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Everything posted by MadBuffaloDisease

  1. Or "Buffalo releases 'best fans in the NFL,' hires rich, diehard fans."
  2. And...here it is: http://www.wgrz.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=45169
  3. The "Patriots mystique?" Please, you'd now be better served talking about the possibility of meeting Giselle as a better reason to sign with them. And yes HD, I've heard about the "value" they place on their players, hence my comments. Needless to say that their value usually doesn't correspond with the player's own perceived value. And I go by what I see, not media reports. I just use them when they confirm what I've noticed. And players notice it as well.
  4. I hope that the fact that they put a screw in it proves to be the difference.
  5. Ed Kilgore said it's a lie and will write an article about it on WGRZ.com soon. That was taken from the Buffalo Bills message boards.
  6. Pretty serious name derivation for a nancy-boy band.
  7. Just checked and he's an UFA.
  8. Oh boy, the world-reknowned Dr. Tom Brady could testify later on!
  9. I think it's safer for me to say that a player will opt for the money versus your contention that just because Colvin took less, Thomas would as well. Especially with the way the Pats have treated their players over the past few years. But the proof will be in the pudding.
  10. The question is, who can the Chargers get as a HC who will be as good, much less better than (i.e. being able to win in the playoffs), at this late a stage, than Schottenheimer? Smith screwed the pooch and should have fired Schottenheimer AFTER he choked against the Pats, realizing that no matter how much talent Marty had, he'd always be a playoff choker, much less get a team to the SB and win it. And at that time, he would have had a lot more people from which to choose, namely Cameron and Phillips.
  11. Because money talks for most.
  12. Checkout the YPC average for run defense, not total yards given up.
  13. Why wait until now?
  14. Colvin took less money to play for the Pats. He got a better deal from the Lions I think it was, but rejected them. And the Pats won't get into a bidding war, which is what I see happening with the top FA's. A lot of teams have a lot of cash.
  15. The Pats won't pay top dollar. The 49'ers and Jets will.
  16. Wasn't JJ picked with a pick the Bills traded to Dallas, so that they could get JP?
  17. There might be a "pissing contest" between a whole bunch of teams and Steinbach/Dielman, jacking their price WAY up.
  18. Very possible. But as for penalties, checkout Steinbach and Dielman. They also had a ton of them this past year.
  19. I didn't know he was the DC of the Eagles from 1986-1988.
  20. It sounds like Steinbach and Dielman will be the top-2 guys on a lot of teams' radars. I say go after Derrick Dockery.
  21. Steinbach said he wants to play for his hometown Bears.
  22. Yep, Moulds and Adams were negative influences on the team. That's why they're gone.
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