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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. You don't think she's too polarizing of a figure? Nah, you are correct. The Dems could nominate a mop and it would beat whatever old, white, bible thumping fool the GOP trots out yet again. I think they are trying to fail. Maybe they can nominate Bob Dole again...
  2. Nah. I am far too skeptical to believe that anymore. Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity...
  3. and they will likely get away with it too...
  4. without doubt. In fact, he'd be VERY wise to keep his head down and be very quiet leading up to 2014...
  5. War on Women (TM) is the answer ...
  6. what about the handicapped? What if you have three infants? Elderly and can't walk?
  7. But more poor people eat fast food and use drive throughs than rich folks, so your tax would hurt them more. The meals tax in Henrico will absolutely hurt lower income people more than the "rich". Doesn't sound very progressive to me...
  8. And I'm from NC, so Im quite familiar with your area as well...
  9. The ACA rollout is definitely hurting the Democrats. A food and lodging tax is VASTLY different that a straight meal tax. Food and lodging would definitely fall more on visitors to the state. The meal tax by contrast, even though people foolishly believed the hype that up to 40% would be paid by out of state people, will be funded nearly entirely by residents of Henrico county VA. The current sales tax is 5.3% in Virginia. The meal tax is a 4% additional charge (in addition to the 5.3% sales tax) that counts towards any prepared food. While I do not believe this affects grocery items, it does count towards anything someone hands you. So everytime you go to Starbucks and get your latte, you get a meals tax. Every restaurant you visit, you get a meals tax. Every fast food or hot dog stand you go to, you get the meals tax. Now try and convince me that up to 40% of this would fall on visitors to the state. It's jprseshit. And it's all gonna go to the schools, right? Except there is ZERO accountability for that money to actually prove it went to the county schools and not some other black hole the criminals will dump it down. In 1998, big tobacco signed what is called the Masters Settlement agreement which essentially gives each state in the union money each year to help settle the insurance and health lawsuits, in agreement that BT would limit advertizing in the public arena. The money was supposed to fund the schools. You might have noticed that Joe the Camel dissappeared about this time, it's not a conincidence. So what does this have to do with the panacea of a meals tax? Last year, the Richmond Times Dispatch reported that the money obtained through the first eight years or so (cant remember the exact details, I am too lazy and angry to look it up), more than half of it cannot be accounted for! Not that it went to other places than the schools, it cannot be found! Poof! Gone! So now tell me that this meals tax is a good thing. People just voted themselves out of more money to fund the crackhead government, but Im sure they'll give the money to the schools this time... Rob, there is no way to prove where the money will go. The tax goes into the county coffers to do with as they see fit. There is no way to definitely ensure that the money from the meals tax will go to the schools. As you might know, Henrico County VA has some of the very best schools in the country. On top of normal taxes, you no doubt know how much you have to spend to supply each child, as you have to buy all school supplies, essentially everything each child needs throughout the day. I would be MUCH more willing to accept this if there were a shred of proof where this money will end up. But we all know where it's going, right?
  10. Henrico county VA (just northwest of Richmond)The city of Richmond has it too. Chesterfield county (just south-west of Richmond) voted theirs down, and it was only 2%.
  11. Prepared food, so if you go anywhere to eat, it's an effective 9%. Pretty sure it's not applicable to groceries. We have it already in the city of Richmond, and it sucks big time. The biggest problem is that they will never use this money for schools. Just like the money the state got from big tobacco. They can't find where most of that went...
  12. 4% tax included on all food items purchased in the county. That's in addition to the 5% sales tax. And the idiots fell for the line that it was needed, " for the schools"...
  13. Just for a laugh, I listened to MSNBC the other day, and the clowns were giddy with the big lead the Dem had in VA. Talking about how a victory was a "referendum" in the GOP. Looks more like a referendum on the Obamacare debacle to me. I don't give a ****, I just wish Sarvis would have gotten the 10% he needed to be included next time! but! as if on cue! the steeple just kept pulling the same levers they always do. Even worse, my county passed a 4% meal tax that was sold as needed for the schools. So now, every piece of food I buy will cost upwards of 9% more in tax so the crackhead government can get themselves more dope...
  14. I am far from a PC enthusiast, and I understand your point of view, however, he would have been kicked off the team even had he not used a racial slur. You can't call someone and leave a voicemail like he did. Anywhere. You'd lose a job at Pizza Hut for that...
  15. Increased consumer spending could lead to job growth, but how does increasing taxes = more consumer spending?
  16. Not sure, but in VA if you are a family of 4 and your household income is greater than 91k, you gets nada...
  17. Just a CYA to show his left wing supporters that he's "listening and doing something" about thier concerns. They'll get together, waste a **** ton of money in meetings, ordering food, and publish a report a year later with their recomendations. The report will go in a drawer somewhere. No biggie...
  18. but how many hits did their website get?
  19. yeah, I was not impressed. At all. I know the guy is a football player, not a surgeon, but he sounded like they dragged him out of a three day bender and propped him up in front of a camera...
  20. the song "Halloween" by the band, Helloween...
  21. The other problem for them is that I can equally destroy the other sides inaccuracies as well, as I did to the points in the original posting of this thread. I'm truly the man in the middle, not only am i right, but I have the knowledge to back it up. God damn, I sound just like you. I've been hanging out here far too long...
  22. I dont have a problem destroying thier BS science talking points, because I am extremely dangerous to thier ideology, as I know way more than the average hack on this particular subject...
  23. against my better judgement, I turned on MSNBC on XM while I was in the car last night, and low and behold, there was some personality who is an activist for an environmental group, who invited a "climate science expert" who just so happens to also be apart of the personalities little enviro group, and a Democratic congresscritter from NY. They should have read my post above, it was SO blatently politicized and dead wrong. So many generalizations and over reaching statements without scientific merit. For example, this clown stated it was a concrete FACT that major storms would get more prevalent with warmer temperatures! He was arguing for Cap and Trade to fix it! See what I wrote about solutions that will not cripple us economically? I give up! ah what's the use? this subject is a retard rollercoaster, as much as I hate to use that description. Not sure how else to describe it...
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