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Everything posted by MadBuffaloDisease

  1. Gates separated in college? Gee now HOW did the scouts miss on THAT guy?
  2. With the game going into OT, the ratings should dip in the negative if the WhinerCanes win. Good, the less people who see that, the better.
  3. No, he's an idiot because he's an idiot. I could give a rat's ass about what he thinks he saw. For all I know, Nance banged his sister and he has it out for him. With stats like what Nance put up, I have a hard time believing that the incredible Josh Betts placed 81 perfect passes into Nance's hands last year. And saying that teams bypassed Nance in the draft, given the EXACT science that is drafting ( ) is one of the lamest excuses out there.
  4. And again, with all the reports about all the passes Nance has been catching ("catches of the day" if you will), it's truly AMAZING that the QB's are able to place the ball PERFECTLY into his hands all the time. BRAY!
  5. Again, the Bills will likely keep 7 WR's. It's an embarrassment of riches as jarthur said, and the Bills will be wishing they could keep 8 WR's.
  6. I heard on the video of McGahee on BB.com that his college playing weight was 223#.
  7. The Bills will keep 7 WR's.
  8. Another practice, another mention of Nance making a big play. You know, it is just AMAZING that the QBs are able to place the ball EXACTLY into his hands every time!
  9. Yep, just like thinking Flutie would have led the Bills to the SB that year.
  10. Yes, apparently JP is. Hopefully he saw what happened to Big Ben and decided to sell it.
  11. RJ starting the Titans playoff game did NOT cost the Bills a shot at the SB. And the Bills spent $3.8M on Price and Reed, and will pay an additional $1.4M in base salary this season. That's $5.2M for 2 WR's.
  12. I think he likes PLAYING football, I just don't think he wants to put in the work it takes to make it in the NFL. In college his god-given talent was enough to allow him to dominate, but in the pros, where you're facing great players on every play, it takes more than just god-given talent.
  13. The difference is those guys above never did sh-- in OTA's. They were ALL hype.
  14. Well LD, you're batting .500, if EVEN that since King is a 3rd CB and still has a lot to prove. But keep up the GREAT work with your predictions and keep ignoring my request for predictions from THIS year's draft. BRAY ON (that's the sound a mule, aka ass, makes, BTW)
  15. Wow, a whole TWO players, one of whom didn't even play? Impressive! And FYI, I was high on Geisinger. Reports were that despite being a college OT, he was the prototypical OG and would be a good one in time. I didn't expect much from him last year but DID expect something from him this year. But with the release of Anderson and the signing of Reyes, it sounds like he's still no there yet. So there's hope for you to be 100% on these whole TWO players. Any others, from THIS year's draft?
  16. You know LD, you've piqued my interest with your allegedly amazing ability to judge talent. Give me some names of players you think will be good in the pros and some names of players you think will be busts. I'll refer back to it to see how correct you were.
  17. It's not difficult, LD, for an NFL coach that is. If YOU could tell that Nance had trouble adjusting to the ball and catching it, THEY surely can figure this out. So is it a deal or not? And if not, WHAT objective measure would you care to use?
  18. These chumps have been whining after EVERY loss the past 2 series. These mediots are NOW starting to pick-up on that?
  19. That's like saying Ricky Williams will have a long career in the NFL as long as he doesn't get stoned too much.
  20. The difference with Wilford and Anderson versus Nance is that the Bills didn't burn a draft pick on him and/or spend big bucks on him. If he's as worthless as you think he'll be, they'll have NO problem cutting him since it isn't a blow to their egos. And I think the coaches are smart enough to know if he can't adjust to the ball well and drops easy passes.
  21. Well, the Ravens DO have a better O-line than the Titans. And a better running game.
  22. If one were to call everyone who ever tossed back a few and drove "characterless," it would label a good percentage of the population.
  23. Okay LD, let's make this simple. Since you think Nance is a worthless POS, If Nance makes the team, you write a post saying you were wrong and what a moron you are. If he doesn't make the team, I'll do the same. Game?
  24. Okay, I will. Ello, Mr. Polly LaDairis!
  25. Ello, Mister Polly Parrot!
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