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Everything posted by MadBuffaloDisease

  1. That game showed me why I never got into watching soccer. Lousy officiating, diving players, kick the ball halfway down the field, get stopped, kick it back the other way. Thanks but no thanks.
  2. Mangold will be no better than the dude from Oakland whose name escapes me (because he's average). That guy was the last highly-touted center.
  3. I'll give Mularkey the BOTD and say that since it was his first head coaching gig, and being a nice guy, he was pulled in several different directions and didn't show the leadership of a good head coach. With TD, maybe even Ralph, that's not surprising. Hence players felt they were being jerked-around by Mularkey when it might have been from higher-up. As for the story with JP, I suspect their animosity towards him was because after Bledsoe was released and JP was made the starter, many of the older vets who were winding down their careers felt that the Bills were rebuilding and didn't want to have to go through that. JP became the scapegoat and his poor play didn't help matters any.
  4. F*$@ those whining bast...oh wait, wrong thread!
  5. Sorry that you posted it. Pure tripe.
  6. I just want to hear reports from others who say that JP is looking good and will likely be the starter. The Bills aren't going anywhere with Holcomb, and Nall, while the potential to be another Delhomme et al. is there, doesn't excite me at all.
  7. Sorry, I'm just parroting Chris Brown's blog from today:
  8. Interesting. Kind of strange given the timing with his recent wedding, hence my assumption.
  9. I assume Baker is his wife's (he was recently married) last name.
  10. I'll show class and not say anything. Remember, if you can't say anything nice...
  11. O RLY? In skilled hands the two teams have waged battles.
  12. Different strokes for different folks. You probably don't own an i-Pod either, right?
  13. Should be no excuses, but if the WhinerCanes lose, there WILL be excuses. You can count on that.
  14. How tall is he, how much separation did he get in college, and how well does he adjust to the ball again?
  15. So losing Doug Weight is "adversity?" Please! What's happening is is Markannen is playing great, whereas he was shaky before. If Roloson hadn't been injured, this series probably would have been over in game 5.
  16. Boiling live crustaceans is "inhumane." Yep that's right, because they're CRUSTACEANS, not humans!
  17. The guy who wrote "Rock and Roll Part 2." Sheesh!
  18. Wonder what the WhinerCanes will complain about as being the reason they lost last night?
  19. How much of a signing bonus did they give him?
  20. Sorry LD, I missed your predictions on the Bills' draft the first time. Duly noted and we'll revisit them later-on. As for Wilford, I never mentioned anything about him. All I asked for was dropped ball stats on Nance, in the thread about how Nance could be another Wilford. And in his college career, Wilford caught slightly over 2.5 passes a game, which suggest he drops balls. Nance caught well over 6 passes a game in his senior season, less than a year removed from ACL surgery. And I cannot explain why Nance went undrafted. Neither can most people. Again YOUR critique of Nance flies in the face of virtually EVERY profile of him. And just because he went undrafted, that doesn't mean he won't succeed or that he deserved to go undrafted.
  21. Given teams' infallibility when it comes to drafting players, it's a wonder ANY drafted players fail, or any undrafted players succeed. At least, so sayeth the braying ass. Please LD, come back when you a) have dropped ball stats for Nance from college and/or b) can give me a prediction on draftees from this year so I can see just how much of a (idioti) savant you are and/or c) can lend me your crystal ball so I can see in the future that Nance will do nothing in the NFL. Until then, you are a legend in your mind ONLY.
  22. Nance has 4 years of experience in college. It would be best if you WAITED until Nance has AT LEAST a year in the NFL under his belt, like Gates did before he broke out. And you whiffed on the point I was trying to make... which is the scouts are FAR from infallible. Gates should have been drafted, and drafted high.
  23. My point exactly, oh braying one.
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