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Mark Long Beach

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Everything posted by Mark Long Beach

  1. Garcia of several years ago, sure. Not anymore. He's like 40 and has a fork stuck in his back.
  2. totally. "Why would we want this guy?? Nobody else does!!11!!1" oh, wait. ...someone else will pay a four-year, $12 million contract, with $6.25 million in guaranteed money. "We totally screwed the pooch on this one! We never sign anyone any good. Bills can never do anything right." It's like a never-ending parade of chicken-little's around here.
  3. To be fair, Wood is a good one but we don't' know how well or quickly he'll bounce back. We also have no depth behind our starters. Our primary backup (McKinney) wasn't tendered a contract. I think Hangartner is okay, but My personal preference would be to have another mauling gaurd and move Wood to center (which I think he's being groomed for). I'm even to the point of view that if BuddyChan think that our #9 pick is best served to pick a guard. I'm fine with it.
  4. For those of you who've just tuned in, I repeat: Buckwheat has been shot!
  5. In the comparison between Scott & incognito I value Scott more. Very happy to have Wlson and likely Scott as well.
  6. Intriguing. Nelson looks like he's got a decent chance to be a good receiving TE. His blocking is so-so to bad. He's definitely not the greatest blocker to base a running game behind. But he stretches the middle of the field and has good hands. IMO, injuries are also a concern with him. Our other TE's are JAG's even if I like them personality-wise. So we have no good Backup or 2 TE option. But since we have SO many holes to fill, I'm not sure that I'd be willing to give up a 3rd rounder which is a potential major contributor (with luck and good scouting) for a second TE.
  7. For what it's worth, a two-gap END is not the same as a 3-4 NT. Different skillsets.
  8. Bills & Lakers Clev Indians cuse bball teams I don't follow but will root for: Boise St. Gonzaga
  9. Even more than Jauron, I wanted Guy to go. Don't know the man, but may he find peace and happiness SOMEWHERE ELSE! This helped make my night.
  10. Thanks for the post 22. It's very much appreciated. We often don't get enough of a balanced perception here. There's plenty of chicken littles running around here. Somewhat understandable since they feel burned by the team so often. There was nobody that could have been selected that everyone would have been happy with. Probably the closest would have been Cohwer... I think we've got a decent chance with this guy. Again, thanks for the insight about Gailey.
  11. An excellent point. Lets do this job right and get the best candidate and best fit for the (new) organization.
  12. Likewise. He's not horrible coach, but he isn't that great either.
  13. This makes WAAAAAY more sense than firing everyone. If they leave of their own accord before they are fired, the Bills won't owe them anything. Rather than if they are fired they are owed next years salary. This also gives us the leg up to keeping any staff that the new coach might want to (such as Bobby April) because they are already under contract.
  14. Hate the p*ts, but I got to admire what Welker has managed to accomplish in the NFL. I don't wish the injury upon him. There are a few loathsome individuals out there and I might wish an injury on them... But they are far and away the exceptions.
  15. Hey, I lived in Cleveland for a few years. It ain't all that hard to walk on Lake Erie for a quarter of the year.
  16. While I won't argue the validity of the original draft choice he was an OUTSTANDING punt returner for us for a few years. (Setting franchise records) Unfortunately he's done. Stick-a-fork-in-him done. I don't want him returning any more kicks/punts for us.
  17. There are a lot of people who agree with you. I'm just not one of them. I see Jake "the Snake" Plummer with worse leadership skills (or maybe Jeff George), and he has a very alarming tendency to rack up losing records. As for the trade? I believe that Denver got a great deal. A servicable QB and 2 first round picks. While I think Cutler is better than what we have now in a broken Trent Edwards, I sure wouldn't want to trade 2 first round picks for him. God how that would hinder our rebuilding. We get to watch Chicago pay for it instead. I guess I'd rather have the pre-concussed Trent along with the pair of 1sts.
  18. Bleah, I sure don't want this Turkey. NFL-worst 17 interceptions in all. The guy is just a tease. He's got some talent, but can't put it together. I really don't know why so many people were crying for him. I know our QB situation is bad, but he's little improvement.
  19. Yup. Even worse, he's predisposed to them with a family history. My wife has vascular related migraines, she essentially has a seizure each time one shows up. Pretty amazing to watch. No way she's capable of doing anything except hold down the ground.
  20. Yup. They should run about 3 to 1 pass. We might stop them a couple times, but since our offense can't do anything they'll be able to run over us eventually and a few scores will win it. No interceptions = they win, so don't throw the ball.
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