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Everything posted by MadBuffaloDisease

  1. No I didn't sell. But this past week's events have opened my eyes to notion of selling if the stock goes up a ton in a few days, and then buying back the same number of shares, or a little more, at a lower price. We'll see. And great article...except it's not. Music is only ONE part of Sirius. The others are the NFL, NBA, Stern, and March Madness. Try getting THAT from an iPod (or even XM).
  2. No I guess I don't, except that I KNOW my stock is worth a $9K profit to me right now. It may go down, it may go up, but if the good little soldiers who listened to that Smith Barney analyst and sold when he said "sell" are still listening to him, the price will stay around $7.
  3. I've read 4.8's for his 40-time. But who really knows?
  4. Yeah, that was pretty much my point, i.e. "guestimates" without the backing of a balance sheet or anything else to which we are privy. And I already got into Xerox earlier.
  5. No, I'm going to repeat that hackneyed mantra "it all evens out." Hell I might even curl up into a ball when I do it.
  6. Apparently the band is 3/4 of the former band Pantera (minus the singer, who I thought was pretty good), this wacko was distraught over Pantera's demise, and blamed these 3 members for their breakup. Sick world.
  7. Germans LOVE David Hasselhoff!
  8. What makes sense is that he recommends selling at a price above $7, which becomes his new target price. What I don't understand is HOW he got that price and why it increased from $5.8, effectively increasing the worth of the company by $1.5B without a change in your all-important balance sheet? I mean to you, the company is worth nothing. To him it was worth $5.8 a share, and now it's worth $7 a share.
  9. You should have said TD Wyched for a better Drew.
  10. So, it was ALL BOBBY SHAW'S FAULT? Who knew?
  11. Funny, and I see you still can't store the notion of "long-term" in your brain. But since you brought it up, some analysts see satellite radio having 40-50 million subscribers, in about a decade's time. I'm sure the target price will hit $25 well before then. But the main point I was trying to bring up, i.e. how Sirius suddenly became worth $1.5B more, despite the exact same balance sheet, still stands.
  12. You know, with all the jokes about Miami, I almost feel sorry for them. Almost.
  13. I always wondered what her name was. She's been around for at least 13 years, doing commercials. The first time I saw her was around my junior year in college (I remember this because I told one of my apartmentmates that she was hot and he agreed) in a mail-order clothing company commercial. It's funny it took so long for her to get famous, but I guess talking about "the Big O" will do that for you!
  14. I wish it could be as original, or mature, as resorting to calling someone "stupid," or adding a "d" to the end of his screen name. Oh and for the record, I've given you at least TEN reasons why the stock should "go to the moon," again over the long-term. Given your self-professed genius, I can only assume you missed them, since you couldn't be so stupid as to have read them and forgotten them. Unless of course they got lost in the sea of "it's all about the balance sheet, stupid!" sloshing around in your head. If at work I had access to the market continuously I'd probably do a little more day-trading and might have even taken advantage of today's events; but alas, I don't. So I'm content with my "stupid" $9K profit, even after today's events. However what I find interesting is that, despite that analyst's downgrade in the stock from "hold" to "sell," which led to today's drop, he also increased the target price of the stock from $5.8 to $7. That's an increase in valuation of $1.54B! The funny thing is, the balance sheet looks EXACTLY THE SAME TODAY AS IT DID YESTERDAY. What gives? Is he "stupid?"
  15. How about one of those iron-on "1" patches? Can't be too expensive. Or magic marker.
  16. I doubt Clements leaves before the 2004 season is over. And to have a new head coach coach in a bowl game is just plain stupid!
  17. Wyche would become OC. He'd probably sit upstairs (if he doesn't already) and use a voice amplifier.
  18. Based on what you wrote above DiCkTom, you must laugh at yourself a lot. I'll take your dollar bet BTW, not that a smarmy frick like you would EVER admit defeat.
  19. Yeah, Bledsoe HATES TE's...
  20. I think at best it will be "block for the run or chip a DE and go out into the flat for an outlet pass."
  21. Why wouldn't Moulds restructure? It's not the same as a paycut, since the restructured money becomes guaranteed signing bonus. I'm thinking they're pushing hard for him to take a paycut.
  22. You can definitely say that every year. Although I'd say the Bills did a pretty good job with their UDFA's this year.
  23. Man the "what ifs" with guys like Gates and even Jason Witten, who the Bills had a shot at in last year's draft...
  24. Maybe Trafford is the next Antonio Gates? If only...
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