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Everything posted by pdh1

  1. Best Jobbers of all time: Johnny k-9 Barry O S.D. Jones Frankie Williams combined winning record of all of them: ZERO
  2. Holy Wrestling Mix Ups, Batman! Paul "Mr Wonderful" Orndorff was the pile drive guy. http://www.cooldudesandhotbabes.com/orndorff.html Bob "Cowboy" Orton was his and Roddy Piper's sidekick. Sometimes know as Piper's bodyguard, Ace: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Orton,_Jr. His son Randy is a big name wrestler now.
  3. The Bushwhackers were better as the Sheep Herders in Mid-Atlantic wrestling. In the WWF they became just two clowns instead of two crazy dudes that people were afraid of. How about this for a related thread? Best and Worst Finishing Moves: Worst Finishing Moves: The Ho Train The Garvin Stomp The People's Elbow Hogan's Leg drop Best Finshing Moves: Figure Four Leg Lock The Pedigree The Tombstone Pile Driver The CLAW!
  4. Two different folks. Paul Orndorff ( mr.wonderful) played some pro-football as well. Late in his career he torn a chest muscle and had one side of pecs removed, but still wrestled. Man, that looked strange.
  5. Renea Goulay, the crafty frenchman
  6. 1) George "the animal" Steele 2) Kamala 3) the Honky Tonk Man 4) the Missing Link 5) Baron Von Rasche How is that for a diverse list!
  7. "if you are younger than 30, and you are not a liberal, you have no heart. if you are older than 30, and are not a conservative, you have no brain" Winston Churchill
  8. The first two solo albums by them were great, very progressive. Rutherfords' "smallcreep's day" had a 20 minute epic like "supper's ready". Banks' "a curious feeling" was a concept album, like "The Lamb". But yeah after that their solo stuff got to be too poppy. Though Bank's last "rock-pop" project ( he writes classic music now), "Strickly Inc" has a great 18-minute song called "An Island in The Darkness", that sounds like it could have come from "Duke" or "A Trick of the Tail"
  9. I would rather have the 5 person line up with Peter Gabriel, but this will still be cool to see. http://www.cnn.com/2006/SHOWBIZ/Music/11/0...n.ap/index.html
  10. I hope you can watch with a good surround system. The sound effects in dark theater were amazing.
  11. Hostel 2 is about a group of women tourist being captured and sold off. It seems Hostel has set up a wave of copy cat movies. There is one from China called "Live Feed". And at Saw 3 we saw a preview for a new movie that looked just Hostel in Brazil. Did any one here see "The Descent"? That was the best horror movie in 10 years. WAAAAAY more scary than the Saw films.
  12. Does any recall the guy who posted his uniform designs for the Sabers like two years ago on this board? Man, they were sweet. More like an updating of the one from the 1980's then a total makeover. Kinda of like what the Rams to do theirs. Please post those again so we can see them!
  13. Plus, Willis seemed to really set the tone out there. I have never seen him jaw with the other team as much. I loved it. PS. Drop Mike & Mike, and listen to Tony Bruno on the Sporting News Network on XM. He is much funnier, and it isn't the Pats/Jets/ Red Soxx slobber fest that ESPN is.
  14. You right, when I read that story I was originally filled with thoughts of sunny days and happy puppies. My fault for letting this board cloud my head with thinking there is something wrong the Religion of Peace. I heard on the Falcons board some one it talking smack about some Klan memembers who burned a cross. Why don't you go over and stand up for them too?
  15. Their idea of a high value military target: Gunmen Kill Afghanistan's Director Of Women's Affairs KABUL, Afghanistan -- Two gunmen on motorcycles killed the provincial director of Afghanistan's Ministry of Women's Affairs outside her home in the southern city of Kandahar on Monday, officials said. Safia Ahmed Jan was killed as she left for her office, said Tawfiq ul-Ulhakim Parant, senior adviser to the women's ministry in Kabul. Aleem Sidique, the spokesman for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, said the U.N. was "appalled at this senseless murder."
  16. "I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick some ass. And I am all out of bubble gum" Roddy Piper-In "They Live"
  17. Did I say "mullet"?
  18. Why was every guy I met in college that was a Jets fan from NYC: short, had a 80s hair cut that feature hair parted in the middle and feathered back, a big pickle nose, a cheesy-ass mustache, wore sleeveless t-shirts, and had a greasy forehead. Why is that?? GO BILLS! Bills 27 Jets 14
  19. Sorry, but being that stupid AND the mayor of one the largest cities in the world makes "Red" Ken a lot worse.
  20. It was actually a fun movie if you got see it with a rowdy crowd. Yeah it was dumb, but it knew it was a B movie.
  21. "if you're not political and don't bother them then they won't bother you" Yes, heaven forbid they run for office or something crazy like that
  22. Does Bowens sit when he is healthy? I was at the Carolina preseason game and he looked really good till he got hurt. Not a bad place to be, depth at safety!
  23. Jimmy Carter's people counted votes at fewer than 1 percent of the polling stations, which, instead of being selected at random, as originally anticipated, were selected by Venezuelan officials. Even then, only 76 of the previously agreed 192 ballot boxes were counted, with either opposition witnesses or international observers present at only 26 out of the 76 boxes reviewed. The Chavez-controlled National Electoral Council (CNE) forbade access to the tallying centers, not only to Carter's people but also to representatives of the opposition, and even to the two members of the CNE who opposed Chavez. Two professors from Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology issued a report concluding that there was at least a 99 percent chance the election was a fraud. The audited sample (Carter's) was simply not a random sample, the professors concluded. Various independent exit polls showed that Chavez had lost the vote by 59 percent to 41 percent, instead of Chavez's contention that he had won by that margin. A criminal law that Chavez pushed through the legislature states, "Any individual who creates panic in the community or makes it restless by disseminating false information via print media, radio, TV, phone, electronic mail, or pamphlets will be punished with two to five years in prison." Even the most popular form of political protest," the inncocuous "banging pots and pans," which is done in the presence of members of Chavez's own government, will get you three months in jail.
  24. If that is the level of dialogue that is going to happened at the U.N. they might as well get WWF wrestlers to come in a yell about "knowing your damn role" and "that's the bottom line, because Stone Cold said so" Go Grief, if Bush went up their and said the President of Iran was the spawn of Satan, and had to be killed with holy daggers, I bet you would running your mouth all over this board.
  25. I thought that was Harry Reid for minute
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