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Everything posted by MadBuffaloDisease

  1. With ICE it's Bledsoe. With DCTom it's stocks. Both legends in their own minds.
  2. How ICE-like.
  3. While Smith Barney cut Sirius from "hold" to "sell," they also raised their target price from $5.80 to $7. Currently it's hovering in the $7.50's, after being down as low as $6.58. Am I disappointed it took a big plunge and I couldn't take part in it? I'd be lying if I said "no," but I'm still up over 67% of my original investment and can't complain too much.
  4. You are correct. But again, it was with Maddox starting and at Baltimore. I'd say beating the Pats and Eagles soundly gives them the nod as the best team.
  5. Gee, THAT was unexpected. Although I'd doubt the intelligence level of those who would buy tix to see a rookie make his first-ever NFL start, while the team still has playoff hopes. They'd probably so something stupid like, doing the wave when the Bills are on offense.
  6. When Smith Barney talks...
  7. That game was the first game of the season, and with Maddox starting.
  8. I know that. Trust me when I tell you that Sirius won't tank anytime soon.
  9. Who do you see beating them? The Jets at home? The Giants away? The Ravens at home? I don't, especially if they get Burress back soon. However they probably won't rest their starters because there's a good chance the Pats won't lose another game, although the Bengals home game and the Jets away game are possible losses.
  10. Put it this way, I know enough about the company, the situation, and my thresholds to feel comfortable holding onto this stock for awhile. Like I said, if it tanks, you can all say "I told you so." But if you think I'm "stupid" for looking long-term with Sirius, so too is the NFL, who signed a 7-year deal with them. Same for Stern who signed for 5 years.
  11. He's better than Smith was as a rookie. Smith didn't do much his first year, other than go postal on his fellow players.
  12. ...or how they do it. And Bledsoe by himself WON'T beat the Pats, just like Tom Brady by himself won't beat the Bills.
  13. You're quick. Figure it out.
  14. Stupid is as stupid does. I contacted the company.
  15. NetFlix? You gotta be kidding me! They had a failed business model from the start. Then Walmart and Blockbuster copied them and did them one better by not making people wait for their movies in the mail. I doubt they continue those services for very long.
  16. I'm not touching TASR. The reason? Impending lawsuits.
  17. I'm looking long-term with Sirius, so the balance sheet as it stands right now doesn't concern me. And Sirius is FAR from a "marginal" company anymore. Content is king in broadcast media, and Sirius (NBA, NFL, Stern, and recently March Madness) blows XM away, and that's why I decided to jump on their bandwagon. Adding a top broadcast exec like Karmazin only solidified their standing as a company with which to be reckoned in satellite radio. Sure XM is bigger and has a prettier balance sheet, but that's because they've been around longer. But again the name of the game is content, and content is what gets subscribers, and when someone is looking to go satellite radio and has a choice between XM with essentially just MLB (music and products are/will be the same among both companies) versus Sirius with the aforementioned content, who do YOU think people are more likely to choose?
  18. My portfolio is diversisfied, I consider invested money "lost," i.e. I can afford to lose it (but rather not), and I stopped buying Sirius over a month ago, and my average price per share is $4.48. If anyone has any legitimate reasons as to why the price will drop BELOW that, let me hear them. But as long as the price stays above it, and I think it will, I'll still have made a profit. Could it go below? Possibly, but unlikely. It's not like Sirius is doing nothing to attract new customers, which is the name of the game and will help the balance sheet look good in time. And no I don't expect it to go up everyday, much less go up as much as it has the past week. But to think the bottom will drop-out because the balance sheet doesn't look good isn't a legitimate reason to dump what is a wildly successful stock for me.
  19. I love the "take away X" ponderings. You can argue ANYTHING going that route.
  20. Interesting. I would have NEVER guessed that about you. Thanks for the advice gents. And do what you want with your stocks steve. Just remember that these guys were saying not to touch Sirius back when it was even half the price it is now. But I'm sure the bottom will drop out anyday now.
  21. Fine, that's a valid concern. However with stocks, it's always caveat emptor. At least I figure most people who read this board understand that by now.
  22. Gee, how generous of you. Thanks but I'll stick with what I've made so far, which is double my initial investment. And as long as the price doesn't fall below $4.48, which is the average of the shares I bought, I'll be happy.
  23. Sorry but I never claimed to be one. I'm just calling it like I see it in this case. I won't talk about any other stocks.
  24. Try reading my above post a little better, particularly the rant part. And I'll let you tell me "I told you so" IF the stock drops significantly. Needless to say I won't be holding my breath on THAT one.
  25. Must be some more good news about to break.
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