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Posts posted by HtownBillsFan

  1. I know I may sound like a "homer" but to me it seemed like they never have anything positive to say about the Sabres. If they do, they always come back with a "But the Canes didnt do this or that..." As I said, it may just be me being used to Jennerett.

  2. Lucky you. I got to listen to the stock drivel of the oln supplied announcers.


    I honestly cannot stand to listen to the "Hurricane Suck-off" that is OLN. Friday night Im going to watch the game and listen to it on the radio.

  3. High school senior year, playing MLB intercepted a pass and was on my way to the endzone. Ran about 30 yards and there in front of me was a 5'4'' 110 pound WR (dont really know why he was on the field, really small kid). Anyway, I was thinking "run him over and score". Needless to say, ran him over but he hung on to my "coat tails", trips me and I fall on the 3 yard line. Never did score a TD in my career (midget, jv, varsity, college). Man that sucked. Should have ran around him. Haunts me to this day. :lol:

  4. I have another question about Whitner. I buddy of mine insists that Whitner is deaf, has anyone else heard this rumor? Not that it matters, just wondering. Could be difficult to hear coverage changes and such. If he has made it this far though, I doubt it really has affected him if indeed he is.

  5. Does anyone know what the name of the music or a group that sings music that sounds like African choral music. Not a good way to describe it, I know some was in The Lion King, it kinda sounds like african language sang in chorus. Anyway, the reason I want to know is my son (11months) seems to like it. Any help would be great. I know its a bad way of stating the question above, but I couldnt think of any other way to put it. I also heard some on the Saturday Night Live Cartoon Special (if that helps).

  6. Sweet, first game on Cinco de Mayo. Hopefully all of the Sens players go out and get bombed before the game and its an easy win. sh--, I doubt they celebrate CdeM in Canadia.

    Anyway, should be an excellent series. I think it goes the distance... 4-3 Sabres!

    Lets Go Buff-a-lo!

    ps Does that mean no Lorenz and Jennerett? I hate those God-awful OLN announcers!

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