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Everything posted by MadBuffaloDisease

  1. I guess you're the only one to think so. There are 140 views and only 1 reply.
  2. It's a rival site, but who cares. http://www.billszone.com/media/video/2006....at.bills.hl.wmv
  3. I heard that Tim Brown called it "Siberia." I guess that 51-3 whooping will NEVER go away. Speaking of which, I saw a replay of the Bills-Houston comeback game yesterday. Was surprised to see ingerviews with Bubba McDowell, Haywood Jeffires, Kevin Gilbride, and Spencer Tillman, who basically said that they choked, that the coaches were to blame partly, and that they realized the refs weren't going to make any calls against the Bills that day.
  4. The choice is obvious: you'd rather be a great player who wins a SB, but would rather be a HOF'er who has a chance and loses than an average Joe who wins one. Team wins are just that; team wins. The HOF is forever. And I also heard that Collinsworth said that there is a higher standard for QB play in Buffalo...because of the weather. Marino would never had thrown as much as he did in Buffalo. Now I'm not saying he couldn't throw in cold/windy weather, seeing as how he's a Pennsylvania boy, but the nice weather conditions certainly helped him out a lot. And I think that IF he had had a great RB and a strong coach, he could have learned to hand-off. The problem is he never got the chance and never had a great defense.
  5. Like I said, play to contain Young and stop the run, limit turnovers on offense, and the Bills should win. Oh yeah, and the 11-1/2th man has to rock the house as if they were 73K strong!
  6. If Mularkey were still the HC, we'd all be saying "I'd have even taken Jauron over another year of this."
  7. Dang, white men CAN jump.
  8. Well I just re-read things and PFW (not PFT) is saying that Clements has it IN WRITING that he can't be franchised. If that's true, game over.
  9. Sorry, I missed that. And you're 100% right about the "waiting for the other shoe to drop" mentality. Just have to make sure to keep turnovers to a minimum.
  10. "Our luck?" Look up "lucky" in the dictionary and the 2006 Titans' pictures are right next to it. Frankly what I think will happen is the Bills send the DE's upfield to/and play contain on Young, stack the LOS, and dare him to beat the Bills with the pass. And it's gonna be cold!
  11. Well if it's Ralph's call, remember what he did with Wade. Again this is business and Clements has been well-compensated for his time in Buffalo, especially this year getting $7M guaranteed, which is a little less than half of what he's looking for in a signing bonus. And if they franchise him and allow him to seek trades, what's the harm?
  12. Starship Troopers was great! It was like all those great B sci-fi movies of the past, except with great special effects.
  13. You know what? Screw the verbal agreement! This is business and Nate got paid well for this year. Franchise him and let him shop himself to the highest bidder, get said bidder to cough up a 1st rounder, and everyone gets what they want.
  14. Give Pennington the off-season to improve his strength and flexibility and then we'll see what's what.
  15. I thought his name was Gregg Easterbrook?
  16. Yep, those links pretty much say he can't be franchised. But can he be transition tagged?
  17. I think if what The Sen says is true, if they were going to use a tag, and I hope they would, they'd use the franchise tag so as to be able to get something for him, since he'll be the top CB available. I really hope what The Sen says is true because that would be a consolation getting a 1st rounder if they were to lose him.
  18. I hope you're right. But alas I am too jaded by guys like Soprano et al who claim to have inside info, only to realize they have nothing of the sort. So I'll hope what you say is correct and wait for it to happen. And you meant that the Bills commited not to use the exclusive franchise tag designation (which prevents him from being signed by anyone else), correct?
  19. I figured they couldn't be any worse than last year and saw a 1-2 game improvement. I didn't expect they'd be flirting with a .500 or above finish and am ecstatic with how things have gone.
  20. I did it and I guess you're right.
  21. You mean Oakland. And go Baltimore.
  22. DeLuca should stick to bashing Andrew Peters. He's pretty much been dead wrong about JP and Daniel Briere.
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