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Mark Long Beach

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Everything posted by Mark Long Beach

  1. Yup. but most of us didn't know just how bad off he was. Nobody has recovered from two operations on the shoulders to play football again. Nobody is a REALLY small number. Plus he never had much of an arm... so he obviously can't afford to lose even a little strength. Not to mention accuracy. I agree with other posters that he managed to do a lot with not much and seemed a decent sort. Good luck to him. (but not the jests of course)
  2. QUOTE(RkFast @ Sep 30 2005, 03:57 PM) Ya know what? !@#$ Pennington. The guy thought the world owned him something. Now hes got to deal with life, just like the rest of us. Word. Pretty sad reflection on you if you hate someone and wish them ill merely because they earn more than you or because they play for a competing team.
  3. Holcomb has it too? 460182[/snapback] Saw that too. Was confused by it since I don't ever remember that. (I lived in cleveland for 4 years so I kinda follow what's going on with the Browns) It really explains what happened to Jim Miller. He was playing pretty well and then dropped off a cliff.
  4. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/stor..._len&id=2176813 "There are no current players, former players or orthopedic surgeons -- at least among the dozen or so people interviewed by ESPN.com this week -- who could readily identify a quarterback who has even undergone two rotator cuff procedures, let alone come back from them." "It was the most miserable time of my life and there's really no other word to describe it," Miller said. "Unless you've been there, it's hard to explain, really. But you keep telling yourself: 'I owe it to the team. They're paying me to go out and play. I've got to go out there and try it.' And all you really do is make it worse, to be honest. Worse for yourself. Worse for the team. Worse for everybody." Majkowski said. "I mean, it's excruciating. People don't understand, maybe, unless they've had it. But the shoulder is the biggest range-of-motion part of anyone's body. Bigger than the knee even. Just to get back that range of motion -- to get it to the point where you can just function, and I'm not even talking about the football part, but more like everyday stuff -- takes an enormous amount of work and pain." Now with a second injury, even if it's not another torn rotator cuff, he's as good as done as an elite QB. The Jets now need to find a long term starting QB.
  5. yup, it's hard. Can't even say that keeping the same coaching staff equals success. Look at what little Holmgren has done in Seattle. A supposedly good coach with all the cash (but still limited salary cap) and all the decisions he could want for what, 6-7 years now? he's a whopping 46 wins and 46 losses, with 1 playoff victory. The NFL is hard. It takes a lot of things to go right. I'm happy with the executives. I'm happy with the coaches. I'm Mostly happy with the players. Sad about our record so far. But not surprised. If Lossman can get it all together, I honestly think we'll start taking it to teams. But he's young. it's showing.
  6. Sweet! I recognized the poem from just your posted line. Excellent choice! I like Steven Cranes poems, it's the only poetry that I've read that I liked. Although, it sure feels weird talking about poetry on a football board...
  7. I'm sad because now one of them HAS to win. Much rather see them both pounded into salt.
  8. From the above linked article talking about the Texans game: The good: Are you kidding? No? Well, let's see. The Texans don't have to play Buffalo again. ...[and] Their bus didn't break down on its way to the airport.
  9. It was really funny error that Madden made there. But my memory tells me that a couple of other completions just before that one really did use moss as a decoy and moss gathered a lot of attention.
  10. I have to agree. They run defense was Waaaaaay better than I expected, and probably put out the best effort of the whole team.
  11. Looked to me like some of the raiders, moss in particular, gave up. They went through the motions, but they never believed they were going to win. Refs or no, they were a beaten team.
  12. Some of those are hysterical! Nice find!
  13. naw. Warhammer 40K is a good game. Although, no chicks ever get involved nor find it cool, which is a drawback. It's a potentially deep and fun game. Lots of time can be spent at it. Doing all of the modelling is fun. You find out which part of the game is most fun for you, and you often go and do more or similar things with your time that you enjoy. For example collecting/trading the figures, modelling/painting the figures or terrain (like model railroads), or the actual playing of the game itself which can be quite complecated if you learn all of the rules. Simple enough to play, LONG time to master. Biggest drawbacks: *Afformentioned chicks think hobby gaming is lame. (some truth here But less social stigma these days as computer games become more pervasive) *miniatures from GamesWorkshop are EXPENSIVE. *Social game but often with other slightly social oddballs. Hey, I'm a geek. shrug. *Time intensive Lots of modelling time, Lots of prep time, and the Game is long (2-6 hours) If the kid likes it, he'll learn patience. I learned if from fishing and from gaming. Got to learn is somewhere. If the kid likes it, it has a LOT of positives going for it though. It's a sophisticated game, that can teach as much as he's willing to spend time learning about it. There are also a gazillion websites out there as fan sites and teaching sites about the game. I recommend giving it a try. (My brother plays the game every week or so, and I've loosely played it with him for the last 15 years or so) FYI, my favorite part is doing the modelling. Cheaper figures may be bought on ebay, especially in lots, and especially the basic type figures.
  14. In one of the early articles about getting the scrimmage together in the first place was a mention that the Packers weren't interested in a home-and-home arraingment for training camp. They have big family day and all practices at their stadium. The reason that we were able to get it to work in the first place was because we needed a 1 year replacement since the browns backed out on us. Which is too bad. I like these little friendly scrimmages during the offseason. And with the packers is pretty cool.
  15. As an out-of-towner, I read these rabidly. They give me hope and excitement and appreciate them greatly! A very heartfelt Thanks!
  16. Reading the whole article on jaguars.com is much better than that abreviated version quoted above. It's linked on the front page and very believable.
  17. Not had particularly good luck with any hh interactions. From both an employee and employer side. I now aggressively avoid them. Far too many hh's are poor at their job and heavily detract from the (much fewer) good ones.
  18. As a laker fan: this is humiliating. Mitch Kupchak should be beaten with a rubber hose. Repeatedly. We could have gotten him for a box of stale crackers. Much less given up Caron Butler who can play! Unbelievable. Phil Jackson will hit him upside the head if he even looks like he's getting out of his chair firmly which is bolted as last on the depth chart. Phil will play a rookie more than this discarded lump. Unbelievable.
  19. One of the few raiders that I've always had respect for. Always a little sad that he played for Cpt Scumbag Al D.
  20. ...Well looking back on it: Who WOULD want to back up RJ???
  21. Great article! Very good read. Sounds like we won't have Jerry for too long as DC. Hopefully long enough for a superbowl!
  22. I always thought that I was weird because I'd sit and drool in geometry class and stare at the poster with a bunch of pi's digits. I still can rattle off quickly: 3.14159265359879323... then I just start making numbers up as nobody can ever call me on em. 'cept for this guy apparently.
  23. Well looking at that topten list only, I have to say I thought most of them sucked too. However there's lots of good movies that aren't on that list. A few of them are great. as for your highlighted ones... I think I'm even harsher than you. although I'd have included "My big fat greek wedding," and "Saving Pvt Ryan".
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