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Everything posted by pdh1

  1. Grant Irons, former Buffalo Bill, looked pretty good out there. He just about killed the Philly QB in one of his plays...
  2. Because my father was robbed there at gun point.
  3. Buckhead in Atlanta. MUCH hotter chicks. An Lots of Them! Just stay away from the Underground if you want to keep your wallet.
  4. It was was rush-rush job, made to cash in on the popularity of the TV Show, which was a surprise hit earlier in the year. Kind of like the "American Idol" movie: From Justin to Kelly.
  5. F#*K him. Tony Bruno rules him as sports talk show host.
  6. Most underated Bill ever? I think so. Though my back still hurts everytime i see the tape of the first Bills/Cowboys Superbowl were Larry Allen just about bent him backwards and split him in two.
  7. good times. I recall hearing "The Coach" on the radio back in 1998. He was doing a show were he asked for people to call in and tell him who they thought was the biggest dope in sports. Some caller said "Your wife, because she had to marry your stanky old ass". I think I laughed for 10 minutes straight. The Coach was not amused.
  8. In the early '90s, did Defensive Line Coach Chuch Dickerson get his head slammed into a wall by an offensive coach, because they were fighting about which unit was better?
  9. No, it is after Superman II, that is why lex luthor knew about the fortress of solitude and the crystals, he was there at the end of Superman II. And Superman and Lois didn't get their freak on till Superman II. If she was knocked up before Superman II ii must have been a Bat Bastard.
  10. I think he got from his fortess. In the orginal Superman his dad launched him from krypton using the crystals. They showed him walking around the ship putting crystals into it and launching from the same type pf set-up Superman had in the North Pole.
  11. He flew there in a ship created by the crystals in his fortress. It was hard to see, but it looked just like the one he flew to earth in as a baby. That is why we was all weak when his mother came out to see him. Time spent away from our sun.
  12. There are lot of babes in the first part of that. Where is that park!
  13. So you perfer Islamic Terrorists to your own President? Good grief, I was no Bill Clintom fan, but it stil pissed me off when I saw the terrorist training films that showed them shooting at Bill's photograph. And the sad thing is this is indeed the mindset of the far-left of this country. "if the muslim terrorists are fighting bush, i am going to pull for them because I hate bush" sorry high sac, this is one case were the enemy of my enemy is really not your friend.
  15. I guess the are better than DMX
  16. Wow, this is he best debut CD I have heard in a long time. If you are a fan of Pink Floyd, Genesis, ELP, and Yes, check out the sound clips here: http://www.myspace.com/milliontown Just got the CD and it's great. It sounds proggressive like those other bands, but still has a modern edge to it. Wish there was more of this type of music around. Instead we have White Stripes and Timbaland.
  17. No hablo english, gringo.....
  18. I'd love to see him try stomping on TKO's or London's leg. What would think would happen?
  19. Quick, call Kordell!! We have an e-harmony match for him!
  20. I like this link off of that page better: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7...&q=RBI+baseball
  21. One Kennedy's drinking and driving habits cost the life of young woman, The young one should have gotten a DWI, but got away with it because who he is, and is able to kill or hurt someone else in the future. How is that the same as be attracted to someone in the same sex as yourself. How is that dangerous?
  22. no hablo english, gringo
  23. Where in this thread are the protesters referred too in any racial terms? Again, the race card comes out when there is no logic left to present your opinion. Just like Cynthia on the hill. I think people holding signs saying "Latino Power" and "This continent is ours" are far more racially offense then anything in this thread. Those who think this is about 'immigrant rights' and not about ethnic solidarity are clueless. I don't see to many kenyans marching with them, do you?
  24. well, they maybe the state gov. wouldn't have to raise my property tax for 4th time in 5 years to pay for more schools to fit all the anchor babies in. They aren't paying the property tax increases, so its school for free for them. Yippee! And maybe my health insurance would stop going up, because illegals wouldn't using the E.R. for the own private HMO. Would I pay extra fro head of lettuce? If meant better schools, lower taxes, and more addordable health care. You bet I would.
  25. Here she is: http://www.nfluk.com/WebAssets/large/News/Romo%20main.jpg
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