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Mark Long Beach

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Everything posted by Mark Long Beach

  1. Good coaching (which the Patties have) also gets better over the season. Good coaching adapts, exploits strengths, hides its weaknesses as they are uncovered throughout the season. Something I've watched BB do well. But good choaching over the season has little effect on the FIRST game. BB has a LOSING record for the first game of the season. Granted it's 5-6. But a losing record nonetheless. In startling contrast to the rest of his games. Hopefully we can expose and exploit the Patsies weaknesses (such as pathetic wide-outs) in this first game. We have a legitimate underdog shot.
  2. I keep thinking that about McCargo also. He's a body. Which we were desperately short of, but doesn't seem to be much of a (positive) stir. To be fair, not much of a negative one either. Most of the news that I've read about the other 1st round DTs (Ngata & Bunkley) have been on the negative side. So... no bad news is good news! Getting another (competent) body out of our 5th rounder (Williams) is a spectacular success in my book.
  3. I agree with you, In my eyes he hasn't quite done enough to seperate himself. I'm rooting for him, but... I think that he has more potential, but the game is still about right here, right now.
  4. No! No. No. No. No. I do not want him. Underperformer. Poor blocker. I can't believe the how badly the Jets got fleeced on that deal. (but was happy to see it of course) Unless of course, you did mean to just play dress-up with him. Well... what you do in your own time is your own business.
  5. New headcoach, shaky young QB, turnover prone, New defensive scheme... Away game... Doesn't add up too nicely. Pats 28 Bills 13 We need more than a preseason to get our team together.
  6. Thanks Lori! I haven't been paying attention to them this offseason. I'm not sure the change in scheme will help them as much as new personnel. They really seemed to be behind the rest of the league in number of quality players. Just looked it up, According to yahoo sports: Aug 25 Dale Robertson, of the Houston Chronicle, reports the Houston Texans claimed LB Courtney Watson (Bills) off waivers.
  7. Doesn't Houston still run the 3-4? Not only do they suck, but they need more linebackers in general. Probably worth a look for them. (for the two weeks they had him before final cuts)
  8. not PS eligible. Basically one is only eligible for PS for the first two years of their career.
  9. ...and it was good. "Suck a serious wet juicy fart from my very manly hairy ass." btw... I worked very hard to remove this image from my mind. And yet you re-inflict it with every post! <shudder>. You are an evil man.
  10. Agree. The guy wasn't willing to put forth the effort. He didn't back in NO and the change of scenery didn't help him. He had talant but didn't know/want to apply it. I don't miss Euhus, he was uninspiring in a crowded position. Not to mention injury prone. It was a good gamble... a LOW risk gamble to boot, alas didn't pay off. Shrug. Hope we keep making solid gambles in the future.
  11. Hope? sure. Have much of it? Not really. I'm rooting for the kid. I'd love to see him really step up. Optimistic? Not really.
  12. I'm also skeptical of barber. He's getting up there. He keeps overachieving, as he's done all his life, but father time catches up and he's been in the league what 10 years?
  13. No serious injuries? What happened to Bowen? They showed him being carted off the field on the NFL channel... I hope it's nothing serious!
  14. What I want to know is, What's his "Bad Decision Percentage?" It's got to be up there. We should ask ESPN.
  15. Dangit! Go away on vacation and miss out! If you start another league, I'm interested.
  16. McGee Peters Moormon (He'd be higher on my list, except that when he comes out, that means the rest of the team sucked, so it's harder to be all that thrilled to watch him)
  17. Given this furnace we've been in here in Southern CA lately... I really do! Or at least, I'm a lot closer to.
  18. Bah, Posey ain't bad enough to root for him being cut. He's capable of being a starter, just not a great one. Sounds like a good backup player. I'm happy for Crowell, he's earned it.
  19. Cool! And interesting enough to keep me reading instead of working. Predictions are hard, but I agree with a number of them. I do think that you could have picked your swings a little larger. It's amazing that in a league with relatively parity, just how much a team can vary from year to year. Success breeds success, and failure breeds even more failure.
  20. More than just a thought... daresay it: Actual hope? Although our offense sure could be bad.
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