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Everything posted by MadBuffaloDisease

  1. Useful, but doesn't mention how many drops.
  2. Yeah I saw the underthrown ones but figured they'd be impartial. And I agree about the deal.
  3. Looking at NFL.com's gamebook for that game, he only had 1.
  4. How many? Snap.stats.com lists drops for WR's, but not TE's. And if he dropped a lot and still caught 62, for a TE that's pretty damned good. As for the wife-beating part, what's the difference between that and what happened to Whitner?
  5. I'd take him, but make him sign one of those morality clauses.
  6. You guys would have killed Seinfeld before it ever had a chance to get off the ground.
  7. Like a rent-a-player.
  8. Yeah, you'd think they'd tender him at a higher level than a 7th if he were any good.
  9. Naw. They could offer him say, 5-years and $38.75M.
  10. LOL! After seeing what Thomas got, I'm not surprised. Hell I wouldn't be surprised to see the other franchised players do the same.
  11. Marty is 5-11 in the playoffs and has lost the last 5 playoff games. To paraphrase Parcells, "you are what your [playoff] record is." And the point was to say that the Pats at best as close to going to the SB again as they were to losing in the 2nd round.
  12. After agreeing to that horrible CBA, I have no doubt "some NFL teams are wondering..." The worth of this statement will be proven as the season unfolds.
  13. So what happened in the Colts game, losing an 18 point lead and Brady throwing an INT to end the game? Sorry but by all accounts, the Pats should have lost to the Chargers. But Marty is what he is.
  14. I'd say $17M guaranteed in the first 2 years is getting plenty.
  15. Conversely, they were also a play away, a handful of times, of losing in the 2nd round again. And no there's no Marty Schottenheimer to kick around in the playoffs.
  16. No one expects a Spanish Inquisition!
  17. Sure. Sign him to one of those poison-pill-type contracts. That is, if it's not too characterless for Marv.
  18. I think Borges is saying that given Thomas' age, injury is a real concern (especially given the Pats' problems with injuries since Belichick has become their HC). Also, many players haven't fared well after leaving the Ravens, and the Pats have a pretty complicated system. Tully Banta-Cain really doesn't enter into the equation.
  19. Well with all the bravado being shown, not to mention a year's worth of appearances by Pats fans the past couple days, you'd think the Pats had the SB sewn-up. But fair enough answer.
  20. So you Pats fans (HD, Prognastic, 3BillsDrive) are predicting now that the Pats will win the SB this year?
  21. Figures it would be Borges. Hope he's right, though.
  22. Yeah but Belichick was gone by then.
  23. I meant that tongue-in-cheekly, but seriously.
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