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Everything posted by MadBuffaloDisease

  1. Doing "whatever it takes" means overpaying for players and coaches. Obviously that strategy hasn't worked for the Redskins.
  2. Good thing she died and didn't break a hip from the fall or something like that. Otherwise he could have lost in court. Or is that just here in the US?
  3. I don't know if the Bills are looking for a RT. I think they like what they have in Pennington and Butler.
  4. Let me know when it happens. I'll be waiting.
  5. Ralph voted AGAINST having the salary cap based on total revenue AND giving the players a much higher percentage. Hence the reason he's asking for his money back. It's funny that the owners were so gung-ho to give the money to the players, yet squabble over giving it to their fellow owners. Ralph's also PO'd that league money went towards building these new stadiums (all of which, except for Snyder's and Kraft's, were paid for by their counties) that drive-up his cap without him seeing extra money from it.
  6. Yes you're right. They're 2005 numbers. I guess we'll have to wait and see what 2006's numbers look like then.
  7. Nope. The new cap figure and TV contracts were done well before August last year.
  8. Hold on a second. Is ANYONE trying to say that the NFL now paying 59.5% of TOTAL REVENUE to players, whereas in the past they paid 54.2% of total revenue (which represented 60-something% of shared revenue) is "good for the league?" Sorry but that's so wrong, even Kraft realizes it (now ). In the big market teams' haste to prevent having to bloodlet their teams by not caving-into the NFLPA's demands for ALL revenue to be subject to the cap and a greater percentage, they basically gave the keys to the candy store to the NFLPA. What do you think the NFLPA will want in the NEXT round of negotiations? Less percentage? Nope. And I'm betting the owners opt-out of the new CBA after the 2007 season, and no later than the 2008 season. What will happen then? Bad things, man.
  9. I don't think it's a lack of confidence per se so much that it is Marv wanting Pennington to improve, and sees a challenge coming from Butler. May the best man win!
  10. CB's are always in high demand. Had Samuel been free, he and Clements would have been making the rounds to the same group of teams, driving each other's price up because each has an agent lying to the team about what other teams have offered him.
  11. WRT profit, Forbes provides estimates of operating income for all 32 NFL teams. They had Ralph making $31.2M in OI before interest, taxes, amortization, and depreciation. That was with the Bills underspending on the cap by $10M and probably assumed that they'd sell-out the season.
  12. The value of the franchise has no bearing on anything unless/until Ralph sells the team. And how much profit do you envision Ralph is making?
  13. Why would we franchise Fletcher?
  14. I'd look for Adalius Thomas to be franchised.
  15. You asked if I was ever right. The answer is yes.
  16. Have the Pats won the SB the past 2 years? Again HD, let me know when they can win one without Weis, Crennel, or the help of the refs. Oh and good move on their part. It was a no-brainer.
  17. Sounds like the right thing was done. If the BG coach was SO worried about weather, he would have told his kids to skip the post-game shower and get on the bus. He got what was coming to him.
  18. Chris Brown has it all wrong. You don't add the signing bonuses together; you amortize them and add them to base salary. Clements' cap hit for 2007 even assuming he gets all $15-20M in one chunk shouldn't be more than $3.5M, assuming a 7-year contract, not $15M as CB contends.
  19. I can't believe the Bills' 2007 season is done! Tthe 2007 Bills were WORSE than the 2006 Bills. I'm pissed! Wait, what's that? Free agency, the draft, and pre-season haven't occured, and the season haven't been played yet? Nevermind.
  20. bflo: WRT the Manning draft, the Mannings forced the Chargers' hands. Had that not happened, Eli would be in SD and the Chargers wouldn't have gotten those extra picks. As for passing on Vick and taking LT, the Chargers were rebuilding and needed quantity as well as quality. Tomlinson was considered a tremendous RB prospect and the Chargers got a bunch of picks to trade down and STILL get him, who they had targeted. As luck would have it, Tomlinson was available at #5 and they were able to pickup Brees early in the 2nd. There was less "great planning" than there was good fortune someone else didn't take those players before they did, which can be said for a lot of teams.
  21. NFL teams are required to spend 90% of the cap minimum. That means teams have to spend at least $96.3M. So the Bills have to spend AT LEAST some $20M this off-season, going by Clump's numbers.
  22. Tim Hardway hates this post.
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