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Everything posted by MadBuffaloDisease

  1. Ralph isn't ASKING for $110M. He just wants to NOT lose the $35M or so he makes off the team.
  2. You don't HAVE to live in the area.
  3. Come on now. I see several views and only 1 vote. It's something EVERYONE should be voting on, and it's not that hard!
  4. Failing having the taxpayers foot the bill for a new $600M (at least) stadium that the state can't afford and not wanting to see the Bills move, I can ONLY see raising prices for EVERYTHING (tickets, parking, concession) as the fastest and easiest way for Ralph to increase revenue and keep the team competitive. But that would take a committment from Bills fans. There are only 2 answers. There are no qualifiers. Either you'd agree to it or not.
  5. I realized soon after the vote that "no" was the way to go. According to an article by Don Banks, the extent of revenue sharing is that $30M TOTAL (wow!) will be available annually to those teams in the bottom-17 of revenues, if their player expenditures go above 70% of revenue. And then stuff like new owners not being able to share in revenue, and it's obvious that none of the OTHER owners truly understood it, panicked, and voted-in something that was crafted by the greedy scum-suckers and sold to them like a used-car salesman sells a lemon.
  6. I was going to post something on this, since it seemed to slip-by most everyone. Talk about a TOTAL F-U to Ralph on that one! Friggin' greedy, scum-sucking "new guard" owners.
  7. Belichick's soul wasn't enough, so he had to toss-in his fashion sense AND his personality.
  8. It won't be TRUE hell. That's reserved for those who sold their souls to the devil, like Paganini, Robert Johnson, John Bonham, and Bill Belichick.
  9. The Saints have JONATHAN Stinchcomb, not MATT, and JS has never started a game and didn't even play last year. The Saints would be foolish to pass-up taking Ferguson now. But they MIGHT trade down with the Jets, who everyone thinks will take Leinart, but the Jets could target Ferguson. Hopefully that leaves the Saints at #4 looking to trade down and Ferguson gone, and the Bills trade up to take Mario Williams.
  10. Martin Gramatica IS great shakes.
  11. Travis Henry is signed with the Titans through 2009: http://www.nflpa.org/members/playerProfile.asp?ID=30064
  12. What does your dad do for a living, #41.
  13. As a rule, Ralph SHOULD have to sell the naming rights. However the point is that doing-so wouldn't make the Bills "financially viable."
  14. According to an e-mail list of insider news from Sal Palantonio (sp?), the Dolphins' staff is "split" on the health of Culpepper's knee. But considering he had surgery in November last year and that it takes AT LEAST one fill year to recover, and that's best-case scenario, there's NO WAY he's ready before the start of the season. And without a full training camp, he'll be useless. I mean just look at his performance BEFORE getting injured last year, as the article points out.
  15. Yep. The large market owners are "working harder" to make more money off more people with more wealth than those owners in the smaller markets. Yeah.
  16. A domed stadium could be used for more than just 10 games a year. In other words, it's a stadium for MORE than just the Bills to use/own.
  17. Here's the link: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/foot...ls.golisano.ap/
  18. How can he not? Miller has played like shiite since the Olympic break.
  19. Hopefully this means they're back. It was like 2 different teams just before the Olympic break and after it.
  20. Possibly. I think Jamie Nails was out of the league for at least a year after the Bills cut him, and played pretty well for the Dols until getting injured (Achilles?). In any case, a low risk, hopefully high reward signing.
  21. Ralph initial investement means nothing right now. And he only gets to split what he did before: TV revenue, part of ticket sales, and merchandising. So while the AVERAGE percentage teams are paying to players is 59.5%, some teams like the Bills will be paying closer to 70% while others like the Skins will be paying closer to 45%. Again to make it simple, the cap went up after the new CBA by almost $10M WITHOUT Ralph getting a single penny more. That is almost 28% of the $36M in profit he made in 2004.
  22. Put Gibson in the Bod Pod...and keep him there until training camp.
  23. Not really, as I pointed-out above. By merely voting on a new CBA, the cap went up $9.5M without a SINGLE penny going into Ralph's pockets to off-set that. Maybe he'll get a handout at the end of the football season if his player expenses are 70% of his income, but I think he'd rather get a piece of those stadiums that he and his cohorts gave free money to (G-3) fund instead. But failing that, it's "if you can't beat 'em..."
  24. I got it! Make it a pro sports stadium with a library IN it! Have the symphony play during halftime.
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