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Mark Long Beach

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Everything posted by Mark Long Beach

  1. Linky: http://insider.espn.go.com/nfl/insider/news/story?id=2406179 Thank you.
  2. nice. Not worthless at all. Don't be afraid of your opinions man! (Or you'll get creamed in the online world) Especially here at Chicken Little HQ.
  3. TD did a great job of getting some name talent and helping us fans think we were on the right track. But most of those moves really weren't all that good. Our record last year speaks volumes. I feel like this is a rebuilding year. Okay our record probably won't be that great, but hopefully I'll get to see some really nice young players step up so that we know what we have for next year. I'll get a lot of enjoyment out of watching these games and watching our young players (hopefully) step up. But pessimistic about the season? No, not really.
  4. Well, we have to consider the signing bonus into that decision too. The jump in salary could offset the speedup of the signing bonus... So it might make no cap difference to keep/cut them. (sorry for not doing my homework and looking it up myself ...still at work, sigh.)
  5. Thanks DCM. I've followed Daunte for a while. He's so clearly an upgrade for you guys it's scary.
  6. Dang! I get distracted in the middle of posting and get scooped. sigh. I guess I got to be a little faster. (or work less)
  7. Has to do with not getting down on paper all that was supposedly agreed to between Arrington and the Redskins. I weep no bitter tears. Linky: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?i...-031520&srvc=sz
  8. Solid. Expected. ...But still I'm glad it's finally taken care of.
  9. Jennings injured? Naw... He's never injured. ... or was that: never healthy? Sigh. He gets signed away and still hurts us while injured.
  10. Rats, I don't know how to get nice little quote boxes to make it easier to read. Sorry guys.
  11. The following thread is scattered throughout the posts, but I really enjoyed it, so I thought I'd pass it along to the rest of you (so you don't have to work hard at finding/following it) This conversation wounds a little deeper since we just failed with a high OT in MikeWilliams and are still in need of an OT and debatably a QB (although we shouldn't draft one high this year). My opionion on this topic has changed after reading it. Good stuff, albeit hard to pull out of their forum. link: http://www.footballoutsiders.com/2006/03/0...our-downs/3727/
  12. because they're making a mistake. Marty doesn't want to lose Brees.
  13. I enjoyed it, and pretty much understood it. Then again, I'm the CFO for a small company. ...Not sure how everyone else did.
  14. true, but VD does run faster than most WRs. (40 time anyways)
  15. omgoodness. I had to work hard to keep the laughter down while I'm still here at work.
  16. Spectacular! And oh so appropriate for this time of year!
  17. Great! I look forward to it. Thanks Clumpy. Things are gettin' exciting!
  18. We're not that thin on LBs. We have 3 starters and 1 good replacement (Crowel) along with 2 good special teamers. That's a lot better than most teams. As for being thin... heck we were 29th in offense and 30th in defense. It's not like we can take much of a step back. We've got a bumper crop of free agents and cap room to get some. I'm not that worried.
  19. Hell I'd take Putzier too. Both Anderson (backup/capable starter) and Putzier (starter) are WAY better than what we have now.
  20. I'm guessing he meant not a possibility but was already a sure thing...? Oh, and I also wouldn't complain about having him.
  21. As I understand this cap mess: Our cap position may have changed because next year could be an uncapped year all Not-Likely-To-Be-Earned (NLTBE) bonuses that would normally count towards next year must count on this years cap. If the labor agreement gets extended then they would count towards next years cap...
  22. I find it hard to believe that the raiders will pick Vince Young unless they plan on converting him to another position. Al Davis loves the downfield pass. Always has, always will.
  23. If you're lucky, you're playing doctor with your avatar. And I hope you're wrong, Doctor.
  24. All I've gotten is stuff off of the front page. Just a couple sentences. Cool. I'm happy to have AVP back. I like having some connection to past players who care.
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