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Everything posted by pdh1

  1. Hey there were a lot of Bills fans pulling for the JETS over the Pats, trust me. PATS and DOLPFAGS are on top of the hate list. I do like Jerricho Cotchery. As an NC State Wolfpack season ticket holder, I watched him all thru college. The guy will be a stud in the NFL. But I think Chad won't have any time to throw to him this Sunday. Bills 24 Jets 13
  2. Right, give some face time to the man who the holocaust never happend and Israel should be wiped off the planet. BTW, you know in that nice letter he sent Bush, he told him to convert to Islam? Wow, that bearded bastard is pushier than an Amway salesman who's rent is late.
  3. Hello? Today calling.... What year is it?
  4. Beats hip hop
  5. "That that changed around 1950 with the advent of Arab nationalism is not the fault of Islam.." Your words, sparky nuts...
  6. The location of the power is purely a result of the societies, not one "keeping the other" down. One, the Western, promotes free thinking and open discussion, like we are doing here. The other doesn't. Living in culture that is stuck in the 7th century tends to slow one down when comes to scientific breakthroughs and healthy economies.
  7. Completely over complicating the matter. Its as simple as this. People don't like being blown up in the home country on their way to work while flying a plane, getting on the metro, etc.. Before some one chimes in with the "the US military does the same thing", please realize, if they just want to kill innocent civilians, the middle east would be parking lot in about in 15 minutes, and there would be nothing they could do to stop it. Think the other side would show the same control of that power? Do you really?
  8. Blame Whitey is short hand for "Tired of the liberal belief that anyone (minus those that are Western/White/Christian/Jews) is not responsible for any of their actions, not matter how hateful or violent, because there must be some event, not matter how many hundred of years in that past, that made them have no choice whatsoever in their lives, and every wrong deed they commit was pre-determined by the evil actions inflicted on them by everyone that is Western/White/Christian/Jewish at some point in history. And keep the name calling to yourself and your circle of two friends.
  9. When it doubt, BLAME WHITEY!
  10. Gee, could be they were mad about stuff like this? But according to your view, no one should fight back against the Islamic Terrorist, because...it will just make more of them!! Buddy, I could send you 30 news stories from the PAST YEAR it want to look at atrocities! POSO, Indonesia — Masked, black-clad and brandishing machetes, the attackers sprang from behind a screen of tall grass and pounced on the four Christian girls as they walked to school. Within seconds, three of the teenagers were beheaded — fresh victims of violence that has turned this Indonesian island into yet another front in the terrorist wars. "All I could do was pray to Jesus for his help," said 16-year-old Noviana Malewa, who fled with a gaping head wound. "I was streaming with blood." A thick scar runs from the back of her neck to just under her right eye. Muslim militants are blamed for the October killings, the most gruesome yet in a campaign of terror against Christians on the island of Sulawesi. Muslim-Christian violence from 2000 to 2002 killed some 1,000 people in Sulawesi and attracted Muslim militants from across Indonesia, including from Jemaah Islamiyah, a homegrown network linked to Al Qaeda, and even from the distant Middle East. That is, Muslim violence against Christians, not "Muslim-Christian violence." Despite a peace deal, bombings, shootings and other attacks on Christians have continued, especially around the small town of Poso in the heart of the octopus-shaped, Massachusetts-sized island. Behind the attacks are Muslim islanders avenging their dead in that conflict, and terrorists bent on fomenting a new war, former fighters and security officials say. "They want to see Poso become alive with the spirit of jihad again," said Fahirin Ibnu Achmad, an Afghan-trained militant who took part in the 2000-2002 war.
  11. Right, they kill civillians because they have more "get up and go", so they have the "energy" to do stuff live this: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4387604.stm Please don't: Vote Breed Run for office Move any place near me
  12. As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain I take a look at my wife and realize shes very plain But thats just perfect for an amish like me You know I shun fancy things like electricity At 4:30 in the morning Im milkin cows Jebediah feeds the chickens and jacob plows... fool And Ive been milkin and plowin so long that Even ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone Im a man of the land, Im into discipline Got a Bible in my hand and a beard on my chin But if I finish all of my chores and you finish thine Then tonight were gonna party like its 1699 We been spending most our lives Living in an amish paradise Ive churned butter once or twice Living in an amish paradise Its hard work and sacrifice Living in an amish paradise We sell quilts at a discount price Living in an amish paradise A local boy kicked me in the butt last week I just smiled at him and I turned the other cheek I really dont care, in fact I wish him well cause Ill be laughing my head off when hes burning in hell But I aint never punched a tourist even if he deserved it An amish with a tude? You know thats unheard of I never wear buttons but I got a cool hat And my homies agree I really look good in black... fool If you come to visit, youll be bored to tears We havent even paid the phone bill in 300 years But we aint really quaint, so please dont point and stare Were just technologically impaired Theres no phone, no lights, no motorcar Not a single luxury Like robinson caruso Its as primitive as can be We been spending most our lives Living in an amish paradise Were just plain and simple guys Living in an amish paradise Theres no time for sin and vice Living in an amish paradise We dont fight, we all play nice Living in an amish paradise Hitchin up the buggy, churnin lots of butter Raised a barn on monday, soon Ill raise anutter Think youre really righteous? Think youre pure in heart? Well, I know Im a million time as humble as thou art Im the pious guy the little amlettes wanna be like On my knees day and night scorin points for the afterlife So dont be vain and dont be whiny Or else, my brother, I might have to get medieval on your heinie We been spending most our lives Living in an amish paradise Were all crazy mennonites Living in an amish paradise Theres no cops or traffic lights Living in an amish paradise But youd probably think it bites Living in an amish paradise
  13. http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/asiapcf/09/02/zawahiri.tape/ "We invite all Americans and believers to Islam, whatever their role and status in Bush and Blair's world order," Gadahn says. "Decide today, because today could be your last day." Mansfield, who is a writer and corporate adviser on the Middle East, Islam and terrorism, said the time reference could indicate an attack is near. Muslims believe that non-believers should be given a chance to convert before they are attacked, Mansfield said. "This may well be a warning," she said. The only indication of when the tape was made is a reference to the recent fighting between Hezbollah and Israel, which ended August 14. Gadahn, also known as "Azzam the American," previously has been featured in al Qaeda tapes and is listed as armed and dangerous by the FBI on its Web site.
  14. Wow, 30 seconds to find this gem: Two Fox News journalists freed by militants Sunday described a harrowing two weeks of captivity during which they were blindfolded, tied in painful positions and forced at gunpoint to say on a video that they converted to Islam. "I hope that this never scares a single journalist away from coming to Gaza to cover the story because the Palestinian people are very beautiful and kindhearted," said Steve Centanni, a 60-year-old American reporter who was released along with cameraman Olaf Wiig, 36, of New Zealand. "The world needs to know more about them. efore their release, a video was released showing Wiig and Centanni dressed in beige Arab-style robes. Wiig delivered an anti-Western speech, his face expressionless and his tone halting. The kidnappers claimed both men had converted to Islam. "We were forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint," Centanni told Fox. "Don't get me wrong here. I have the highest respect for Islam, and I learned a lot of good things about it, but it was something we felt we had to do because they had the guns, and we didn't know what the hell was going on." http://www.forbes.com/entrepreneurs/feeds/.../ap2975585.html
  15. Um. okay. So why no problem with Hindus or Buddhists The Amish are as about as different as you could be from the mainstraim, but no one has problems with them. Because they don't have cells around the world plotting to blow people up. And you make it seem like a "US vs. Islam" problem. So how do explain away stuff like this? http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/asiapcf/05/2...ombs/index.html Christian market-blown up, people killed- In Indonesia-No US troops there-no oil-what say you?
  16. Huh? The holy lands were taken over by the muslims. The Crusades were launched to take them back. Unless all the Christians and Jews decided over night to become Muslims. Don't think it happened that way.
  17. I am trying to recall the last time someone put a gun to person's head and said "Covert and become a christian, or die!!" IF you bring up something from 300 plus years ago, get ready for great big pimp slap
  18. Charming. Here is today's winner of the "Are you F*$#King kidding me award": "In Indonesia, where more than 100 people rallied in front of the heavily guarded Vatican Embassy in Jakarta, waving banners that said the "Pope is building religion on hatred."
  19. Chad's a gamer, but he does have one of the weakest arms in the NFL. Early weather forecast calls for windy, rainy conditions and a high of 61. Advantage: Buffalo
  20. Fine with me if we win. I haven' seen the Jets play at all this year. Is the O-line any good? If it is weak, we night get 8 plus sacks, and Chad may not make it thru the game. I have heard the Jets running game is awful this year, without Curtis Martin. That really plays into the strength of the Bills D which is a terror in pass defense mode.
  21. With the Bills returing home, and facing a not too scary Jets Pass defense, does JP get air it out more to his talented receiver corps? I say, "yes", a little. 250 yards, 2 tds, o int Also, I hope to see our young safeties feed off the home crowd. As well as they have played, they have yet to feel the buzz of a sell-out game in the Buff. Bills 27 Jets 13
  22. ""We shall break the cross and spill the wine. ... God will (help) Muslims to conquer Rome. ... God enable us to slit their throats, and make their money and descendants the bounty of the mujahideen," said the statement." nope, no over-reaction there.
  23. So "Religious Conservatives Gather to Discuss 'War Against Christians" is the same as: Palestinians attacked five churches in the West Bank and Gaza over the pope's remarks Tuesday in a speech to university professors in his native Germany. By jump up and down and make a fuss, I mean BLOW STUFF AND BURN STUFF DOWN. How funny, they think they Pope is saying islamic holy war (jihad) is violent, and they get mad at that perception, and burn down churches. Sorry Wang CHung, don't need to look in a mirror to see the irony it that.
  24. You would think they would get more worked up by stuff like this: KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- A suicide bomb tore through a mosque in southern Afghanistan during the funeral Wednesday of a moderate Muslim cleric, killing at least 20 people including the Kabul police chief, and the local governor said an Arab al-Qaida militant was responsible. At least 42 people were wounded. The attack _ which came on the heels of a major upsurge in rebel violence in recent months including assassinations, almost daily clashes with rebels and the kidnapping of an Italian aid worker _ further raised fears that militants here are copying the tactics of insurgents in Iraq. Kandahar Gov. Gul Agha Sherzai said the suicide bomber's body had been found, and that he was part of Osama bin Laden's terror network. "The attacker was a member of al-Qaida. We have found documents on his body that show he was an Arab," Sherzai told reporters
  25. First off, Christians and Catholics model their life after Jesus, not Moses. If you can find something he said that called for non-believers to be killed, or anything like that, you will win a free dinner for two at Duffs. Secondly, when the FBI goes after some nutjob who bombs aboration clinics in the name of God, Christians don't jump up and down and cry "Its a war against Christians!!" I wish the Muslim world community could see the difference. It may be a shock to them, but people don't like bombs on commuter trains or their planes be hijacked. Just follow this line of thinking: A gunman who attacked Western tourists in Amman wanted to avenge two brothers killed during Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon, Jordanian officials say. Five other tourists were injured in Monday's attack - two British women as well as tourists from New Zealand, the Netherlands and Australia. "The criminal admitted during investigations that he wanted to avenge two of his brothers, members of Palestinian organisations, who were killed in an Israeli raid on Lebanon in 1982," government spokesman Nasser Joudeh said. Eyewitnesses said the attacker approached the tourists shouting "God is great" in Arabic before firing at least 12 shots at the small group. http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/4209...shmir-ap416.jpg
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