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Everything posted by MadBuffaloDisease

  1. Moulds SAID he'd take a paycut to play for a "winning team." Again the contract demands should NOT be a problem IF Eric is a man of his word.
  2. Yes, I'll echo the sentiments that the Bills don't have to do ANYTHING with Moulds until just before the 1st game of the season (the Friday before, IIRC). And if he's on the roster AFTER that, his salary is guaranteed, and he sits out, they can recoup as much of his salary as the time he misses. So it would behoove Eric to when talking to teams, agree to take a big paycut so as to get out of Buffalo. It's basically up to him. But the Bills will NOT be cutting him anytime in the next 5 months.
  3. No, the poison pill should have been if less than 45,000 fans show up for home games, the entire contract becomes guaranteed.
  4. Again, why? I think it's obvious to everyone that not everyone likes the moves the Bills have made. And maybe if I cared enough, I'd save Schein's e-mail addy and send him a "moron" e-mail if/when Robert Royal or Craig Nall play well. But the reality is I don't care and will instead wait to see the results.
  5. No need to play the season. Might as well starting the playoffs with the Dols and all the OTHER March-poll division winners.
  6. LOL! Maybe if Culpepper were healthy, or he didn't have such a crappy season last year, I'd be more worried. But that didn't happen so I'm not. And with his limited mobility and LJ Shelton protecting his blindside, it's gonna be a matching pair of busted knees sooner rather than later. But that will leave him more time for cruise ships.
  7. Can I ask, who the F is Adam Schein and why should anyone CARE what he says? Hell why should anyone care what ANY "sports expert" says, since they are rarely ever right, rarely ever admit they WERE wrong, and never have any accountability?
  8. You've STILL got no QB. Culpepper's crappy season before getting injured, his quetionable public activities on cruise ships, and his blown-up knee are MAJOR question marks that will need answering. And he's not expected back before midway through the season. Missing all of the off-season, training camp, and pre-season will make him useless this year, IF he comes back at all. And yeah, it was the SAME exact team that Brad Johnson, who's been relegated to backup duty since 2003, QB'd. Checkout the gamelogs from last year.
  9. They should have fitted him with those things they put on bulls and cinch up before opening the gates and letting hicks ride them for 10 seconds. That would definitely put some "fire in his belly."
  10. Does this mean the Jets are now NOT going to sweep the Bills?
  11. Wow, breaking news from Jeremy Freakin' Green! Thanks for wasting 10 seconds of my life here.
  12. I guess Brad Johnson had a "blip UP year."
  13. I was trying to give EM the BOTD.
  14. Moulds' contract won't be a problem. Just add a year onto it without giving him any more money. That would give him $13M over 3 seasons.
  15. Well then, I'd have to say you're smoking some SERIOUS crack. Without Vinatieri, the Pats don't MAKE the SB, much less win them. And the Pats have ONLY gotten worse, significantly worse, since the end of the 2004 season.
  16. As I alluded to, Culpepper looked HORRIBLE last year before getting injured, and there was a noticeable improvement once Brad Johnson became the starter WITH THE SAME TEAM. Now while you can blame the loss of Randy Moss and OC Scott Linehan, NEITHER of them are with the Dolphins. So expecting him to struggle, when his MO as a QB even at his peak has been one of a turnover machine, ESPECIALLY when he's expected to miss all of training camp and half the season, isn't too much of a stretch.
  17. Can I borrow that crystal ball?
  18. Moulds isn't at TO's level anymore. His new salary should be more in-line with what KJ got.
  19. No big loss. The guy is almost 30 and has had major injury problems. I don't get the love for the guy. Is it because he was a Patriot?
  20. Shelton will get him killed, if he doesn't get run out of town playing as lousy as he did prior to getting hurt last year.
  21. That was Tuesday. Apparently there is a lot of interest in trading for Moulds now. So I don't see him getting cut.
  22. A 6-year $30M contract no doubt.
  23. It would actually be stupid on Eric's part. On Green Bay's part it would be a good move. And while I doubt he ends up there, still it raises the stakes.
  24. Again, WHO said he's going to get cut?
  25. He sucks outdoors and on grass. The Pats will realize their folly in NOT re-signing Vinatieri if they sign Edinger.
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