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Everything posted by pdh1

  1. How about this one? I don't recall seeing any videos of Jews cutting off heads: http://www.adl.org/NR/rdonlyres/e5rfrx6iiu...9execution1.jpg
  2. http://www.adl.org/main_Arab_World/asam_ju..._intro_2005.htm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  3. Lot's of nazi refrences in there. Didn't they have something to do with the Holocaust? Or is that more lies from the elders of Zion?
  4. Couldn't they just re-print these? http://www.adl.org/Anti_semitism/arab/cart...ress_061802.asp
  5. Just bookmarked it. Thanks for posting it.
  6. The fellows in the first photo look like Vikings fans. Look at all that purple.
  7. He drew those cartoons in the Danish paper, don't you know?
  8. Wait a day or two and it will be blamed on the Jews. Damn scuba diving zionist terrorists!
  9. How about the NT from Green Bay who wants out? I think his name is Grady Jackson.....
  10. It might make them violent, hate the U.S. and support terrorism. And the difference would be?
  11. Traded to the Lions for Joey Harrington and Charles Rodgers. That's a joke by the way.
  12. JOEY! JOEY! 2006 comeback player of the year. Wait a second, do you have to have at least one good year in your career to qualify as a "comeback player"? gulp...
  13. Gee, did they ever think about writing a letter to the editor of the paper instead of wanting to kill people?
  14. It always something with them isn't? Maybe they just want us to be back in caves using torches made with animal fat. Here is good read about GM upcoming push in bio-fuels: http://www.autoblog.com/2006/01/25/gm-goes...gton-auto-show/
  15. More nuke power and a huge move to ethanol a nd biodiesel, and say goodbye to the relevance of the Middle East: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/for...67959/index.htm The heads of GM are about to annouce a big push in this direction. Ford already said as much. Maybe this is what will save them both?
  16. No need to invade. How about just securing the border for a change.
  17. A platoon from the Mexican army was sent in to restore order to border town near Texas. The town had been under the control of a drug cartel. The whole friggin' platoon got paid off by the drug dealers and now work for them! Boy, those are some cracker jack troops there huh? Can you image U.S. marines doing something like that?
  18. But they have done such a great job with Gaza. They said "just give us the land". Well, they got it, now it's in turmoil.
  19. Kalimba Edwards might make a good pass rush instead of Ryan D. or Chris K.
  20. Maybe Dick could pull some of these folks over to the Bills since he was so liked by the players. I was hoping Shaun Rodgers was free agent, but no he isn't. Booo. He would be a great pick up. http://www.theredzone.org/2006/freeagents/....asp?Team=Lions OT Backus maybe?
  21. Actually Samoans make up the largest percent of players in the NFL, in terms of their world population, compared to how many play in the NFL. Maybe that didn't come out right. There are something like on 300,000 of them living in the world today, but there like about 60 of them playing in the NFL ( including backups and partice squad players). So, if you are a samoan male, you have a great shot of being a pro-football player. Much like the one man wrecking crew-SAPE
  22. And maybe he could get Grady Jackson, who wants out of Green Bay. Grady and Sam side by side could a good DT combo for a year or two
  23. I'd rather have Sherman and his buddy Jim Bates, who is leaving Green Bay.
  24. Works for the The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC): CNSNews.com) - The oldest and largest Hispanic "civil rights" organization in the U.S. is defending a website that labels some opponents of illegal immigration as "racists, cowards" and "domestic terrorists." The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) said Tuesday that it launched the site to give immigration control activists "a taste of their own medicine." As Cybercast News Service previously reported, LULAC launched the WeAreRacists.com website on Dec. 14, 2005. The website was intended as a response to members of the "Herndon Minutemen" and HelpSaveHerndon.org, who were photographing and videotaping contractors hiring day laborers at a new taxpayer-funded facility on public property in Herndon, Va. Other chapters of the nationwide Minuteman Project have been conducting similar operations and posting some photos online. George Taplin, president of the Herndon Minutemen, told Cybercast News Service that the photos taken by his group's members are kept confidential. The various Minutemen chapters use the documentary evidence they gather to lodge complaints against unlicensed contractors and to request that government agencies verify that all of the contractors are paying appropriate taxes and providing required workers' compensation insurance for the laborers they hire. The LULAC-sponsored website accuses the Minutemen of being "racists, cowards, un-Americans (sic), vigilantes, [and] domestic terrorists," because of their efforts. On Friday, the WeAreRacists.com domain name no longer linked to the website, but the singular version of the name - WeAreRacist.com - took visitors to the original home page. LULAC also added photos of Minutemen from Burbank City, Calif., Framingham, Mass., and Denton, Texas to the page that previously displayed only photos of the Herndon Minutemen.
  25. This one? http://www.lollipoplingerie.com/Merchant2/...01/PX/PX991.jpg
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