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Probation (1/8)



  1. Consult a qualified financial consultant NOW and start planning for your retirement NOW. Learn about Roth IRA's NOW. Do not take your financial advise off of a Bills discussion board. You've already received some crappy advise and you're likely to get more.
  2. Sounds like Hillary's the candidate for you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1PfE9K8j0g
  3. Well, it couldn't possibly be that you implied that most of his sacks came during garbage time against backups. It must be something else. Or not.
  4. He has all of 1 sack against the Bears backup. But don't let the facts get in your way. Here's a breakdown of his sacks. All info comes from NFL.com. Each line is QB, time left, quarter, score at the time Game 1 NE 19 Buf 17 Brady 7:21 2Q Buf 17 NE 7 Game 5 Chi 40 Buf 7 Griese 6:45 4Q Chi 30 Buf 0 Game 6 Det 20 Buf 6 Kitna 14:55 1Q Det 0 BUf 0 Game 7 NE 28 Buf 6 Brady 13:30 2Q NE 14 Buf 3 Brady 8:04 3Q NE 14 Buf 3 Game 8 Buf 24 GB 10 Favre 4:56 2Q Buf 10 GB 0 Favre 0:28 2Q Buf 10 GB 0 Game 10 Buf 24 Hou 21 Carr 10:40 3Q Buf 17 Hou 7 Game 11 Buf 27 Jax 24 Garrard 9:30 3Q (1/2 sack) Buf 17 Jax 14
  5. Richard Pryor already tried that in Brewster's Millions.
  6. Las Vegas board
  7. Try Little Italy if you are interested in Italian. Lot's of great restaurants. Do not get dessert at the restaurant, go to Vacarro's. I haven't been to Little Italy in a few years but I always like Amicci's (casual and not too pricey). http://www.littleitalyrestaurants.com/litt...ts_vaccaros.htm http://www.littleitalyrestaurants.com/litt...nts_amiccis.htm For some awesome micro-brewed Belgian style beer (and a great restaurant too), try The Brewer's Art. There is a nice restaurant and lounge on the upper level and a dark bar in the lower level. You can get the full menu in the restaurant and they have a seperate menu for the bar areas. http://www.belgianbeer.com/
  8. Perhaps you need to read more of that link you posted that supposedly supports your position. Try reading the section "Politics and Pit Bulls". Here's part of that: "It is extremely rare for any breed of dog to attack and kill an owner or an immediate family member. Pit bulls fatal attacks are not substantially different in pattern, victim profile or in contributory risk factors than other breed attacks. In otherwords, the same type of scenario is seen in fatal Pit bull attacks as with other breeds of dogs, namely: intact/breeding dogs, chained dogs, unsupervised children, unfamiliar child, dogs obtained for protection, mulitple dog situation, etc. (see: NCRF Page "Fatal Attack Studies"). These factors are of vital importance, because although 3 children were killed by Pit bulls in 1999, an additional 19 children were killed that same year by other (non-Pit Bull) breeds of dogs. So while Pit Bulls and aggression grab the headlines, these other 19 young victims go virtually unnoticed in a climate of breed hsyteria - and any lessons we may have learned about the cause of their tragedies are overshadowed by the Great Pit Bull Debate." You hear about Pit Bull attacks because it makes for sensational news and feeds people's fear and ignorance. The following is taken from dogbreedinfo.com: That sly smile, those determined eyes, that unwaning pleasure to please... the mere quality and characteristics of the APBT have evoked more human emotional, rational, and irrational response than any other breed that exists today. By no means are these dogs people-haters or people-eaters. Their natural aggressive tendencies are toward other dogs and animals, not people. However if they are properly socialized they will not even be aggressive with them. These are truly quality companions for quality owners only! The American Pit Bull Terrier is a good-natured, amusing, extremely loyal and affectionate family pet, which is good with children and adults. Almost always obedient, it is always eager to please its master. It is an extremely courageous and intelligent guard dog that is very full of vitality. Highly protective of his owners and the owner's property, it will fight an enemy to the death. It is usually very friendly, but has an uncanny ability to know when it needs to protect and when everything is okay. The American Pit Bull Terrier can be willful and needs a firm hand. They are generally okay with other pets if they are raised with them from puppy hood. For the most part they are very friendly, but not recommended for most people. Excellent with children in the family, they have a high pain tolerance and will happily put up with rough child play. As with any breed, they should not be left alone with unfamiliar children. Originally used as fighting dogs, the powerful American Pit Bull may go for the throat of strange dogs. A minimum of training will produce a tranquil, obedient dog. Socialize very thoroughly when young to combat aggressive tendencies and be sure to keep the dog under control when other dogs are present. It has given outstanding results as a guardian of property, but is at the same time esteemed as a companion dog. When properly trained and socialized, this is a very good dog and a great family companion. Unfortunately, some choose to promote the fighting instinct in the breed, giving it a bad name.
  9. For some alternate opinions on Global Warming go to www.reason.com and put Global Warming in the search field. Look for articles written by Ronald Bailey. Here's one example: http://www.reason.com/rb/rb111004.shtml.
  10. I think they have the ability to swap 1st round picks next year. Which should still work out great for the Bulls, especially if Brown is gone and Thomas is coaching.
  11. Interesting stats about Katrina: http://www.reason.com/cy/cy011706.shtml
  12. In 2004 401 of the 435 House members ran for reelection. 396 of them won. 25 of the 26 Senators up for reelection won. I don't expect 2006 to be any different.
  13. http://www.kodakgallery.com/Slideshow.jsp?...&Uy=nyvoby&Ux=1
  14. This Washington Post article is a much better article about overall funding. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...5090702462.html
  15. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. " Those are some of the "nuttiest" and "craziest" words I've ever read.
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