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Everything posted by pdh1

  1. I might. I am going to give my wife some bail money that morning in case something happens on the way to work.
  2. no hablo espanol, pico. se?
  3. That's Bill Romanoski in drag. God I miss Thea Andrews. What a babe! Top left: http://i.cnn.net/cnn/2003/SHOWBIZ/TV/11/03...ld.pizza.ap.jpg
  4. " We're going to close down Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Tucson, Phoenix, Fresno," What about trying to block roads to keep others from getting to work, school, etc... which is stated as one of their goals?
  5. NC State vs. The "U". GO WOLFPACK
  6. Immigration rally aims to 'close' cities Activists plan a one-day boycott of U.S. businesses to pressure Congress to legalize millions of immigrants. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Pro-immigration activists say a nationwide boycott and marches planned for May 1 will flood Americas's streets with millions of Latinos to demand amnesty for illegal immigrants and shake the ground under Congress as it tackles reform. But while such a massive turnout could make for the largest protests since the civil rights era of the 1960s, not all Latinos, nor their leaders, were comfortable with such militancy - fearing a backlash in Middle America. "There will be 2 to 3 million people hitting the streets in Los Angeles alone. We're going to close down Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Tucson, Phoenix, Fresno," said Jorge Rodriguez, a union official who helped organize earlier rallies credited with rattling Congress as it debates the issue. "We want full amnesty, full legalization for anybody who is here (illegally)," Rodriguez said. "That is the message that is going to be played out across the country on May 1." Organizers of the May Day marches, which have strong support from big labor and the Roman Catholic church, vow that America's major cities will grind to a halt and its economy will stagger as Latinos walk off their jobs and skip school. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ""We want full amnesty, full legalization for anybody who is here illegally?" I thought the protest were started because the original bill made all illegals felons. Now its full legalization for everyone? WTF? Watch, someone will get hit by car, who is blocking someone on their way to work, and the cries of RACIST HATE CRIME will be heard in Spanish all over the former United States of America. I plan on doing all my shopping for the week on May 1, to help support our economy, and enjoy the fact there won't be any groups of Mexicans hanging outside of Target making comments about women as they come in. Should be less low rider trucks on the road too.
  7. I didn't know Glenn Parker was black....
  8. Who sticking anything in the sand? I just find it humorous that one large country with a lot of resources places of its time, energy and policy focus towards forcing their citizens into other countries. Besides if you do invest a lot of money down there,imn something like say, oil drilling, their gov. can just come in a grab it from you and raise your taxes 200%, like Hugo "prick face" Chavez.
  9. Uh, should not Mexico be trying to create jobs and expand their economy? We already bailed out their currency in the 1990's. Guess they forgot about that little detail. In the past 5 years, the economy of Mexico was grown a total of 1.5 %. TOTAL. What a joke, given their resources and location.
  10. The American Chamber's Humberto Banuelos conceded that starting salaries for unskilled workers at U.S. companies usually are Mexico's minimum wage of $4.35 a day. While many workers earn more, such as seamstresses who on average make $5.89 a day - even these wages pale in comparison to paychecks offered by the same companies north of the border. A cashier at Subway (or "sandwich artist," as the company refers to them) earns about $189 a month in Mexico City. In Colorado, Subway cashiers make four times that - $824. Companies also often hire workers for three-month periods to avoid paying health insurance or other benefits, activists say. "Yes, we are aware that they are the largest employers in the Mexican republic, but they are paying crumbs," said Martha Suarez Cantu, coordinator of Alianza Braceroproa, a Mexican labor-rights group helping organize the boycott. If the U.S. business community and Washington are serious about stemming illegal immigration, they should invest in economic development in Mexico, Suarez said. From "a day without gringos" http://www.wral.com/money/9015310/detail.html
  11. Yep, in the good old days they killed people off in the hundreds of thousands, instead of this 5 a day stuff. Wimps.
  12. More Fun from Islam! 10 reported killed in blasts at Egypt tourist town Ten people died and about 70 were wounded as three blasts rocked the Egyptian tourist town of Dahab on Monday, the Egyptian Interior Ministry told CNN. The explosions ripped through two cafeterias and a supermarket, the ministry said. The town was packed with packed with tourists because of the Coptic Easter holiday. http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/04/24/...asts/index.html
  13. "The truth of the matter is the price of oil has been driven through the roof because of instability in the middle east. Plain and simple. Thanks George, the world loves you" I guess the point is the Muslim Terrorists might, just might, have something to do with the "instabilty" in the Middle East. And if is spreads to areas were the US is not involved, and their IS no oil, it might poke a whole in the "Middle East is a mess because of Bush" train of thought. But go ahead, blame the right-wing white christian guy, they don't go on murderous riots over cartoons, negative comments, or movies.
  14. So when the same network of Muslim terrorists blow up people in areas were Bush doesn't have any troops, is it some how still his fault? Indian temple city hit by blasts http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/4782618.stm Bangladesh suicide bombing kills 8 http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/asiapcf/12/0...last/index.html
  15. Yeah, "air america' mania is sweeping the nation. And Al Franken IS america's sweetheart.
  16. Wow, he was the best player on an improved Green Bay defense last year, and just entering his prime. I can't believe the Packers let him go. Boy, the Packers are going to suck this year. Boy, the Panthers are going to be really good this year. Give them a good tigh-end and they don't have a weak spot.
  17. That is what a neck looks like when there are no fat rolls.
  18. I guess if you like Chunky.... Come'on, the French chick SLAYS her!
  19. http://fresh99.com/news-anchor-melissa-theuriau.htm
  20. Gee, then you think the so called Palestinians would have been little more accommodating to the relocated Jews. When people were displaced after Hurricane Katrina, folks all over the country opened up the homes to them. Its called “compassion”, you know that thing you show people who have been through a terrible time. So lets see, the Jewish folks had six million of their people killed, almost wiping them off of the earth. The UN decides that maybe these folks need a place to call their own. A place were they used to live before anyone ever heard the word Islam. But they got kicked out and slaughtered by the Romans. So now these suffering people are given a small place to start over, that historically was theirs before. After all, the Dome of the Rock is built ON TOP of a Jewish temple. So instead of working side by side with the Jewish people, the Arab Muslims say “we hate you” and move away. Then the Jewish people learn how to grow stuff on the dry land, and then the Arab Muslims come rushing back and now want the land again. After all, they are doing such a bang up job now that they got GAZA back. Hurray for them!
  21. Staying with the local theme: Mighty Taco Stadium. MIGHTY TACO! MIGHTY TACO! .......
  22. Let them start marching in a line and let the A-10 Wart Hogs shred them... They would get their suicides
  23. ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggay
  24. MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AP) -- "The Great American Boycott" is spreading south of the border, as activists call for Mexicans to boycott U.S. businesses on May 1. he protest is timed to coincide with a May 1 boycott of work and shopping in the United States that also has been dubbed "A Day Without Immigrants." The boycott, which grew out of huge pro-migrant marches across the United States, is designed to pressure Congress to legalize millions of undocumented people. Mexican unions, political and community groups, newspaper columnists and even some Mexican government offices have joined the call in recent days. "Remember, nothing gringo on May 1," advises one of the many e-mails being circulated among Internet users in Mexico. "On May 1, people shouldn't buy anything from the interminable list of American businesses in Mexico," reads another. "That means no Dunkin' Donuts, no McDonald's, Burger King, Starbucks, Sears, Krispy Kreme or Wal-Mart." For some it's a way to express anti-U.S. sentiment, while others see it as part of a cross-border, Mexican-power lobby. In some cases, advocates incorrectly identified firms as American -- Sears stores in Mexico, for example, have been owned by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim since 1997. And ironically, the protest targets the U.S. business community, which is one of the strongest supporters of legalization or guest-worker programs. "At the end of the day, boycotting would only hurt corporations that are backing what people want done in the immigration bill," said Larry Rubin, CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce in Mexico. Rubin is encouraging people to write to their legislators instead of boycotting. Mexican groups are responding. Pablo Gonzalez, spokesman for one of Mexico's largest labor unions, the Federation of Revolutionary Workers and Farmers, said his organization will support a boycott against "at least four of the most important U.S. firms, among them Wal-Mart," Mexico's largest retailer. Two other major labor groups -- the telephone workers' and auto workers' unions -- also are expected to join, Vigil said. Even parts of the Mexican government have signed onto the protest. "We are not going to be buying any products from the United States on May 1," said Lolita Parkinson, national coordinator for the National Board of State Offices on Attention for Migrants, which represents state government-run migrant aid offices. "We want to show the power we have as Mexicans," said Carlos Chavez y Pacho, vice president of the chamber of commerce in Piedras Negras, across from Eagle Pass, Texas. Chavez y Pacho is also urging Mexicans not to shop in U.S. border cities on May 1, in part to protest what he calls arrogant behavior by U.S. customs officials and border officers. Rafael Ruiz Harrell, who writes a column in the Mexico City newspaper Metro, predicted the boycott could give rise to a broader, pan-Latino movement. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Boy, I don't even know where to start with this. 1) Isn't "Gringo" a racist term? What if we had "Don't hire a spic day"? 2) "..protest what he calls arrogant behavior by U.S. customs officials and border officers". Huh? Is to trying to protect your border arrogant? How does MEHICO treat people trying to come up their southern border? 3)" the boycott could give rise to a broader, pan-Latino movement." Isn't that kinda of like "White Power" ? 4) I have real trouble understanding the mindset of people from MEHICO that thing they are doing us a favor and we need to appreciate them. So they are doing all this work in the US as a favor? Because they are nice? No, it's because they get paid. And the money they sent back to MEHICO is that country's no source of income. Because their "economy" sucks, and hasn't ever produce jobs, in spite of all the resources they have. If the money that illegals sent back were cut off, wouldn't MEHICO completely collapse? Didn't the US bail out their economy when their currency was dropping like a stone in the 90's? 4) Any one else just really really tire of these "protests"? 5) Isn't May 1st a communist holiday? What is that telling us?
  25. Actually in my heaven she would be well skilled and a trooper in bed. But STD clean of course. Why ask for a virgin who doesn't know what she is doing?
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