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Mark Long Beach

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Everything posted by Mark Long Beach

  1. Without knowing these guys, I also like some of the positions drafted. Especially starting off with DT. I suspect we need to take another DT since we apparently have no worthwile bodies there.
  2. Keep: Kevin Thomas, CB Mike Schenk, LS Nate Clements, CB - for a reasonable price. Ryan Denney, DE - reasonable price. Angelo Crowell, LB Josh Stamer, LB Iffy: Justin Bannan, DT Ron Edwards, DT Mario Haggan, LB Trey Teague, C No: Sam Aiken, WR Shane Matthews, QB
  3. JP has an injured throwing shoulder and hasn't been able to practice. So our backup QB is going to start this weekend. Don't forget that it's a short NFL week, since we play on Saturday. That's it. That's the story. What in the world is going on with all this spewage about Desperate moves to fake injury to win games... QB quits on team... Coach trying to save job by using our backup QB... ??? What crazy nonsense. Please, take a deep breath people.
  4. "Ralph Wilson has a history of hiring jokes to be his GM." The "source" lost all credibility with me with that statement.
  5. Fletcher Moorman McGee April Lesser degree: Schenk (Gotta agree with the long snapper comment above) Peters Crowel Evans Gandy Amazingly: Lindell Appalled: ... never mind, too long a list.
  6. naw, not really. The elusiveness isn't there so much at the NFL level, but at least he has hands. Antonio Brown couldn't catch a cold.
  7. Hmmm.. Better than I remember him doing. I do remember him doing well as a coordinator. I think that it was that those teams never lived up to expectations. That they did a good chunk worse than they were expected to do...? Evin if it was unfair such as those Jets teams clearly in decline. In my mind I've mistakenly lumped in Kotite's disasterous record in with his. Thanks for the clarification. Although it doesn't alter my main point that a great college coach (which he most certainly is) doesn't automatically make a great NFL coach.
  8. Truthfully ALL the coordinators that get promoted to head coaching jobs are one of the very best at being a coordinator. That's why they get chosen for the next step. Look at what Greggo has done now that he's been handed back a defensive coordinator role. He's made lemonade out of a bunch of lemons. Don't forget he did a spectacular job back with Tenn too. But he sure didn't do so hot in his first run as a head coach (which we know all too well). Weiss MAY be/have been a good head coach. But it has nothing to do with how well he's doing at Notre Dame.
  9. I don't deny that Weiss has done a great job at Notre Dame. Strangely enough, I kinda root for them. (Although their handling of Willingham wasn't done all that well) I also agree that he's not leaving there anytime soon. Regardless of how well he's done as a COLLEGE head coach, he's still only a coordinator at the NFL level and NOBODY knows how well he'd do as an actual NFL head coach. This is my point, a good NFL coodinator does not equal good NFL head coach. Just look at Greggo, Norv Turner, Pete Carroll, Jim Haslett, Dave McGinnis, (hopefully not: Mike Mularky), etc. So quit whining about choosing a DIFFERENT unproven head coach selection. It's hindsight and luck and impossible to prove otherwise.
  10. Pete Carroll made his mark for about 15 years as an assistant in the NFL. Greggo was all NFL all the time. I'll agree that NFL experience gives you a leg up over an NCAA only guy. But big deal. An unproven coach at the NFL level is an unproven coach. Claiming the Weiss is the end all great coach that we passed on because he's done a good job at Notre Dame is foolish. I'm happy he's doing a good job as a COLLEGE coach. But it means exactly diddly as to how well he'd do as an NFL coach.
  11. Why all the hard on's for a good college coach? Lots of coaches can be good on the college level. Doesn't mean he'd be worth a hoot as a professional one. If you need any examples just look what Pete Carroll has done, or steve spurrier, etc. All we'd have is another unproven coach who may or may not be able to step up to the challange.
  12. I agree. Don't watch unless you've really prepared yourself. How? I don't don't but try a drink or six. It was seriously depressing, with only a few "high" points.
  13. Peters definitely had a poor game.... then again: so did pretty much everyone else.
  14. The first dropped pass that was a sure first down was the one that really got me. Gah. I've been a bit of a supporter of his, but man. those dropped balls HURT. I also concur with a lot of the posts in here. JP wasn't a barn burner, but he wasn't in the barn burning either. Despite the pitiful performances around him (except special teams) he seemed more confident and played better QB. He lost it a little bit a couple times such as when TT didn't snap the ball on the silent count, and when he fumbled the ball on the scramble, but overall played reasonably poised. After this game, I believe he finally is a better all-around option than Holcome.
  15. The old stomach is acting up again and won't let me have beer. So it's malibu and 7up for me.
  16. Thanks for setting the record straight Clump. It's a great luxury for the rest of us to have a good fact person like yourself around.
  17. I'm happy about it. Truthfully, I've noticed a difference in the play calling, and I thought for the better. Granted there are still some braindead individual play calls. But overall I've been happier. This really clears up a couple things in my mind. Including the connection between Clements and Temple. I really believe the playcalling has been more stable. Nonwithstanding the weird ones. (Hell I LIKE some weird calls, but some of the timing has been...poor) I also like that the head coach has shown patience but an not unlimited amount. He's willing to change things up when they've shown to not be working. Example of benching the highest paid and highest drafted player on our team for an undrafted second year player... Honestly, that's some cajones.
  18. No way are we cutting a competent player who's already getting paid for all of this year in the middle of the season. On top of that, what would happen if (knock on wood) Peters or Gandy gets hurt!? He's not a locker room problem. He's still not 100% healthy, Why the hell would we cut him now? This is some talking head with an overactive imagination at best.
  19. Ouch. Seems really close to the truth for some posters.
  20. Being single and having extra money lying around (both have since changed) I splurged and got a nice HD tv and signed up for VOOM HD satallite service (r.i.p). Basically I don't like television. But there is no other way to put it: HD is incredible. I hate watching anything that isn't in HD now. I've gotten so spoiled. Discovery HD, Equator channel, and ESPN HD etc. It's a totally different experience than watching ordinary tv. It's that good.
  21. No. They'll always suck. Unfortunately it's looking like our beloved Bills might also. <edit> Good to see you again DCM
  22. Me too. It was a REALLY rough weekend for sports. ugh. My mouth still tastes like sawdust.
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