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Everything posted by pdh1

  1. To quote a line from the WaterBoy: "oh no! we suck again!!"
  2. I think they just used torches to burn down the churches....not sure what weapons you are talking about
  3. Yeah, that makes perfect sense.... MAIDUGURI, Nigeria -- At least 15 people were killed in northeastern Nigeria on Saturday as Muslim protesters attacked Christians and burned churches when a march against cartoons depicting Prophet Muhammad turned violent, police and residents said. Rioters also burned 15 Christian churches in Maiduguri, Nigerian police spokesman Haz Iwendi said. Troops and police reinforcements have been deployed in the city to restore order, Iwendi said.
  4. Torry "Big Game" Holt, no doubt.
  5. How about Jeff Backus, the Tackle from the Lions?
  6. Speaking of not getting your message out, what the hell is this sign trying to say? http://images.ibsys.com/2006/0217/7154725_320X240.jpg
  7. I heard Pat was going to have a "scientific based seminar" to see if the Crusades actually happenend. The "alleged" Crusades.
  8. That is the funniest thing I have seen in while. All they need are glow sticks!
  9. Sneak them into the U.S. give them driver licenses, give their kids breaks on their college tuition, don't arrest them for DWIs, and let them get all the medical care they want and charge it to the legal tax paying citizens. Oh wait, that group of folks comes a little more from the southwest. Nevermind......
  10. according to Al-Terrorist news network we already do number 8. They say we sell the organs to old rich jews....
  11. Mohammed Yousaf Qureshi, prayer leader at the historic Mohabat Khan mosque in the conservative northwestern city of Peshawar, announced the mosque and the Jamia Ashrafia religious school he leads would give a $25,000 reward and a car for killing the cartoonist who drew the prophet caricatures http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2006-02...-drawings_x.htm
  12. ' The rumors I have heard have Culpepper going to DA R-A-I-D-E-R-S! Just like all Al Davis to give up high draft picks for an under performing bum.
  13. Why doesn't the press run more of these pictures? I know some of them are 3 years old, but what the hell: http://www.betar.co.uk/articles/pictures/paul_beheading.jpg
  14. Get Batman to kick their ass! http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...DDG33H7MSO9.DTL
  15. He maybe old, but I would take his winning percentage over any Bill QB since Kelly.
  16. Is Marcus Spriggs or "Big Daddy" Jerry Crafts available to build the o-line?
  17. Miami, better, taller receivers. Hey, would anyone here want Kerry Collins for a year a two to give JP more time to learn the ins and outs, if the Raiders get Dante? Kerry looked pretty good in the one Raiders game I watched, when they beat up on the Bills. He throws a GREAT deep ball. 40 yard plus bombs to Evans all night long!
  18. I heard he is selling a cool t-shirt that something like "TKO:The Comeback", so I hope comes back ok, or they will be in the same pile as the Colts AFC CHAMPIONS shirts.
  19. No, he was last seen alive in car with Ted Kennedy out clubing.
  20. Was that Jackass who won in Iran a complete long shot? I recall hearing people in Iran saying the vote was fraud. It would have been like Pat Bucannan be elected here.
  21. "Despite record profits, the oil industry is set to skip out on $7 billion in royalty payments it would normally pay for drilling on government land thanks to a '90s era law designed to promote domestic production, according to a report published Tuesday." Reminds me of the protesters today yelling "Death to America" and "Death to Jews" over the cartoons that were not published in America or were they drawn by Jews. Go figure.
  22. Dude, he is anything but small. I was at a NC State vs. Maryland game, and it took three or more people to tackle him almost every time he caught the ball. And NC State had some studs on their Defense. I think that year they were ranked in the top in the whole country on D. We looked like a much faster version of Ben "Winter" Coats. Take him if he is still on the board!
  23. F*#@K the Jets
  24. KAMALA, The Ugandan Giant. http://www.thegiantkamala.com/ 6 foot 7inches tall, 350+ pounds There is your new DT.
  25. My bad. The images rotate around. But they are on the same site.
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