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Everything posted by MadBuffaloDisease

  1. Does anyone KNOW how much money each team is getting in traditionally shared money (i.e. TV, radio, 60% of home and 40% of visiting ticket sales, and merchandising)? It would help if we knew THAT number first.
  2. It's always funny to hear the nattering nabobs. Always kvetching about SOMETHING.
  3. Dan Snyder doesn't strike me as a guy who is afraid of competition, Kelly. That's basically what you're saying. If you're the best, or THINK you're the best, you want to go UP against the best, and win. And you want to make as much money as possible and have the best overall product, weeding out the smaller guys/markets. I'm sure Buffalo is an annoying pimple on the ass of most of these asses.
  4. What if you've done BOTH at the same time? Does that count as just ONE character incident?
  5. I usually agree with you Kelly, but you're off here if you don't think that Snyder wants to make more money. To quote "Badlands" by Springsteen (a great song, BTW): "Poor man wanna be rich, rich man wanna be king. And a king ain't satisfied, till he rules everything"
  6. It doesn't matter that the TV money will be going-up every year, because so too will the salary cap. But BEYOND the TV money (and tix and merchandise sales), the cap ALSO increases based on "local" revenue that not all teams share equally. So that nice $36M profit Ralph made 2 years ago becomes $26.5M this year, based on the $9.5M increase in the salary cap because of a new CBA. And in the future, the profit probably continues to shrink as more teams generate more local revenue, driving the cap up further. Ralph's best solution is to jack-up ticket, parking, and concessions prices. But how many fans would that drive away? It's certainly better than sticking the state/taxpayer's with a $600M stadium in which prices will be jacked-up anyway.
  7. I like the whole package. And besides, there's something about her face that just bugs me. Kind of like the way I view Jessica Simpson after seeing her dad.
  8. Good move on Ralph's part getting Chuck Schumer involved. The NFL will have a real fight on their hands if they want one.
  9. I can ONLY see a DB if the Bills trade Clements for a 1st rounder. Other than that, it HAS to be the lines, most likely OL.
  10. Except that her "breasts are small and humble, so you can't confuse them, with mountains." Gotta have the tatas!
  11. I was a big Mickelson fan, but I hear he's a total tool when not in front of the cameras. Maybe that's to the other golfers, who don't like him, but it sounded like to everyone and that he was a phony.
  12. True, if anything it's the character issues that might drop him off the Bills' board. But I thought it was a pellet gun and a joke, while the hooker thing was in HS? And maybe calling TE and S "luxury" picks was wrong, but it all starts with the lines, and the Bills have needs on BOTH sides. And we don't know what he truly have in Everett and Euhus. And how many top-10 safeties have made an impact? How many safeties have been DRAFTED in the top-8 picks, for that matter?
  13. You know that for a fact?
  14. So basically the report says that the Broncos MIGHT trade up, or they MIGHT not? Wow, real limb they went out on there!
  15. Previously I was of the mind to take Davis at #8, because he represented a freak who doesn't come around all that often. However that was under the scenarios of failing to trade-up to get Mario Williams (which is STILL what I'd try to do, and he's a DL player, so it goes with what i was saying) and Ferguson being by far the best LT. But now that Justice has IMHO shown he has the athleticism to play LT (a 39" VJ?!), I'd be fine taking him since he fits a need, and since DT is a little deeper than other areas this year.
  16. The Bills need help on the lines first. Taking Davis or Huff while nice, would be luxury picks IMHO. And no DT has really established himself. So I think Justice makes the most sense.
  17. This is so wrong, it's not even in the AREA code of right. The NFL supplanted MLB as the #1 sport BECAUSE of revenue sharing, the salary cap, and parity. You see, when ALL fans think their team can be competitive because of a level playing field, there's more interest. And the NFL itself is far from "free market." Witness the "G-3" loan program, which essentially gives free money (50% of new stadium costs) to owners with the ONLY stipulation being that they don't sell the team for at least 10 years from the opening of the new stadium. Yeah, that's REAL "free market."
  18. I'd like to see this PAR/g applied for EVERY 1st and 2nd round QB for the last 5-6 years or so, so as to give a large enough (>30) sampling. And since they've applied it to Shuler, who was drafted in 1994 (and which would give well over 30 data points), they should be able to provide it. THEN we can say for sure whether this formula works or not. Just cherry-picking some successful predictions over the past 12 years doesn't work for me.
  19. And the 49'ers taking Davis, a TE? LOL!
  20. I think the provision could not FORCE the new owner to keep the Bills in Buffalo against his wishes. However if Golisano wanted to buy the team, the NFL would be hard-pressed denying him the right given his money, political influence, and most of all, his successful ownership of another major pro sports team. And Golisano has a vested interest in WNY so he wouldn't move the team. And IF the NFL decided to go with an owner who didn't want to keep the team in Buffalo, they'd have a PR and legal nightmare on their hands. Hence this new BS provision. It's probably too late. I think that if this provision isn't removed, the best we can hope for is that the team passes to his wife, who won't be hit with estate taxes, and that she rides-out the new CBA for the next one, that will likely have that provision removed.
  21. Anyone who thinks Ralph is greedy is a fukkin' moron.
  22. Or a poster named "grampalevy."
  23. Do you have any articles that say exactly how MUCH extra revenue the lower revenue teams would get? And is that $30M your estimate over the next 5 years of the CBA?
  24. Well then, just IMAGINE how cheap it will be when Ralph moves the team and there's NO team to pay ANYTHING for?
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