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Everything posted by TheZone78

  1. As many have pointed out that Thurman was talking about the big splash a couple years ago. Turned out he was right in the fact that Buffalo was going after big name coaches, they just couldn't land any of them. The way it was reported by Thurman was misleading because he was reporting certainty. It was a hypothetical. As it is likely here. The Bills will likely try and do something that looks like a first class organization that Thurman got wind off. At least that's what I thought but when he said "the organization isn't aware of it yet" my hope fell to the ground.
  2. I'm Canadian and come to several games a year. I come early, always do some shopping and I know I'm not alone. There is no way to tell what the true economic impact of the Bills is in the area, but I'm sure it's a capital investment for the County and State. This article appears to be written by nothing more then victimhood and entitlement mentalities.
  3. Yeah, I guess I want to believe that this mediocrity based franchise will all of the sudden start acting like a first class organization so badly any form of optimism logically goes out the window. The only thing I can think of...is that Polian and Ralph have talked and have an agreement for Polian to take over football operations after the season. Polian told Thurman or somebody Bill knows told Thurman. Then officially the Bills don't know right? I have no idea...damn you 34!
  4. I'm racking my brain to think of something exciting that doesn't involve a coaching or ownership change.
  5. Thurman's interview: I find out stuff a lot of people don't find out. I'm going to keep it to myself. Would say something in a few weeks. Doesn't have anything to do with ownership, coaches or anything of that nature. Have a reliable source who gave me some information and I'm not going to tell anybody anything. Has a good relationship with the Bills and won't disclose his information until the season is over. This is something you don't have to worry about. It's very good news. The Bills don't even know the information Thurman has. He did it because he wanted Bills fans to be excited about something and it is exciting.
  6. Hey all...just wanted to let you know that Thurman is going to get asked about his tweet by John Murphy. Take it in if you wish on WGR...
  7. Said in a Jeff Foxworthy voice: When the off-season rumours are more interesting then the regular season....YOU KNOW you're a Bills fan!!!
  8. I went back to find the twitter exchange between Simon and Thurman...but now it's gone which makes me even more curious...Simon said something like "good thing the CEO and GM want to stay the course because it's clearly working"...Thurman replied "Polian said the same thing to" referring to his recent WGRZ interview...Simon said, "I think Polian was just being politically correct because if you're a GM looking for a job you don't talk about firing people"...Thurman responded with a thumbs up... Now with Thurman's announcement I'm really curious...especially since I can't find the twitter exchange now. Wondering if Thurman deleted it because it was too forthcoming. ...and yes...I'm so desperate the Bills to make any kind of professional move to their front office that I have grasped at a whole bunch of straws. A truck full actually.
  9. Guys...read the exchange today between Thurman and Howard Simon...it's subtle but makes me believe Polian is coming back.
  10. Wicked. Thanks Barry. I found it!
  11. Thanks everybody...I'm pretty sure it's NFL Films and that David Robidoux is the composer...I've gone through so many previews but can't find that one track. Just ran it through my music ID app on my Ipad and it came up with nothing. Will keep looking.
  12. Does anybody know the name of the song when Norwood is kicking the ball? Thanks
  13. Hi Chan...if Lindell can't kick a 50 yard field goal in the Rogers Centre...this guy can!
  14. From Thurman Thomas: Greg @********** 10 Dec @thurmanthomas Did you get winded after back to back 13 yard running plays? Thurman Thomas @thurmanthomas @******* No, Jimbo just ran a couple of passing plays, and then asked me if I was ready..#LetsGo
  15. Joe D is a bitter whiner suffering from nothing from entitlement mentality. Nobody forced him to play professional football, he took the risks. I feel bad that so many have health issues later in life and even brain trauma, but I'm sorry Joe D, every time you point the finger at somebody else you have three pointing back at you.
  16. Off the top of my head, Thurman ran for 189 yards and I remember Bob Trumpy who I think did the color commentary, say "Why can't they do this in the Superbowl?"
  17. Okay we tied...we both posted that at 12:02...just happened to be on Twitter.
  18. Buffalo Bills and WR Stevie Johnson are on the verge of a five-year contract that is likely to be completed in the next 24 hours. - Schefter
  19. Never Give Up...two questions I'm dying to ask a legitimate insider...what really happened between Wilson and Polian and secondly way back when Reggie White became a free agent, why in the hell didn't Buffalo go after him!!!!??? Cheers!
  20. As much as I'd love to believe that the new qualified front office thinks we have an abundance of young talent that can exceed what Evans brought to the field, I just heard the Bills are trying to make Kyle Williams one of the highest paid DT's in the league. This sounds like another case of accounting and robbing Peter to pay Paul. Prove me wrong FO!
  21. Paul Posluszny is getting killed by New England again in Jacksonville 47-12.
  22. Hmmm, I was hoping that the partial sale of a NFL franchise recently was from Ralph...I wish I knew what Kelly thinks he knows. Interesting that he felt strongly, then backed off. Disturbing actually.
  23. Rats! I missed it...what did JW have to say specifically PTR?
  24. Ralph gets his first camera confessional and they ask him to talk about the direction of his team: Anyway, about my washtub...I just used it that morning to wash my turkey, which in those days was known as a "walking bird". We'd always have walking bird on Thanksgiving with all the trimmings: cranberries, Injun eyes, yams stuffed with gunpowder. Then we'd all watch football, which in those days was called "baseball."
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