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Everything posted by pdh1

  1. My Grandparents spoke German, but never around their kids, so my parents grew up hearing only english. Wow, what an idea!
  2. My cousin it a attorney with the department of immigration. He said those bastards are their no. one priority to nab, next to Al Queda pinheads. Yeah they are bad news.
  3. For example: http://www.wral.com/news/6426797/detail.html
  4. I think they are the ones doing the invading in this scenerio!
  5. Thanks for keeping this debate civil. Here is a point a would like to hear once in a while: If the government and people of Mexico worked as hard to improve their own country, instead of focusing all their energy into sneaking into another country, they could be a strong country financially.Fox’s whole platform is based on whining about another country’s laws and borders. What a loser. They have a ton of natural resources. For example, they have some of the largest oil reserves in the world, just waiting to be tapped. But their government is so mired down in bickering and corruption nothing every gets done.Plus they could get twice the money they currently get from tourism, if people didn’t have to worry about getting kidnapped and killed the moment the step two feet away from their resort. Or get arrested by Mexican police who shake them down for money. In terms of location, they have the best spot in the world, Right next to the world’s economic superpower, and they squander it. Canada seems to be doing fine. What’s the difference?
  6. Any time someone brings up the "Racist Card" in this debate it is time to ignore them. They obviously can't grasp the situation. Look, if there were millions and millions of uneducated, white Canadians sneaking into the country who will speak only French, and they get treated better, than you will have point. In the meantime, you have deal with the problem at its source. That doesn't make someone a racist. What, should any so called minority in the country be totally except from the law, so we don't offend someone?
  7. Good pick. I have NC state season tickets, and their "D" line was wrecking crew the past couple of years.
  8. "At least 500 students at Huntington Park High School near Los Angeles walked out of classes in the morning. Hundreds of the students, some carrying Mexican flags, walked down the middle of Los Angeles streets, police cruisers behind them." http://www.wral.com/politics/8237543/detail.html If you protesting your right to be in the USA, why the hell are you marching around with Mexican Flags? Doesn't that seem provocative?
  9. I only trust myself with my money. I don't trust anyone in government to spend it wisely, dem or rep.
  10. Sorry, I don't see this as a left/right issue. If someone wants to give money to a charity, who the f#@k cares? There are a lot bigger things going on in the world to get work up about.
  11. Gayest Post .....Ever.
  12. Maybe he just needs "Crap Throwing Monkey's" baseball bat: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=42686 Get Davis, Josh McCown, and John Ruyan, start the Duke at center, and we are officially two steps above the "we suck on offense" ladder.
  13. Ralph now getting mocked on Profootballtalk.com's photo of the day: ttp://www.profootballtalk.com/rumormill.htm
  14. The glass is indeed half full then. I hope it is the kid from Arizona (McCown?). I seen him play twice in person at Carolina and thought the kid was good.
  15. WTF is Tommmy Maddox doing on that list? IF he gets signed any place it will be the CFL.
  16. Meaning they will get the book thrown at them, and no one will make excuses for them. Which is they way it should be. Concern about the perpetrators' upbring and social environment only are brought into it when the criminals are part of a perceived victim class. Example: The thugs who burned France, destroyed property, and even killed someone, where described by the BBC as: "Frustrated and desperate youths who feel left out of French society"
  17. Won't happen because they are white
  18. Your right, the editing style has Michael Moore written all over it.
  19. They are going to try and use the "Oil weapon". Funny thing is, most of their oil right now is the high sulfur kind, and they are having trouble selling it. And they actually have to import all of their gasoline, because they have no way to refine it. So, it they go ahead and stop selling it all, the rest of the world could stop all imports into Iran, and you could have a government collapse in a month or two.... It might push our prices up to $3.00 a gallon for while, but we could handle that for a few months...
  20. Who they hell is doing that 3d animation and After Effects work for them? Not that is is that great, but I just don't see them huddled around PowerMac workstation and working on this in the alleys of Iraq...
  21. Simeon Rice is a well known D*#k Head. He has beaten up his wife. When asked about black males having kids out of weddlock, said, "That's just what brothers do...its part of our culture" He also said Pat Tilman had watched to many Rambo movies.... Pass on that Ass! Not a character guy type that Marv is looking for.
  22. You got tht right, it should be called "parents can't handle their kid syndrome"
  23. My problem with the concept is this: If you ain't nothing but Bran Muffins and drank only Prune Juice for a month, you'd be hurting on the diet as well. And some point, aren't people responsible for what they eat? And it's not like people don't know fast food is bad for you. It's not meant to be an everyday thing.
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