was the son of the coach of the NFL's best team on the verge of making the SuperBowl... But after reading that kid's page, all I can say is "what an ass". I love that "f*#K the police" and "america is racist so I am thug" message coming from a kid who's dad makes a ton of money coaching a game. I wish kids like that could spend some time in the Sudan, and see what real racism and hate crimes are. He would be crying on the phone to come back to the good old US of A in a day. Still feel bad for Tony though.
  15. Yep. With Bills out of it since week 4, I am pulling for the Colts hard after hearing this. F*#K the Steelers and Broncos
  16. What's really sad is that is his son was on the sidelines with him for every game. You could see him beside Tony helping out, like Marty's daughter did when he coached the Chiefs.
  17. Police say it looks like he killed himself. Poor Tony.
  18. What do you think about A.J. Hawk if he is there when the Bills pick? Having him with Spikes and Fletch could be awesome. Maybe even the Bills could switch back to a 3-4 defense, since the will have trouble fielding one good DT, let alone two.
  19. Maybe so, but when you ask people for the 20 best QB of all time, Simms never comes up. Jimbo is a top twenty to be sure. The no huddle lit defense up like no other. Kelly had a swagger Simms didn't have. I love the game at the Saints were Kelly got hammered, and was laying on the field. They were coming out to cart him off. He pushes everyone away and flips off the Saints fans, and goes on to win the game.
  20. Phil Simms wasn't half the quarterback Kelly was. I don't recall Simms ever taking over a game himself. Giants won with Defense and smash mouth offense, not Simm's arm.
  21. Love JP. But if you start him next year, I hope everyone is fine with a 8-8 year. Even his fans like Jaws on ESPN says he is about 3 years away. But you never know..... GO COLTS, I guess now the Bills are out.
  22. In his first comments since doctors grafted bone from his right hip to his chest, McNair said Friday he will throw himself full-throttle into his offseason training. "At this point in time I know I have to really go out and push and not to overdo it, but just push myself to the limit and see how well of a shape I can get in," said McNair, who underwent the hour-long procedure Tuesday. Five weeks ago, McNair said he would consider retirement this offseason because of a history of injuries, most recently a bruised sternum that limited him to eight games in 2004. "Hopefully I can go out and evaluate myself as early as May and try to make sure I am capable of going through the minicamps," McNair said. "If I am not capable of going through the minicamps, then maybe I need to push myself a little harder." For now, though, he feels as good as he has in weeks. "I feel wonderful right now as far as the surgery being so successful," he said. "I didn't think I was going to be feeling this good a couple of days after the surgery."
  23. Just finished trolling on some Titans boards. They are all in love with Billy V., and feel Mcnair's time there is done. (like eddie g last year). How about dumping Drew. Signing Steve Mcnair for a 3 year deal. Groom JP behind him for two years. Mcnair's surgery went well and he feels great. But with his cap hit and Billy Voleks performance, he may be cut. And add the rumors of Jeff Fisher leaving to be the Browns Coach/GM. It may be time for house cleaning at the Titans.
  24. He was a "Date Rapist" in college. Screw him. Punk. GO COLTS!!
  25. Yes. But it just feels .....yucky pulling for the Dolphins. That Visa commercial with the Pats was the last straw! Man, I hate the Pats more than the dreaded dolfags
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