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Everything posted by pdh1

  1. And I might even enjoy it....
  2. http://cdn-channels.netscape.com/gallery/i...llock/lg11a.jpg She looks plenty hot to me. I'd even sleep with her if I had too.
  3. Maybe she had to go the bathroom? Got go, got go, got go right now...
  4. Ike Turner? Is that you?
  5. Craving to Spend money on Shopping ? Can’t resist urge to shop ? Nalmefne could help in keeping your shopping habits under control. A drug called Nalmefene could curb the craving to spend when the urge to shop comes on. Nalmefene is already successful in curbing the urge to gamble, smoking and nicotine dependence. Psychiatry professor Jon Grant, of the University of Minnesota, said: "Shopping is similar to gambling. It has the same kind of urging and cravings to engage in the behaviour even though you know it is screwing you up." http://www.somaxon.com/som_clindevelop.htm
  6. Gardner might as well have been the Invisible Man here in Carolina last year. Pass on him. He would be a downgrade from friggin' Josh Reed. Finneran might be good though
  7. Drink more coffee. Get's you wired, is low fat, and cleans out the old shitter!
  8. Sounds like Glover would be a good pickup that would fit his system
  9. Bruce would be great for a year or two. Forget about Bryant from the Browns. Bryant=team cancer
  10. I clicked a link on this page and found this: http://www.breitbart.com/images/2006/3/6/D...P80_preview.jpg Old Cindy has lost it for good it looks like.
  11. Hook it up to the bathrooms in Mighy Tacos and you have a energy giant!
  12. I acually heard Chris Landry on Fox Sports Radio say that if the NFL Players Union doesn't come to an agreement with the league by monday, Holt may be cut. No chance in hell we get him though. Please God don't let him end up with Patriots!
  13. I'd rather see us sign Buckner (ex-panther).
  14. This guy is a class act, and I believe he still has couple good years in him. Plus we could get him cheap I bet. Mike Anderson was just cut by Denver as well. Wouldn't Willis and Anderson make a nice 1-2 running combo?
  15. The guy hits like a jack hammer. Get him Marv!
  16. Some one from the NFL Brass was just on Fox Sports Radio and said "There would be blood in the streets starting this friday. You will be shocked be the quality of players let go" So there could be a bunch more salary camp cuts in addition to just UFAs
  17. SAM ADAMS has been ELIMINATED. Bye Bye Lard Ass
  18. Panthers. He will give them a great option beside steve smith
  19. Don't like Bush's policy with the Mexican Border, and think he could more aggressive in pushing for alternative energy
  20. BAGHDAD, Iraq -- Interior Ministry forces captured a top aide to al-Qaida in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi during a raid in western Iraq, state television reported Monday. Iraqiya TV identified the captive as Abu al-Farouq, a Syrian. It said he was captured with five other alleged al-Qaida operatives in the Sunni insurgent stronghold of Ramadi, 70 miles west of Baghdad. The raid was carried out by the ministry's counterinsurgency Wolf Brigade. Forces of the Interior Ministry, under the control of the country's majority Shiite Muslims, are routinely accused by minority Sunnis of targeting civilians within their community.
  21. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...5051401270.html
  22. You don't hold the terrorists from Syria and other places responsible for any of those deaths? You know, the charming folks who have blown up a car bomb next to kids getting candy, blown upthe U.N. and Red Cross headquartes in Iraq, etc, etc, etc......
  23. I heard one like that about Clinton, but is was Monica's hand writing.
  24. Well. not always. I have seen some yellow snow that spelled out my name.
  25. Why have a civil war when it was the "jews" that did this, according to many in the arab media? On tv I saw people protesting the bombing, and they were burning Israeli flags. Holy self-denial Batman!
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