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Mark Long Beach

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Everything posted by Mark Long Beach

  1. He's not a negative charactor guy. He's injured and not completely recovered from it (and may never). So I don't think there's a rush to get rid of the guy. If somebody offered us a sweethart trade... maybe. But not to cut. That's a training camp decision depending on if he can play or not.
  2. Lost 3 starters, picked up 2... So far. We're only a week into free agency, relax and enjoy the show.
  3. A summary please? Can't do video at work...
  4. I'm afraid he wants too much money and wants to be a starter... If he'll take it to be a backup? sure, he's a decent backup.
  5. Any new news? It's after the 4pm supposed media presentation...
  6. Considering how thin we are on the OL, almost any signing is a good one. He's versatile and good depth. Doesn't cost us much to keep him or to cut him. Sounds reasonable to me.
  7. I'm holding out for a guard too, but... they seem to be really popular right now, so the price will be sky high.... I'm afraid it'll take an obscene amount to get one of the best, and we won't pay it. (not that that's necessarily a bad thing monetarily speaking)
  8. Stick a fork in him. He might be able to limp along as a short-term replacement. But not one that you can count on game in and game in. We have enough of those type of players anyways. He's old and slower than he used to be, and it was really starting to show last year. He's on a downward slide that you can't really stop.
  9. Wow. I really don't have the same negative feelings toward wacky wicky. I think he's a helluva runningback and when he was playing us, he scared the daylights out of me. He played better than ronny brown did when the two of them were together. He's starting to get old (injuries too), but he'd be a spectacular 2nd runningback. I'd love to have him as one of our runningbacks. Yes he's a little weird, but he works hard and runs hard. Gimmie.
  10. Bowen was a bit of a suprise to me. What little I saw of him, he looked like a capable spot starter, and decent backup. It may be to sign him for less... but I don't see that as Marv's style... CV I'm pleased to see go. Decent when healthy, but we can't count on him anymore. We need all the stability we can get.
  11. Yep. Not many carries. Of course he IS behind the single best runningback in the NFL bar none. So he's got a tired defense that he's facing, and a great Oline as well. All that aside, when I've seen him he looks mighty good.
  12. Cleveland hands down. (I used to live there when Modell fled, so I still root for 'em) Bad luck and bad drafting. Extremely poor drafting for the whole time since their rebirth. (Dwight Clark was terrible) I've admired Pittsburghs drafting. Philly's done well too. Since I loathe Oakland and Al Davis I've really admired their pathetic drafts. I suppose Detroit has also earned a horrible mention as well with it's consistant bottom-feeder draft despite spectacularly hight draft choices.
  13. I'm hoping he's just camp fodder, but re-signing him still makes me cringe.
  14. Yes, but Money talks. Loudly. However, I don't think we'll spend enough to keep his attention. Although I'm hoping for it.
  15. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2755105
  16. Mind you, I literally slept through half of it (and the 2nd quarter), but what I saw was pretty decent. Better than most of the halftime shows. Admittedly, the bar is low for halftime shows. I might even bump it up a notch and say that I enjoyed it.
  17. I totally agree. A great TE or a great WR2 are equal in my book. It's only a slight difference as to how your offense works. But a great guard (or better yet TWO great guards) help you do everything better.
  18. And cable companies don't suck quite as bad as they used to. Mind you, I use DSL and DirectTV, because I still don't like cable companies. The original question asked why his telco offered DSL, but competitors didn't... I think the answer is roughly that you still need a connection from the copper of the phone lines to the internet. So you'd either have to install your own, or lease capacity from the telco on their lines. While the Telco's are required by law to allow this, my guess is that it's not cost effective in smaller markets where the leasing or installing company would need some large threshold of customers to make it cost-effective. Which is why electric and phone companies were classified utilities long ago, becuase they SURE wouldn't support smaller comunities unless they had to, and why much smaller comunities have no wired broadband access at all yet.
  19. Ooooooh, some good ones! Thanks, helped brighten my day. I think they're up to 9 arrests now (and counting).
  20. I'm not sure he's even that good. Bad hands. Inconsistant concentration. Route running suspect. Gets pouty if he doesn't get thrown the ball, or enough respect (which he hasn't earned). On the good side he's pretty fast. Pretty athletic. But really hasn't lived up to his potential. Drafted around the same draft position as Lee Evens and IMO not really comparable.
  21. JSP, I can't understand why you feel this is just. Nor can I understand how you fail to see how the DA's actions are racist. Yes, under the absolute, most strict interpretation of the law, the DA "Followed the Law." Yep, it is a stupid law. It is an outdated law, and it was struck down later due to this case. However, the DA has ENORMOUS latitude on what gets prosecuted and to how far. The DA's decision alone chose to charge this lad with a sex-crime Felony rather than the misdemeanors that he was guilty of (and deserved to be punished for). None of those misdemeaners would likely have resulted in ANY jail time. Instead, the DA offered him TWO years in jail and being labeled for the rest of his life as a Sex crime offender, or go to trial. He was guilty of the misdemeanors. He's caught on tape with them, and admitted them. They are not felonies he shouldn't have been forced to accept being a felon. But the DA insisted he "Take his medicine". WTF? He insisted on branding him as a felon. Did you read his words? Did you read what the DA said? How do you not see the racism here?
  22. I've learned to close my eyes whenever the Bills play the Raiders. It's been unpleasant... Since I'm out here in So CA, the Raiders are Always on. Ick. Of all the problems the Raiders have, Randy Moss isn't the worst, he just blends right in with the rest of the malcontents. If the Raiders move back to LA, that would help since many of the games would be blacked out! Just imagine, Warren Sapp might eat the coach accidently.
  23. They'll judge Nate over the last 5 years rather than just the one year by samuals... Hmmm.... Asante Samuals has more interceptions in just this year than Nate has had over the last FOUR years COMBINED. Who's the real "Playmaker"? Now, Nate will get his money, somebody's always willing to overpay, especially with enlarged cap. Don't worry, he'll get to feed his family.
  24. I love watching the Raider suck. I think Al Davis is the most loathsome creature in all of the NFL. It's been a real joy these last 5 years or so of suckatude.
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