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Everything posted by MadBuffaloDisease

  1. Yeah, he tried to say that he got it from an injection that was given without cleaning the injection site with alcohol first. And again I think it went into his joint, which is a whole different animal altogether.
  2. So you've got nothing then. Figures. Run along junior, mommy's calling.
  3. Sorry if I don't accept "I saw..." as being valid proof of ANYTHING. I used to, but I got smart. So excuse me if your words mean jack sh--. Show me a stat that proves what you say, or you're just another football invalid who makes claims without any supporting evidence. And at the VERY least, show me more than one scouting report on him that says he drops too many passes. And quit that condescending tone, dumbass.
  4. You have any dropped-ball stats for Nance? Seems like a guy who catches 80+ balls wouldn't be dropping too many. And Wilford never caught more than 51 passes in college, which suggests he DID drop a few back then as well. And I'm not saying Wilford is great. Just would like to see some stats to back-up your claim.
  5. Yeah, I think that the Loafs have close to $40 in payroll on 7 players, or something ridiulous like that.
  6. I am, but I know the Bills won 2 AFL championships back in the 60's. While nice, they're NOT SB's or SC's, but they're the best we got.
  7. WHO cares? Except if the DiverCanes win. Damn, that's 7 words.
  8. I believe that was an infection in his joint. A little different.
  9. Easier said than done. Lots of teams have high-flying payrolls. Ruff is a GREAT coach and that will give the Sabres a chance, especially in the era of the salary cap.
  10. And Edmonton is gonna ROLL on these suckas.
  11. Yet they STILL took it to game 7, and lost thanks in large part to losing Jay McKee to some freak leg infection. Unreal, it was like they were a team of destiny derailed by the curse that IS Buffalo sports.
  12. I went into the game knowing they SHOULD lose. But the fuggers gave me hope with that 2-1 lead. Oh well, I'm over it. At least I know they'll be good for years and won't move for a long time. And who knows, maybe SOME year they won't suffer an ungodly number of injuries and have to play with a team made up 1/3 of AHL'ers who were just called up!
  13. It was a fun ride while it lasted.
  14. Bah! McKee bit off his infected flesh.
  15. Got it. eryn, TURN OFF THE TV NOW!!!!!!!!
  16. I'm waiting for the luck. That first goal for the DiverCanes was BAD luck for the Sabres.
  17. Excuse my French but, what a fukkin' AMAZING team!
  18. Gee, bad luck FOR the Sabres? Whodathunkit?
  19. Prior to game 6, Teppo said there was an 80% chance he'd play. Hopefully Connolly's 80% is better than Teppo's was.
  20. Don't know. But I heard rumblings of McKee's leg infection about 8 hours before WGR got wind of it. And I'd echo EII. Motivation/inspiration and best defense is a good offense.
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