Thanks for keeping this debate civil.
Here is a point a would like to hear once in a while:
If the government and people of Mexico worked as hard to improve their own country, instead of focusing all their energy into sneaking into another country, they could be a strong country financially.Fox’s whole platform is based on whining about another country’s laws and borders.
What a loser.
They have a ton of natural resources. For example, they have some of the largest oil reserves in the world, just waiting to be tapped. But their government is so mired down in bickering and corruption nothing every gets done.Plus they could get twice the money they currently get from tourism, if people didn’t have to worry about getting kidnapped and killed the moment the step two feet away from their resort. Or get arrested by Mexican police who shake them down for money.
In terms of location, they have the best spot in the world, Right next to the world’s economic superpower, and they squander it. Canada seems to be doing fine. What’s the difference?