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Mark Long Beach

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Everything posted by Mark Long Beach

  1. I'm baffled by this outpouring of desire for Cutler. Is the grass really that much greener? I've watched a lot of Cutler and I'll happily take Trent over Jay. Yes Trent didn't bounce back from the concussion well. But he was phenomenal before it.
  2. He wasn't in charge. Jerry Gray was. We might have been able to keep him by putting him in charge, just like the spot he moved to in Pittsburgh...
  3. Why all the attacks? The man is posting his football opinions and backing up his arguments. That's what we should do on the board. Not personal attacks. Yes I know the Bills have been sucking lately but that shouldn't mean that we turn on each other. We all want (well most of us anyways) the Bills to succeed.
  4. Not picking on you, but I absolutely hate this logic. Getting someone of Moss's quality for a 4th rounder has happened all of once in my memory. It's like winning the lottery. Sure it happens but to imply that we shouldn't be willing to trade a higher pick for a good player because we need to wait for the next Randy-Moss-for-a-4th-rounder is lunacy.
  5. I also have no idea why anyone would want Cutler over TE. For all of TE's weaknesses IMO he's much better than Cutler.
  6. By most accounts(including my own eyeballs) he was playing well once he was moved to his college position of LB. He was dreadful as a safety, but even undersized as a LB it looked like that's where he should have been all along. But after having his neck fused together, I'd have cut him too. I'm surprised he's able to play, but happy for him.
  7. That was pretty awesome! Good find and thanks for the link!
  8. Excellent point. It further adds to the accuracy statistic. Makes good decisions and can put the ball where he wants to. I likey.
  9. Awesome! I'm glad I didn't have coffee in my mouth.
  10. Thanks for that blast from the past. I'm glad I wasn't in that thread, but I was a vocal detractor of his for the first year or two. I'm glad he proved me wrong!
  11. ...and recognizing it and executing correctly and stopping it. That was all Mitchell. Props all around!
  12. You're confusing YOUR values with his. You're not a college player in his prime with an undefeated season on the line, with your last opportunity to do what you love and will remember and care about for the rest of your life. You are not willing to make that choice, he was. This isn't about toughness, pride nor stupidity, it's about pursuing important dreams and goals in life. Any such pursuit involves sacrifice of some form or another. This is just a little more tangible (and obvious) a sacrifice. To me, it's admirable to strive for one's goals.
  13. Having Al Davis call somebody else a "Professional Liar" is just too much. I've watched Al Davis my whole life since my father was a Raider fan. I've watched his Oakland, LA, Oakland move. In each case all kinds of things went wrong, but it was never Al Davis's fault. Poor Mr. Davis was always a victim of other people not living up to what Al Davis said they were going to. There is a reason Al Davis doesn't like written contracts, he is a lifetime liar and an amazingly skilled one. I especially think he gets his rocks off by telling lies in the courtroom. Al Davis is a loathsome slug, and I'm enjoying watching his years of crap come home to roost. I think that Kiffin got the Raiders to play competitively this year, and better than they did last year. No small feat, as they looked horrible they've been over the last few years.
  14. We haven't played a single game in the AFC East. These are the games that are critical to our success for the season. Fortunately all three of them show some vulnerabilities, but we can't discount them. Brett almighty can throw for 6 TDs in a game, Big Bad Ronny Brown managed 5 TDs in a single game; and Patsteriks went 18-1 last season and still have LOTS of talent. I'm real pleased with the season, but almost no games are gimmies and we have our conference games (which are harder regardless of record) ahead of us. We're a young team learning to be a good one. Lets hope we keep learning!
  15. I wouldn't say that overall (I live in LA so they always show Raider games), but he was better on Sunday. Heightened by the fact that the Raiders had better coverage and return games than we did.
  16. Agree, Youboty is playing strong in the nickel. He's doing a great job of aggressive tackling which means we're not losing as much by pulling a linebacker and replacing him with a db. Greer is a good outside db, he's not as good as an inside guy. I'd rather have a young veteran (Greer) who plays well out there than a rookie (McKelvin) still getting used to the NFL.
  17. I think horrible is too strong a word. He was up against pro-bowl DT Henderson who is a fine DT. We barely heard from henderson all game long. According to ESPN stats he was credited with 2 tackles for the whole game, and didn't put much pressure on TE. I'll take nothing out of Butler for nothing out of Henderson any day of the week.
  18. Mostly because they don't deserve to be. We have a competent center. We want a good or great one. There is just not that many of them around.
  19. Don't they announce it only when the eligible number is on the line of scrimmage? So if the player is out wide, he's clearly in an eligible position...
  20. Also thanks from me. I find it interesting that Donte said that they still had lots of things that they've practiced but not run. It looked like they were throwing all kinds of exotic stuff against the hawks because they could do it safely.
  21. It just seems a little more commonplace for QBs to suck it up. Or maybe it just feels harder because Mike Williams was OUR bust. It just seems less of a surprise that ASmith was a bust.
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