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Everything posted by MadBuffaloDisease

  1. Bush hasn't even entered the NFL and he's already fumbled! If I were him, I'd fire my agents. Not only is he NOT the #1 overall pick, he'll make LESS than he was originally offered. Retards.
  2. "HOW'D you get so funky?"
  3. Sorry. I'm funny like that.
  4. Yes, a dark shade of white: http://www.nfl.com/players/playerpage/553817
  5. Well YES I'd say that using the lousy OVERALL running stats of the Panthers tells you what happened in the game. The Panthers couldn't run at the Seahawks from ANY side and Jamal Robertson was their leading rusher with 4 carries for 19 yards, with 15 of them coming on one play in garbage time. Now while you're right that it doesn't excuse Reyes, it also doesn't implicate him as being the only bad player that day. Wahle was their best O-lineman, yet they couldn't, or DIDN'T, run to the left side much. And what about his work in the Divisional game against the Bears and their #1 (Y/P and scoring) ranked defense, in Chicago? Cherry-picking doesn't exactly make a great argument.
  6. Davis' career ended after their SB appearance. And if Foster was never their #1, how can you impugn Reyes as being the reason for the poor rushing attack? Maybe it's the fact that Davis is no longer a great RB?
  7. Okay Ozzy, I looked at the gamebook of the Carolina-Seattle game. Here's what I found of the Panthers' running game, by direction and yards (and Goings was the RB for most of the carries, with Jamal Robertson for the last few): Left: 0, 15 (during their final drive, in garbage time) Center: 2, -2, 0 Right: 2, 0, 2, 2 So basically it was 1-0 going left, 3-0 going up the middle, and 4-6 going right. Not really a great effort ACROSS the line, meaning you'd have to impugn the excellent Mike Wahle who played LG. And the LDT, who would line up across mostly from Reyes at RG, was Chartic Darby, who registered TWO assisted tackles and that's it. By comparison, Rocky Bernard, who played RDT and went against Wahle, had 2 sacks.
  8. Foster average 4.3 YPC, which is what he averaged in 2004 and better than he averaged in 2003.
  9. Gotta like the (only) 2 penalties he took last year. And if you believe that snap.stats.com site, he only gave up 1 sack last year.
  10. Late 3rd, although if the Rams REALLY want Cutler, they'll pay the premium and give-up their 13th pick in the 3rd round.
  11. Part of the agreement to get Brett to make his mind up NOW?
  12. Not to worry. Shania will be posing in, oh, about 5 more years.
  13. Reports are that he didn't test positive for weed, but that an herb he's taking has some "upper"-like properties and is banned. I believe him that he's not smoking anymore, but he SHOULD know what he's putting into his body. Just as Jim Miller. And I'll bet the appeal was based on the fact that he should get probation since it wasn't weed he got caught for again. I'm surprised the NFL didn't just slap him on the wrist, although I suspect that had he been coming-off an 1,800 yard season like a few years ago, they WOULD have.
  14. That's what high heels are for. Preferrably strappy. So I guess I'd be a "bare legs with strappy high heels" guy.
  15. What, you think that those pics of her in the internet when she was younger were NOT airbrushed?
  16. Yes, as "classy" as those spam-mails I get that tell me to visit their site with "only classy nude women."
  17. Ricky owed the Dolphins something like $9M in signing bonus if he didn't come back. I don't know if he fulfilled his end by returning for last season (he made just $540K, unless you figure by coming back he SAVED himself $9M), or if he now has to repay it because he didn't fulfill his contract.
  18. LOL! I'll love seeing her nekked, but calling it "empowering" is laughable! She didn't do this while she was more of a celeb because it was beneath her, as would have been doing this lousy "Celebrity Cookoff" that was cancelled after 3 shows. Dammit, can anyone just tell the truth for a change?
  19. That's a great mixture. And the two remaining teams are supposed to be lower revenue teams, so it's cool. And McNair and Lerner are but two voices. And I believe Ralph has good relationships with Frontieri and Ford, and Green Bay knows where Buffalo is coming from.
  20. Ruff was totally out of line. I mean teams ROUTINELY get 3 10-minute misconduct penalties, and have a guy thrown out, in games.
  21. Ngata didn't play every down, but Bunckley did? If true, that changes things a bit.
  22. Am I reading that right? Eager has his SIXTH penalty of the game? Shouldn't he be thrown out? Oh wait, that's basketball.
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