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Everything posted by MadBuffaloDisease

  1. Yep. Seemed like a classy guy. Like Lofton. Now that you mention it...
  2. Wasn't Clyde accused of rape or something like that?
  3. Conversely, I saw a "lowlight" clip of S Jason Allen, the Dols' first-round pick, getting run-over repeatedly.
  4. Brits and "K-Fed" prove that saying that money can't buy class.
  5. Any word on the guys who got injured Monday night?
  6. More like someone needs to be beaten with one.
  7. I was by Sixth Sense and Unbreakable, but I can't rewatch the rest of them. And I like MNS.
  8. They talked about this on ESPN radio the past few days. They basically said that Jordan wouldn't have concerned himself with a plugger like Bell like Kobe did. And Bell wouldn't have called-out a guy like Jordan. And what Bell's mother was referring to was Kobe's zinger that maybe Bell "wasn't hugged enough as a child." That's what made her words so funny.
  9. I liked The Sixth Sense, but the rest of his stuff was lacking in something. Unbreakable had promise, but didn't fulfill it. And Signs had an interesting concept, but was poorly executed. Same with The Village. Hopefully this one is better.
  10. I was listening to the Dan Patrick show on ESPN radio, and they said that Raja Bell's mother asked Kobe after the game, while he was walking through the players' tunnel, if he needed a hug. I LMMFAO at that one!
  11. I'm sure Ryan is sleeping better at night, as a result.
  12. If that's what Mort said, the only "turd" is him.
  13. I'm not too concerned with the Sabres winning. If this season has proven anything, it's that the team has loads of heart, as well as talent. Being up 2-0 in the series and winning ON THE ROAD is huge! Now they'll come back to Buffalo with the home crowd, last line change, last stick on the ice on faceoffs, and hopefully the refs on their side.
  14. Frickin' A man! This game is nerve-racking! I hope I can calm down by 11:30, when I have to go to bed!
  15. When I use Firefox, sometimes I hit a wrong key (haven't noticed which one) and a "find" bar comes out at the bottom of the browser whenever I press the "/' key. Does anyone know how I can disable this FRICKIN' annoying thing? Thanks in advance.
  16. For a big man, Chara is a BIG kitty.
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