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Mark Long Beach

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Everything posted by Mark Long Beach

  1. The key part of that question is "...tools in other positions..." and I believe the answer is yes it's possible. More likely, it's next year... It's quite difficult for a coach to make all the adjustements necessary in one year to adapt to a new scheme. There's only so many new people you can bring in at once. Some people you think can handle the new scheme, can't. There are some suprises in the other way too. In just pure talant: Very nice secondary Very good Linebackers mediocre-bad d-line great special teams. poor QB (we're all hoping for maturation improvements here) decent/good RB (what version of WM will show up each day?) decent/good Receivers. mediocre o-line. We certainly have enough talant if it comes together well (and good QBing of course).
  2. I don't think Price, Reed AND Davis makes the team. They just seem too much like the same player. Underacheiving couple year vet. None of whom live up to their billing, speed, catching or RAC.
  3. While I can't say that I really have hope, I still feel that our TE's are better than we've had for quite a while.
  4. I'm not sold on Davis. He's been an underacheiver. fast yes... but productive? not really. I believe that one of Reed, Price or Davis won't make the team. Wouldn't shock me that Andre is out. Nance? Maybe. He has potential. Sometimes jobs are won on potential.
  5. not bad. minor quibble, you have Nance on active and practice squad. Qb's: naw, I think we'd still keep KH over Kingswho RB's: tough, but I like more of what I see of Gates over Williams. (but limited viewings) FB's: Not sure if Shelton has another year in him. It seemed like he didn't do so well last year... well like the rest of the team. We may only keep one FB IMO. WR: crowded field. Your picks are the same as mine. TEs: yep OL: good. hope gibsen can revitalize himself. DE: Word? Probably one of the Rookies... DT: I think they'd like to keep 5 and rotate them more, but someone has to step up... Jefferson? LBs: yup CB: yup Safetys: Baker may stick. Although, maybe not, He's more of a hitter than a cover guy... Our system needs cover safetys. ST's: yup Nice job. It sure is hard to guess those last few roster spots...
  6. Every so often another one crawls out from under a rock. Eventually they stop getting the attention their mommy didn't give them when they were young and they go away. Although there are some that just get more abusive and we ban 'em. I could care less which one happens.
  7. FYI Rosenwhatshisname is also the new rep for London Fletcher too. Talking with Drew is what the team is supposed to do. Unclench your panties. Per front page article: London taps Drew
  8. Don't forget we've been as active as I can remember this offseason. Granted they haven't been big name signings, but none-the-less we've had a reasonable roster turnover. ...so how much can you really ascribe to TD?
  9. It's interesting to read just how much emotion can still rise to the surface after all these years. Even though it has no real relivance now. For my part, I loathed RJ from the start. I have little doubts that DF was an a**, but regardless, I really enjoyed watching the games when he was QB. Especially when compared with uninspired, stiff, brittle RJ. Boy was that QB controversy divisive. Now I'm all riled up again! Good riddance (to both), although I sure wish we had a QB we could believe in again.
  10. May it continue well into the post season.
  11. Yep, good article. I didn't quite think of Buffalo the whole time, but it did surface a few times. I was also a little confused, isn't Spikes on the large side for a will? I also wondered that small linebackers would be weak against a Cloud of Dust type running team. Although there sure seems to be a lot fewer of them around these days.
  12. Yep. I don't think we were due for a quick fix this year. I think we still need another good draft to really help us step up to the power teams in the league. Hopefully some of our young kids from the last couple drafts start stepping up (Losman, Evans, Parish and yes MdGahee) If they do, then we have a chance to make teams nervous.
  13. I have no problem signing Atrain for the min. I think it's pretty likely that he doesn't make the team. In fact, I'm kind of hoping he doesn't. It means one of the kids outplayed him. GREAT! It was a good signing. Competition for spots on our team is a good thing.
  14. Compound fracture doesn't necessarily mean that it pokes out of the skin. It basically means that it was a complex breakage rather than a single break point.
  15. PLEASE! PLEASE oh PLEASE..... Pretty please with sugar on top... let them sign Joey Harrington and have him play the year as their QB.
  16. One of the things that Ralph repeatedly mentions is that he has no desire of moving the Bills. But he isn't going to be around much longer. WHOMEVER buys(or inherits) the Bills is going to have huge debts associated with getting the team. Be it inheritence tax or loans to buy the franchise. Very, very few people have $600+mil in CASH. They have to borrow it (even if it's against other assets that they own) So making $10mil would mean that they couldn't support the debt of their loans, much less make any money.
  17. Lord knows, I'm dumb enough. I sure don't need any help to get dumber. Thanks for the summary.
  18. Linky: http://insider.espn.go.com/nfl/insider/news/story?id=2406179 Thank you.
  19. nice. Not worthless at all. Don't be afraid of your opinions man! (Or you'll get creamed in the online world) Especially here at Chicken Little HQ.
  20. TD did a great job of getting some name talent and helping us fans think we were on the right track. But most of those moves really weren't all that good. Our record last year speaks volumes. I feel like this is a rebuilding year. Okay our record probably won't be that great, but hopefully I'll get to see some really nice young players step up so that we know what we have for next year. I'll get a lot of enjoyment out of watching these games and watching our young players (hopefully) step up. But pessimistic about the season? No, not really.
  21. Well, we have to consider the signing bonus into that decision too. The jump in salary could offset the speedup of the signing bonus... So it might make no cap difference to keep/cut them. (sorry for not doing my homework and looking it up myself ...still at work, sigh.)
  22. Thanks DCM. I've followed Daunte for a while. He's so clearly an upgrade for you guys it's scary.
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